

distrib > Mandriva > current > i586 > by-pkgid > 7822a5672ba8a0ec521dca91905b18d1 > files > 7


The Authors

* Rob Adamson <>
- ALSA 0.5 driver fixes

* Tijs van Bakel <>
- ALSA 0.5 driver fixes

* Marc R. Boyns <>
- --nocmd command line option

* Mirko Buffoni <>
- Winamp plugin fixes
- Windows port fixes
- random hacks and improvements

* Frederic Bujon <>
- XM pan fix

* Douglas Carmichael <>
- RT priority in FreeBSD
- OSX portability fixes

* Hipolito Carraro Jr <>
- main player coding
- software mixer
- virtual channel system design and implementation

* Rudolf Cejka <>
- MED loader alignment and endianism fixes
- XM loader endianism fixes
- S3M loader fixes

* Chris Cox <>
- fixes for OpenBSD 2.8
- S3M loader fixes
- option parsing fixes

* Michael Doering <>
- RAR unpacking support
- PP20 decrunching fixes

* Brian Downing <>
- SGI and endianism fixes

* Rune Elvemo <>
- fixes for endianism problems in Linux/PPC

* Nils Faerber <>
- fixed OSS sequencer timing in Alpha

* Terry Glass <>
- esd driver fixes

* Mike Gorchak <>
- QNX6 portability fix
- updated OPL emulation
- misc hacks

* Keith Hargrove <Keith.Hargrove@Eng.Sun.COM>
- Solaris driver fixes

* Takashi Iwai <>
- AWE sequencer support

* Dirk Jagdmann <>
- devfs sound device support

* Priit Jarv
- FreeBSD port of xmp 1.0.1

* Lorence Lombardo <>
- Amiga AHI driver

* John v/d Kamp <>
- 15 bpp support for xxmp

* Kevin Langman <>
- OS/2 port and OS/2 DART drivers

* Andrew "Alf" Leahy <>
- fixes for Digital UNIX

* Claudio Matsuoka <>
- main player coding
- module loaders
- sound drivers

* Michael <>
- NetBSD port fixes
- NetBSD and OpenBSD enhanced drivers

* Dominik Mierzejewski <>
- fixes for gcc 2.96/glibc 2.2
- package maintenance

* Griff Miller II <>
- fix for XMMS plugin in big-endian machines

* Pavel Pavlov <>
- esd driver fixes

* Thomas Pfaff <>
- OpenBSD sndio driver

* Geoff Reedy <>
- xxmp window title patch

* Adam Sampson <>
- buildsystem and configuration file location fixes

* Johan Samuelsson <>
- Amiga port and fixes

* Attila Sipos <>
- SQSH decruncher checksum

* Miodrag Vallat <>
- 669 loader fixes
- XM loader endianism fixes

* Chris Young <>
- Amiga port and fixes
- TuneNet plugin

Reused code

* Sylvain Chipaux
- P60A loader

* Stuart Caie <>
- PowerPack decruncher

* Martin Denn <>
- portions of the NAS driver

* Bert Jahn <>
- SQSH decruncher

* Tammo Hinrichs <>
- IT sample decruncher

* Kurt Keller
- Win32 popen/pclose implementation

* Michael Kohn
- Inflate data decompression routine

* Olivier Lapicque <>
- 4-bit ADPCM decruncher
- MMCMP decruncher
- DMF sample decompressor
- IT resonant filters

* Russell Marks
- Decompression routines from nomarch

* Tatsuyuki Satoh
- YM3812 emulator

* Timothy J. Wood
- OSX CoreAudio helpers from libao

Other contributors

* Testing and bug reports:
  Antti Huovilainen, Michael Janson, Matthias Leonhardt, Andy Eltsov,
  Davi Lima, Geoff Reedy, Sipos Attila, Bjoern Fisher, Matus Telgarsky,
  Bernhard März, Cyke O'Path, Rudolf Cejka, Igor Krpanic, Chris Cox,
  Rudá Moura, Paul Wise, Henrik Pauli, Zbigniew Luszpinski, Jon Rafkind,
  Reynir Stefansson, Ralf Hoffmann, Douglas Carmichael, Adric Riedel,
  Gürkan Sengün, Lorence Lombardo, Mirko Buffoni

* Module format specs and information:
  Kilian Hekhuis (PTM), Arnaud Hasenfratz (RTM), Aley Keptr (ALM),
  Adi Sapir (LIQ), Sylvain "Asle" Chipaux (packed modules), Michael
  Schwendt (UST), Bjorn Wesen (Startrekker), Martin Willers (MOD tricks),
  Miodrag Vallat (IMF, AMF, MMD2, MMCMP), Louise Heimann (DIGIBooster),
  Bernhard März (DPP), Laurent Clevy (Sound/Noise/Protracker details),
  Michael Doering (MED3/MED4)

* Module samples
  Sylvain Chipaux, Bert Jahn, Miod Vallat, Adi Sapir, Jools "BuZz" Smyth,
  Martin Jeppesen, Stuart Caie, Bernhard März, Matthias Arndt

* Hardware
  Davi Lima (AWE32 card with 2Mb RAM), Miod "Pitr" Vallat (Mach 3 rasoir,
  lames, baume après-rasage, pansements antiseptiques).

* OSX builds and packaging
  Rudá Moura

* RPM packaging
  Dominik Mierzejewski

* Web space
  Robinson Mioshi (1996-97), Eric Bouquerel (1997-98)