

distrib > Mandriva > current > i586 > by-pkgid > 2aced7536af5636295805fe431ee8bf9 > files > 16


== suPHP                 ==


1. Introduction

The suPHP Apache module together with suPHP itself provides an easy way to
run PHP scripts with different users on the same server.

It provides security, because the PHP scripts are not run with the rights of
the webserver's user.
In addition to that you probably won't have to use PHP's "safe mode", which
applies many restrictions on the scripts.

Please note that the suPHP binary has to be installed setuid-root to work,
so a security bug in suPHP probably will allow atackers to run commands with
root privileges. Although I currently don't know any bug in suPHP I can't
guarantee that there aren't any.

2. Installation

Run ./configure with the appropriate paramters for your system.

On most systems a
 ./configure --prefix=/usr
will suffice.

The configure script can take the familar GNU autoconf arguments plus the
following suPHP specific ones:

--disable-checkpath: With this compile time option suPHP does not check,
                     whether a script (or a symink to it)is inside the
                     DOCUMENT_ROOT. You may want to activate this option
                     if you are working with "Alias"-directives.

--disable-checkuid:  You may specify this option to make suPHP work with
                     scripts whose UIDs are not listed in /etc/passwd.

--disable-checkgid:  You may specify this option to make suPHP work with 
                     scripts whose GIDs are not listed in /etc/group.

--with-apxs=FILE:    Path to "apxs" of your Apache installation. If not
                     specified, configure will look for apxs in your PATH.
                     Without apxs the Apache module mod_suphp will not be
                     built. It will not be built either, if your Apache has
                     been compiled without DSO support. Please make sure you
                     specify the right path to apxs, because suPHP will use
                     apxs to check whether to build mod_suphp for Apache 1
                     or Apache 2.

--with-min-uid=UID:  The minium UID that suPHP will allow PHP to run scripts 
                     with (defaults to 100).

--with-min-gid=GID:  The minium GID that suPHP will allow PHP to run scripts
                     with (defaults to 100).

                     Username (not UID) Apache is running as (defaults to

--with-logfile=FILE  Path to the suPHP logfile (defaults to
                     MODE has to be one of:
                     "owner":    Run scripts with owner UID/GID
                     "force":    Run scripts with UID/GID specified in Apache 
                     "paranoid": Run scripts with owner UID/GID but also check
                                 if they match the UID/GID specified in the
                                 Apache configuration
                     The default is "paranoid" mode.
                     You should *NEVER* use "force" mode as it is very
                     While "owner" mode is not as dangerous as "force" mode
                     its use is disadvised and "paranoid" mode should be

Now compile suPHP using "make" and if no error occured install it using
"make install". Be sure to be root, when you try to install it.

If your Apache is running with DSO support and "apxs" was found during the
build process, you are done. Otherwise you have to rebuilt your Apache
server with "mod_suphp.c" included. If you used another prefix during the
suPHP build than "/usr", you have to modify "mod_suphp.c" to set the path to
the suPHP executable (which you can find in $exec_prefix/sbin/suphp).

Details on how to compile your Apache webserver with mod_suphp can be found
in apache/INSTALL.

Now, you have to modify your "httpd.conf" to activate suPHP for specific 
VHosts. See apache/CONFIG for details on this.

Please note that in order to make suPHP work, you have to specify at least
one handler in the suPHP configuration file. Read CONFIG for additonal
information about how to configure suPHP.

(c)2002-2008 by Sebastian Marsching
Please see LICENSE for
additional information