

distrib > Mandriva > current > i586 > by-pkgid > 70f26ba924424dacd7ebbe9760196948 > files > 8



       bib2xhtml - BibTeX bibliography to XHTML converter

       bib2xhtml  [  -a  ]  [  -b bibtex-options ] [ -c ] [ -D mappings ] [ -d
       delimiter ] [ -e extended-information ] [ -h heading ] [ -i ] [ -k ]  [
       -m  macro-file  ] [ -r ] [ -s style ] [ -t ] [ -v ] [ -u ] sourcefile [
       htmlfile ]

       bib2xhtml converts a bibtex-format bibliography file to XHTML.  source-
       file may be either a BibTeX-format bibliography (.bib) file or a LaTeX-
       fomatted bibliography auxillary file (.aux).  htmlfile  will  often  be
       just  part  of  a  larger  XHTML file; bib2xhtml attempts to update the
       XHTML file in place.  It does this by searching htmlfile for  two  spe-
       cial  strings,  which delimit the bibliography part of the file.  These
       strings are the XHTML comments

	      <!-- BEGIN BIBLIOGRAPHY delimiter -->

	      <!-- END BIBLIOGRAPHY delimiter -->

       If these delimiters are found, the old  bibliography  between  them  is
       replaced  with  the  new bibliography.  Otherwise the new bibliography,
       with the appropriate delimiters, is appended to the  end  of  htmlfile,
       and  it	will  be  necessary to move it to the proper location by hand.
       Note that it is possible for htmlfile to contain any number  of	bibli-
       ographies,  and	they  may be updated independently.  If no htmlfile is
       specified, the bibliography is written to standard output.

       The tag of each BibTeX bibliography entry  is  converted  into  a  name
       anchor  (<A  NAME="tag">)  in  htmlfile, and may be used to construct a
       link to this particular entry.

       By default the contents of the bibliography are determined by the  con-
       tents  of  the sourcefile.  It is also possible to specify the contents
       of the bibliography in the htmlfile itself by setting the -i option and
       using  two special strings to delimit the citations to be used for gen-
       erating the bibliography.  These strings are the XHTML comments

	      <!-- BEGIN CITATIONS delimiter -->

	      <!-- END CITATIONS delimiter -->

       If these delimiters are found, the contents between them  are  searched
       for  XHTML  comments  containing the citations (one citation per line),
       for example

	      <!-- BEGIN CITATIONS delimiter -->

	      <!-- \citation{knuth:1997}
		  \citation{knuth:1984} -->

	      <!-- END CITATIONS delimiter -->

       These citations are then used for  choosing  the  bibliography  entries
       from the sourcefile.

   Special Field Processing
       Several	BibTeX	fields are treated specially.  The filenames specified
       in the postscript, pdf, and dvi fields are  relative  to  the  htmlfile
       directory.   In	addition,  bib2xhtml  recognizes compressed or gzipped
       files (those with filenames ending in .Z, .gz, or .z).

       url    If the url field exists, a link (``A''  tag)  is	created.   The
	      destination  of the link is the url tag's value.	The bibliogra-
	      phy entry's title is the source of the link.  This can  be  used
	      to  create  a link to a XHTML version of the paper, or to a ver-
	      sion that is available by ftp.

       mailto If the mailto field exists, a link (``A'' tag) is created.   The
	      destination of the link is the mailto tag's value.  The bibliog-
	      raphy entry's author name is the source of the link.

	      If the postscript field exists, its value is used as the name of
	      a  PostScript  file.   bib2xhtml creates a link to the file, and
	      updates htmlfile with the number of pages and size of the  Post-
	      Script file.

       doi    If the doi field exists, its value is used as the designation of
	      a digital object identifier.  bib2xhtml creates a  link  to  the
	      object  through and updates htmlfile with the
	      doi as a hyperlink.  The doi should normally be in  a  canonical
	      form like the following: doi:10.1145/363347.363387.  However, if
	      the doi designator is formed as an HTTP hyperlink,  it  will  be
	      converted  to  the canonical form by replacing the HTTP protocol
	      designation and the host name of the  hyperlink  with  the  doi:
	      literal string.

       pdf    If  the pdf field exists, its value is used as the name of a PDF
	      (portable document format) file.	bib2xhtml creates  a  link  to
	      the file and updates htmlfile with the size of the PDF file.

       dvi    If  the dvi field exists, its value is used as the name of a TeX
	      DVI file.  bib2xhtml creates a link  to  the  file  and  updates
	      htmlfile with the number of pages and size of the DVI file.

       author, keywords
	      The  full  author  and  keywords fields of each BibTeX entry are
	      included in htmlfile as XHTML comments, and may be used  by  CGI
	      scripts  (such  as  bibsearch, which is supplied) to select only
	      certain entries.

       bib2xhtml's LaTeX to XHTML conversion is not very smart.  If  something
       isn't being converted correctly, try doing it in a different way.

       bib2xhtml  does	not currently understand \verb.  To get a tilde into a
       filename or an embedded URL, use \~{}.  On the other hand, entries con-
       taining	URL  fields  or  \url{} commands, are correctly converted into
       hyperlinks.  Leave such hyperlinks as they are; do not embed any  LaTeX
       commands in them.

       The  lists  that  bib2xhtml  generates  contain	CSS hooks of the class
       bib2xhtml.  You can therefore modify the appearance  of	the  lists  by
       adding style entries like the following in the web page's header.
	      <style type="text/css">
		   dl.bib2xhtml dd { padding-bottom: 1em }

	      <style type="text/css">
		   ul.bib2xhtml li { padding-bottom: 1em }

       The  value  of  the  named attributes can contain arbitrary HTML markup
       commands, and can thus be used for substituting the  text  with	icons.
       For example, the following Unix command can be used for creating stand-
       alone PDF icons.
	   perl bib2xhtml -e 'nosize,nopages,PDF:<img src="pdficon_small.gif"
	     alt="PDF" border="0" />' example.bib example.html
       Unser the Windows shell the corresponding command would be.
	   perl bib2xhtml -e "nosize,nopages,PDF:<img src='pdficon_small.gif'
	     alt='PDF' border='0' />" example.bib example.html
       A couple of PDF icons and the conditions for their use are available at .

       To  display  the  number  of  pages in local PDF files, the Perl module
       PDF::API2 must be installed on the system where bib2xhtml  is  running.
       A command like the following will accomplish this.
	   perl -MCPAN -e "install PDF::API2"

       -a     Include the BibTeX file's abstract field in the bibliography.

       -b bibtex-options
	      Provide the specified options to the BibTeX program.

       -c     Sort  chronologically.   Normally,  the  bibliography is ordered
	      first by author and then by year.  With this option, the	bibli-
	      ography is ordered by year and then author.

       -d delimiter
	      Specify  the  delimiter  that sets the bibliography off from the
	      rest of the XHTML file.  The default delimiter is  the  name  of
	      the bibliography file with the .bib extension stripped.

       -D mappings
	      Define  URL  to  directory mappings.  The mappings argument con-
	      tains a sequence of comma-separated values.  Each value contains
	      a  local	file path and the corresponding URL, separated by an @
	      sign.  The resulting URL is used for linking the	various  paper
	      file format types.

       -e extended-information
	      Specify  how  an entry's extended information will be displayed.
	      The extended information is specified as a series of comma-sepa-
	      rated attributes.  The following plain attributes are supported.

	      notype Do not display the file's type (PDF, Postscript, DVI).

	      nosize Do not display the file's size in bytes.

		     Do not display the file's number of pages.

		     Do not display the file's compression type.

	      nodoi  Do not display the file's DOI.

		     Do not enclose the DOI link or the file's extended infor-
		     mation in brackets.

       A  number  of  valued attributes allow the specification of the text to
       display for various file types.	These  are  written  as  a  name:value
       pair.  The following names are supported for valued attributes.

	      o      PostScript

	      o      PDF

	      o      DVI

	      o      DOI
       -h  heading  Use  the  string heading instead of the default title when
       creating a new htmlfile.  If updating an existing htmlfile, this option
       is ignored.

       -i     The citations are included in the htmlfile.  When this option is
	      set, the sourcefile must be a .bib file.

       -k     In labeled styles (alpha, named, plain, and  unsort)  append  to
	      the label of each entry its BibTeX key.  Thus, the label of each
	      entry will consist of the original label,  followed  by  an  em-
	      dash, followed by the BibTeX key.

       -m macro file
	      Specify  a BibTeX macro file to supply to BibTeX when processing
	      the bibliography file.   Macro  files  typically	contain  local
	      abbreviations and other macro definitions.

       -r     Reverse the chronological sorting order.	Normally, the bibliog-
	      raphy is sorted (by year; BibTeX ignores	the  month)  from  the
	      earliest entry to the latest entry.  With this option, the order
	      is reversed.  Note that to  obtain  a  bibliography  ordered  by
	      chronological order you must also specify the -c option.

       -s style
	      Create  a  style-style bibliography.  Supported styles are empty
	      (the default),  plain,  alpha,  named,  paragraph,  unsort,  and
	      unsortlist.   An empty bibliography is a bulleted list.  A plain
	      bibliography is a numbered list.	paragraph produces just  para-
	      graphs  (no  bullets).   unsort  is  like  plain except that the
	      entries in the XHTML file are in the same order as as  they  are
	      in  the source file.  unsortlist is like unsort but entry labels
	      are bullets instead  of  numbers.   An  alpha  bibliography  has
	      labels that are in the BibTeX alpha style.  A named bibliography
	      has labels of the form [name, year].

       -t     Write a timestamp with the date at which	the  bibliography  was
	      updated to htmlfile.

       -v     Report version number on stderr.

       -u     Convert  LaTeX special characters into the corresponding Unicode
	      characters, and output XML coded in UTF-8.  The output  produced
	      by this option may be easier to parse and validate with some XML
	      parsers.	By default LaTeX special characters are converted into
	      HTML character entities.

       html-a.bst    alpha XHTML BibTeX style file
       html-n.bst    named XHTML BibTeX style file
       html-u.bst    unsort XHTML BibTeX style file
       html-aa.bst, html-na.bst, html-ua.bst
		     versions of the above style files with abstracts
       bibsearch     a CGI script for performing bibliography searches

       perl(L), bibtex(L).

       The LaTeX to XHTML translation, while decent, is not perfect.

       Requires  bibtex and perl.  However, I think that most sites that would
       want to convert	BibTeX	to  XHTML  will  already  have	both  programs

       Relies on dviselect to count the number of pages in a DVI file.

       David Hull while at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

       Diomidis  Spinellis  (,  Athens University of Economics and

       The program was originally written as bib2html by David Hull  in  1996,
       who  maintained it until 1998 (version 1.33).  In 2002, due to the lack
       of visible updates on the web, the program was adopted for maintenance,
       distribution,  and  further  evolution  by Diomidis Spinellis.  Changes
       made by him include support for XHTML 1.0 and documentation bug	fixes.
       The first public release of the maintenance effort was in 2004 (version
       2.1).  On March 2004 the program was renamed into  bib2xhtml  to  avoid
       confusion  with	projects  using  the  name  bib2html .	Panos Louridas
       ( added the functionality for including the  citations
       in the htmlfile .

       See  for the latest ver-
       sion.  This is free software, and  may  be  modified  or  redistributed
       under the terms of the GNU Public License.

				4 February 2010 		  BIB2XHTML(L)