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<H1><A NAME="SECTION004400000000000000000">&nbsp;</A>
2.4 Testing


<LI>Make some directory that would be visible on your web site, for
  example, htdocs/test.

<LI>Add the following Apache directives, which can appear in either the
  main server configuration file, or <span class="file">.htaccess</span>.  If you are
  going to be using the <span class="file">.htaccess</span> file, you will not need the
  <code>&lt;Directory&gt;</code> tag below (the directory then becomes the one in
  which the <span class="file">.htaccess</span> file is located), and you will need to
  make sure the <code>AllowOverride</code> directive applicable to this
  directory has at least <code>FileInfo</code> specified. (The default is
  <code>None</code>, which will not work.)  
<dl><dd><pre class="verbatim">
    &lt;Directory /some/directory/htdocs/test&gt; 
        AddHandler mod_python .py
	PythonHandler mptest 
	PythonDebug On 

(Substitute <span class="file">/some/directory</span> above for something applicable to
  your system, usually your Apache ServerRoot)

<LI>At this time, if you made changes to the main configuration file, you
  will need to restart Apache in order for the changes to take effect.

<LI>Edit <span class="file"></span> file in the <span class="file">htdocs/test</span> directory so
  that is has the following lines (be careful when cutting and pasting
  from your browser, you may end up with incorrect indentation and a
  syntax error):

<dl><dd><pre class="verbatim">
    from mod_python import apache

    def handler(req):
        req.write("Hello World!")
	return apache.OK

<LI>Point your browser to the URL referring to the <span class="file"></span>;
  you should see "<tt class="samp">Hello World!</tt>". If you didn't - refer to the
  troubleshooting section next.

<LI>If everything worked well, move on to Chapter <A href="tutorial.html#tutorial">3</A>, 
  <em class="citetitle"><a



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<span class="release-info">Release 3.1.0a, documentation updated on August 26, 2003.</span>
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