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   <tr><td><h1>Installation</h1></td><td valign=top><img src="images/puce1.gif"><a href="intro.html">&nbsp;Top</a></td></tr>
<p class=texte3><img src="images/puce1.gif">&nbsp;Step 1: Compilation</p>
<li class=texte2>
Get the latest <b>mod_parmguard</b> archive and expand it under
a directory (for example /usr/local/) with the commands<br><br>
<p class=texte6>
# cd /usr/local<br>
# tar xvfz mod_parmguard-1.1.tar.gz<br>
# cd mod_parmguard-1.1<br>
<li class=texte2>
Run <span class=texte6>./configure</span> with at least one of these options:<br>
<p class=texte6>
--with-apxs=[path to apxs]&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(for Apache 1.x) or<br>
--with-apxs2=[path to apxs]&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(for Apache 2.x)<br>
If the include files for the <span class=texte6>libxml2</span> library are not installed in one of 
the standard directories, you must add the following directives:
<p class=texte6>
<span style='font-weight: bold;'>Example:</span><br>
<p class=texte6>
./configure \<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;--with-libxml2dir=/usr/local/include/libxml2 \<br>
<li class=texte2>
Run <span class=texte6>make</span> 
<li class=texte2>
Run <span class=texte6>make install</span><br>
apxs will copy the module <span class=texte6></span> under the Apache module directory.<br>&nbsp;
<li class=texte2>
Add the following directives in the Apache Server Configuration File:
<p class=texte6>
# for Apache 1.x:<br>
LoadModule benchmark_module modules/<br>
AddModule mod_benchmark.c<br><br>
# for Apache 2.x:<br>
LoadModule benchmark_module libexec/<br>
<li class=texte2>
For safety reason, check and adjust the owner and group name of the newly added 
<span class=texte6>mod_parmguard.*</span> files copied under the Apache "libexec" or "modules" directory.

<p class=texte3><img src="images/puce1.gif">&nbsp;Step 2: Apache Server Configuration</p>
<p class=texte2>
<li class=texte2>
Configure the Apache Server as explained in the <a href="configuration.html">Configuration</a> document.<br>&nbsp;
<li class=texte2>
Restart Apache:<br>
<span class=texte6># /etc/init.d/httpd restart</span><br><br>
If the server does not restart successfully, the error message should be explanatory:<br>
it's probably due to a mispelled configuration directive or a syntax error in the XML Configuration File.<br>
If you get no error, you can activate the <span class=texte6>ParmguardTrace debug</span> directive.<br>
If it does not help, please make sure the "" library is in a standard Path. If not, set the good
value to the <span class=texte6>LDFLAGS</span> environment variable and recompile the module.
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