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  <h1 align="center">rpmmon-tut</h1>

<hr />

	In order to produce a quality Gnu/Linux distribution based on <a
	href="">RPM</a>, you need some tools which will
	facilitate the maintainance of the RPM packages you are maintainer
	of. This is the aim of `rpmmon'.

        For that purpose, the first task performed by rpmmon is to
	monitor what has been announced on <a
	href="">Freshmeat</a>, and try to guess if
	the package in the distro you're developing is older.

	Later on, this tool has grown to support additional features:
	<li>get the list of packages you're responsible for, either
	in a static oriented way (a local file) or more dynamically (an
	URL, for example the results of a CGI script from the QA of your
	distro's company)</li>
	<li>hence, provide an easy (e.g. command-line) interface to
	quickly know who's maintainer of a given package</li>
	<li>reversely, provide an easy interface to know what packages a
	given person is responsible for</li>
	<li>try to find automatically on Freshmeat the good project page
	going along a given RPM package</li>
	<li>runs <a href="">rpmlint</a> on
	your packages (rpmlint is a rpm correctness checker)</li>

<hr />
       <h2>Short tutorial</h2>

	`rpmmon' is a Perl script you will run on your command-line. You
	may get the latest version <a

	Ok, once installed on
	your system, try to run it:

[gc@bi ~]
&lt;rpmmon&gt; v0.4.0 helps you build better RPMs.

By Guillaume Cottenceau &lt;gc at mandrakesoft dot com&gt;.
Copyright (c) 2000-2001 by MandrakeSoft.
This is free software under the GPL License.

Usage: rpmmon &lt;mode&gt; [options]
  -c            check
  -l &lt;who&gt;      lint
  -b &lt;who&gt;      build
  -a            all
  -m &lt;mount_point&gt;      mountpoint
  -p &lt;package_name&gt;     package maintainer
  -q &lt;who&gt;      query
  -Q &lt;who&gt;      Query
  -M            maintainers
  -u            unmaintained
  -t &lt;url_maints&gt;               maints source
  -v            version
  -h            help
  -s            source
  -i            info
  -V            verbose
  -r &lt;rc_file&gt;  use an alternate rc file

&lt;&lt;&lt; Use option -h for more details. &gt;&gt;&gt;

<hr />

	Of course, you will want to run the <b>-c</b> option to perform
	the check.

[gc@bi ~] -c
First, you need to define one mount point for your Development branch.
This is the directory where the hottest RPM's of your distrib sit, on
your local system (called Cooker in Mandrake, Rawhide in RedHat). It must
be a local filesystem. (therefore, it can be NFS, for example)

Use option -m &lt;mount-point&gt;.

That's only needed one time per mountpoint, and allows to specify
multiple mountpoints (for example if you want to add contrib).

Exiting on failure.

<hr />

	As explained, you need to indicate to the program where it can
	find the RPM's. This is where the files will be found later on, to
	perform the lint or other operations. Let's try to give it our
	local mirror of Rawhide, the development version of RedHat Linux,
	with the option <b>`-m'</b>.

[gc@bi ~] -m /rawhide/RPMS/
Adding mount-point in rcfile being: '/rawhide/RPMS/' (if not duplicate)
You know have:
Opening directory /rawhide/RPMS to get the packages filenames...found 992 files.
[gc@bi ~] -c
No package to mon. You should use option '-b' to build the database.
Exiting on failure.

	This has been saved in the rcfile, <tt>~/.rpmmonrc</tt>.
	Note that you may have multiple mount points, that's why it showed
	you the list of the set up mount-points. This is useful if you have
	several directories containing the RPM's, for example the
	&quot;main&quot; location, and the &quot;contrib&quot; (or
	&quot;powertools&quot;) location.

<hr />

	As explained again, you still lack the database; this database
	will make the correspondance between each package name and the
	relevant Freshmeat project page. You can enter it manually, but of
	course this wouldn't be fun if our script would not try to be
	clever and save us some time. Hence the <b>`-b'</b> option.

[gc@bi ~] -b gc
Packages for gc are:

Contacting host several times to find entries in their database.

package `libclanlib0-gl'
       -- 0 projects found --

package `mkinitrd'
       -- 0 projects found --

package `nil'
  Directly exists as /projects/nil

package `gtktalog'
  Directly exists as /projects/gtktalog

package `SimGear-devel'
       -- 0 projects found --

package `gnuplot'
  Directly exists as /projects/gnuplot

package `penguin-command'
       -- 0 projects found --


	I voluntarily shortened up the list shown upper; but it may be a
	bit long if you're maintainer of a large bunch of packages. Of
	course, the script will fail on packages that are not listed on
	freshmeat, or when the names are too different. In such a case,
	you may edit by hand the <tt>~/.rpmmonrc</tt> file to add the
	missing locations, if you wish.

<hr />

	Let's note that the default location to grab the correspondance
	between you and the packages you're responsible for, is the
	world-wide encrypted URL giving package maintainers for the
	Mandrake Linux distribution. You may change it (it will be saved
	as well, inside the rcfile, of course) with the <b>-t</b> option:

[gc@bi ~] -t /tmp/maints.list
Setting the source for maintainers elsewhere. You can provide
a normal URL (http://..), an encrypted URL (https://..), or a
local file. You're going to set it up to:

This file must contain lines matching:

For example:


[gc@bi ~] cat /tmp/maints.list 

<hr />

	This is the perfect moment to introduce the <b>`-q'</b> and
	<b>`-Q'</b> options, which allow to query the packages one is
	responsible for. The first one is the short version, the second
	one prints the version and release as well.

[gc@bi ~] -q gc
[gc@bi ~] -Q gc

<hr />

	Ok, now that we're set up with the database, let's retry again to
	run the check against latest versions published on Freshmeat (I
	reverted the list of maintainers to the whole one, not the one
	illustrating the <b>`-t'</b> option):

[gc@bi ~] -c
Maintainer   Package             Our-version Frsh-version

&lt;gc&gt;         SysVinit                   2.78         2.79
&lt;gc&gt;         python                    1.5.2          2.1
&lt;gc&gt;         dmalloc                   4.8.1        4.8.2
&lt;gc&gt;         gkrellm                   1.0.8        1.2.0

	This presents you all the packages for which Freshmeat got an
	announce for newer packages that what you currently have in your

<hr />

	The first column, Maintainer, will become particularly useful when
	you set up a database for your whole company; this is the
	usefulness of the <b>`-a'</b> option, which builds the database
	for everyone; of course, this may last one hour or around,
	depending on the quickness of Freshmeat and the quality of your
	Internet connectivity.

[gc@bi ~] -a

Contacting host several times to find entries in their database.

package `Xdialog'
  Directly exists as /projects/Xdialog

package `lm_sensors-devel'
       -- 0 projects found --

package `lout-doc'
       -- 0 projects found --

package `SDL11'
       -- 0 projects found --

package `wu-ftpd'
  Directly exists as /projects/wu-ftpd

package `gmp-devel'
       -- 0 projects found --

package `librep'
  Directly exists as /projects/librep

package `mod_dav'
  Directly exists as /projects/mod_dav


<hr />

	The <b>`-l'</b> functionality, as described, will run rpmlint on
	all the packages one is responsible for. We can expect many errors
	since rpmlint is tuned to tightly fit our distrib's policy, and
	since I chose to use the packages in Rawhide rather than at
	Mandrake's, it will generate many irrelevant errors:

[gc@bi ~] -l gc
W: hdparm invalid-vendor Red Hat, Inc.
W: hdparm invalid-distribution Red Hat Linux
W: hdparm manpage-not-bzipped /usr/share/man/man8/hdparm.8.gz
W: hdparm invalid-packager Red Hat, Inc. &lt;;
W: hdparm not-standard-release-extension 2
W: hdparm non-standard-group Applications/System
W: hdparm no-version-in-last-changelog
W: transfig invalid-vendor Red Hat, Inc.
W: transfig invalid-distribution Red Hat Linux
W: transfig manpage-not-bzipped /usr/X11R6/man/man1/fig2dev.1x.gz
W: transfig manpage-not-bzipped /usr/X11R6/man/man1/fig2ps2tex.1x.gz
W: transfig manpage-not-bzipped /usr/X11R6/man/man1/pic2tpic.1x.gz
W: transfig manpage-not-bzipped /usr/X11R6/man/man1/transfig.1x.gz
W: transfig invalid-packager Red Hat, Inc. &lt;;
W: transfig not-standard-release-extension 2
W: transfig non-standard-group Applications/Multimedia
W: transfig no-version-in-last-changelog
W: transfig invalid-license distributable

<hr />

	The <b>`-p'</b> functionality is maybe the most useful mode of
	rpmmon. It can print out who's maintainer of this package you
	just found a small bug in, or for which you found a interesting
	patch or plugin somewhere, etc. All the cases for which you're
	willing to drop quickly a mail to the maintainer of the package.
	It supports multiple files in a given query (comma-separated,
	mandatory), and let's also illustrate the <b>`-V'</b> option that
	asks for more verbose output. As we're all fond of shell
	completion, this option also understands packages designated with
	their filenames, because extensively typing at keyboard something
	like &quot;xmms-more-vis-plugins-unsafe&quot; is a pain.

[gc@bi ~] -p kdebase
[gc@bi ~] -p emacs
[gc@bi ~] -p icewm,kdelibs,modutils
[gc@bi ~] -p icewm,kdelibs,modutils -V
Getting information about packages from:
Found maintainers for 3132 different packages.
icewm: florin
kdelibs: daouda
modutils: chmouel
[gc@bi ~] -p /RPMS/xmms-more-vis-plugins-unsafe-1.4.0-2mdk.i586.rpm 
[gc@bi ~] -p /rawhide/RPMS/octave-2.1.34-3.i386.rpm 

<hr />

        <a href="mailto:gc at mandrakenospamsoft dot com">Guillaume
        Cottenceau</a> (for <a

<hr />

        Copyright 2000-2001 MandrakeSoft.

	Licensed under the Gnu GPL. In other words, that's free software,
	of course.

<hr />

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<font size="-1">Last updated: Fri Aug 10 15:37:08 2001</font>

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