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<H1><A NAME="SECTION008200000000000000000">&nbsp;</A>
<a name="l2h-239">&nbsp;</a>
6.2 PSP Handler

PSP handler is a handler that processes documents using the
<code>mod_python._psp</code> module. For more details on the PSP syntax, see
Section <A href="pyapi-psp.html#pyapi-psp">4.9</A>.

To use it, simply add this to your httpd configuration: 

<dl><dd><pre class="verbatim">
  AddHandler mod_python .psp
  PythonHandler mod_python.psp

The PSP code will be given local variables <code>req</code>, <code>psp</code>,
<code>session</code> and <code>form</code>. A session will be created and assigned
to <code>session</code> variable only if <code>session</code> is referenced in the
code (the PSP handler examines <code>co_names</code> of the code object to
make that determination). Remember that a mere mention of
<code>session</code> will generate cookies and turn on session locking,
which may or may not be what you want. Similarly, a mod_python
<tt class="class">FieldStorage</tt> object will be instantiated if <code>form</code> is
referenced in the code.

The object passed in <code>psp</code> is an instance of <tt class="class">PSPInstance</tt>.

<dl><dt><b><span class="typelabel">class</span> <a name="l2h-240"><tt class="class">PSPInstance</tt></a></b>()
  <dl><dt><b><a name="l2h-241"><tt class="method">set_error_page</tt></a></b>(<var>filename</var>)
    Used to set a psp page to be processed when an exception
    occurs. If the path is absolute, it will be appended to document
    root, otherwise the file is assumed to exist in the same directory
    as the current page. The error page will receive one additional
    variable, <code>exception</code>, which is a 3-tuple returned by

<dl><dt><b><a name="l2h-242"><tt class="method">apply_data</tt></a></b>(<var>object</var><big>[</big><var>, **kw</var><big>]</big>)
    This method will call the callable object <var>object</var>, passing form
    data as keyword arguments, and return the result.

<dl><dt><b><a name="l2h-243"><tt class="method">redirect</tt></a></b>(<var>location</var><big>[</big><var>, permanent=0</var><big>]</big>)
    This method will redirect the browser to location
    <var>location</var>. If <var>permanent</var> is true, then
    <tt class="constant">MOVED_PERMANENTLY</tt> will be sent (as opposed to
    <tt class="constant">MOVED_TEMPORARILY</tt>).

<div class="note"><b class="label">Note:</b>
Redirection can only happen before any data is sent to the
      client, therefore the Python code block calling this method must
      be at the very beginning of the page. Otherwise an
      <tt class="exception">IOError</tt> exception will be raised.

    <dl><dd><pre class="verbatim">

# note that the '&lt;' above is the first byte of the page!


If <code>PythonDebug</code> server configuration is <code>On</code>, then by
appending an underscore ("<tt class="samp">_</tt>") to the end of the url you can get a
nice side-by-side listing of original PSP code and resulting Python
code generated by the <code>psp</code> module. This is very useful for

<div class="note"><b class="label">Note:</b>
Leaving debug on in a production environment will allow remote users
to display source code of your PSP pages!

By default, compiled PSP pages are cached in memory. The cache is
limited to 512 pages, which depending on the size of the pages could
potentially occupy a lot of memory. If memory is of concern, then you
can switch to dbm file caching. Our simple tests showed only 20%
slower performance using bsd db. You will need to check which
implementation <tt class="module">anydbm</tt> defaults to on your system as some dbm
libraries impose a limit on the size of the entry making them
unsuitable. Dbm caching can be enabled via <code>PSPDbmCache</code> Python
option, e.g.:

<dl><dd><pre class="verbatim">
PythonOption PSPDbmCache "/tmp/pspcache.dbm"
Note that the dbm cache file is not deleted when the server restarts.


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<span class="release-info">Release 3.1.0a, documentation updated on August 26, 2003.</span>
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