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Version 2.2.1 (2011/04/28)

  Quick update fixing some annoying bugs from the previous release
  and adding some new host screen optimizations and improvements:

  * X11 target can be compiled again
  * SDL sound on *BSD should work
  * older compilers (DOS/BeOS) should compile again
  * many SDL/OpenGL workarounds for Microsoft Windows libSDL bugs
  * IDE fix and CF emulation
  * some small Android fixes and new arrow key derotation workaround
  * UI sliders used for more settings (video area/shift options)
  * several command line options renamed to be more intuitive (see the USAGE)
  * automatic detection of host screen aspect ratio
  * added option for disabling OpenGL Pixel Buffer Objects
  * added option for enabling video synchronization with vertical retrace
  * added option for selecting pixel format in OpenGL
  * now saves the Show Speed/Disk Activity/Sector Counter in the settings

Version 2.2.0 (2011/04/02)

 Another update after two long years. A lot of changes and major improvements:

 New features:
    * SDL features synchronized sound (GTIA+POKEY digisounds play properly now)
    * SDL display enhancements (hardware accelerated using OpenGL)
    * DirectX display enhancements (also hardware accelerated)
    * Improved NTSC and PAL colours (presets: Standard/Deep Black/Vibrant)
    * Austin Franklin 80 Column card
    * Emulate the Alien Group Voice Box I and II
    * Added support for F12 turbo mode.
    * IDE emulation (compatible with MyIDE)
    * New Android port by Kostas Nakos (available in the App Market already)
    * Auto frame skip for slower devices (currently enabled for Android only)

    * trak-ball (cx22) emulation fixed
    * SDL: leftmost column missing in 16/32bpp fixed
    * DirectX default for Win32 SDL

  SDL Display enhancements:
1. Fullscreen resolution - this gives a list of all available resolutions from 
which a user chooses one. The default resolution is the next-bigger-than 

2. Fullscreen: yes/no - obvious. Window size is independent from the chosen 
fullscreen resolution and can be changed by resizing the window.

3. Rotate sideways: yes/no - rotates the screen by 90 deg. Works as earlier, 
ie. only for "standard" display (no NTSC filter, no 80 column card).

4. Stretch - this option controls how display stretching (scaling) is 
performed. We can select one of:
a) none - no stretching at all
b) integer multiples (default) - width and height will be resized by 1x, 2x, 
3x etc.
c) full - stretching is unrestricted, display will cover the entire screen.

5. Keep aspect ratio - this option controls how the display's aspect ratio is 
corrected. 3 options available:
a) disabled - no aspect ratio correction, display will fill entire 
b) 1:1 (default) - width and height will be multipled by the same value
c) like real TV - display will be resized to reflect pixel aspect ratio of a 
real Atari connected to a TV. Atari pixels are not square; pixel width-to-
height ratio is about 0.857 for NTSC and 1.039 for PAL. This option reflects 

6. Host display aspect ratio - here the user enters aspect ratio of his 
monitor. This value is used to properly compute display aspect ratio when 
"Keep aspect ratio" is set to "like real TV". Set it to 4:3 (default), 16:9, 
1.78:1 etc.

7. Horizontal view area - this option sets the size of Atari screen area 
visible horizontally. Choose one of:
a) narrow - 320 columns wide,
b) normal (default) - 336 columns wide,
c) full - 384 columns
d) custom - lets the user enter any value between 160 and 384.

8. Vertical view area - similar to above:
a) short - 200 lines high
b) normal (default) - this setting is TV-system-dependent. In PAL this makes 
all 240 lines visible, while in NTSC top and bottom 8 lines are hidden, which 
leaves 224 lines visible. I've made this as such because apparently on NTSC 
TVs not all 240 lines are visible. The value of 224 was taken by taking full 
NTSC height (480, divided by 2) and cutting top and bottom 3.5% (different 
sources say 3.5% is the "action-safe" overscan area).
c) full - 240 lines high
d) custom - any value between 100 and 240.

9. Horizontal offset - when amount of columns displayed is less than 384, this 
option "shifts" the visible screen area. Setting to higher than 0 shows more 
of the right side, and lower than 0 shows more of the left side.

10. Vertical offset - similar to above.

Additionally, the Alt+Shift+X shortcut that switches beetween standard<->80 
column display is now also available as "Display settings->80 column display 
if available: yes/no".

The Alt+B switch however has been removed - since setting black/white colours 
can be done in Display settings anyway.

All new options are also available from command line and are saveable in 

  New Android port features:
- Efficient performance
- Uses Opengl ES to handle scaling of the graphics
- Runs on Android 1.6+
- Novel on screen touch joystick control for less hand cramps & intuitive 
- Supports multi touch input
- Supports hardware keyboard with key remapping for joystick input
- Supports the Wii Controller for joystick input
- Supports the "move to SD" feature
- Sound emulation very good but not perfect yet
- Bypasses the emulator UI menu completely - goes 'the android way' about it
- Available in the App Market: market://details?id=name.nick.jubanka.atari800

Version 2.1.0 (2009/03/27)

 The promised completely new next-gen Atari800 was postponed so this
 is another incremental update of the good old Atari800. Let's see
 what we have added and improved in the last 20 months:

 New features:
    * added Axlon and Mosaic RAM expansions for Atari 400/800
    * added emulation of 1400XL, 1450XLD, MIO and Black Box
    * added support of .PRO copy-protected disk images
    * implemented tape loading with variable bitrates
    * implemented cassette writing via hardware registers
    * added switching between NTSC and PAL color palettes
    * added emulation of XEP80 and a prototype 80 column card
      for the Atari 1090 (SDL only currently)
    * added emulation of CX85 numeric keyboard (Java and SDL only)
    * event recording added (-record, -playback): save your game walkthrough
      using the "-record mygame.dat" and later impress your friends by
      your game skills or highest score using the "-playback mygame.dat"
    * NTSC Filter option added to UI
    * -directmouse added to SDL and X11 (used for -mouse pad or koala)
    * monitor supports arrow keys - e.g. up-arrow for history
    * SDL: interpolated scanlines (use -scanlinesnoint to disable)
    * SDL: added -mouse, -mousespeed, -grabmouse (also Alt+M)
    * SDL: visual configuration of keyboard joysticks layout in the UI
           (F1 -> Controller Configuration -> Define layout)
           default mapping changed to 4,8,6,5 (joy0) and A,W,D,S (joy1)
    * R: device can be serial-only, network-only or both (selectable)
    * R: device now supported on MS Windows and Dreamcast as well
    * a completely new port to Java using NestedVM, running also as an applet
    * Falcon/TT: removed Devpac dependency in asm files (now gcc friendly)

    * fix for "Ilusia" demo
    * better GTIA bug mode emulation
    * POKEY sound: nonlinear mixing (not enabled by default), two-tone filter
    * fixed POKEY registers: ALLPOT, IRQEN and STIMER
    * various Atari5200 fixes
    * fixed Atrax cartridge bank switching
    * fixed sound recording to WAV
    * -showspeed fixed, now shows speed <= 100% correctly
    * major source code cleanup, compiles with -pedantic etc.
    * Save State: added support for Axlon and Mosaic (version increased to 5),
                  fixed PBIM12 restoring, fixed PAGED_MEM error with POKEY,
                  color palette restoring fixed
    * SDL: using DirectX driver on MS Windows (much faster),
           fixed stdout.txt on MS Windows,
           fixed broken Caps Lock key handling,
           -audio16 fixed
    * Dreamcast recognizes the TAB key
    * MS-Windows: Shift+Control fixes
    * dropped SVGAlib target - use SDL instead

 Thanks to Perry McFarlane and other developers for their contributions
 to this release. Enjoy Atari800!

Version 2.0.3 (2007/07/11)

 This is probably the last release that is based on the source code
 written by David Firth back in previous century.
 A completely new Atari800, written from scratch, with even better
 portability and maintainability is being planned so stay tuned!

 * new style of artifacting
 * corrected PMG in bizarre ANTIC/GTIA modes
 * added 128 KB SpartaDOS X cartridge type
 * added support for QVGA landscape smartphones, added the virtual keyboard
 * new command-line option "-win32keys" for keyboard layouts different from US
 * MS-Win: run the emulator in a window ("-windowed" on the command line)
 * middle button support for ST and Amiga mice in X11 and MS-Win targets

Version 2.0.2 (2006/04/08)

 There is a new NTSC emulator available thanks to Blargg (Shay Green) 
 ( and NewRisingSun who made the original algorithm.
 You can access it with -ntscemu in the SDL port only.  
 Only 640x480x16 is supported and will be invoked automatically.
 You will need a fast processor (~700 MHz or so).
 This code should be considered experimental but I hope you
 will try it and report any problems.  Please experiment with the 
 many settings and compare them with a real NTSC Atari if you have one.
 If you come up with better settings than the current defaults please provide
 feedback. Try -ntsc_burst 0.70 in Drol, Choplifter and Ultima.
 Please read DOC/USAGE and check -help.

 * Blargg's NTSC composite video emulator, based on NewRisingSun's Algorithm.
 * small fixes in ANTIC/GTIA emulation
 * fixed DCM image handling (broken in 2.0.0)
 * added emulation of Atari XL/XE with 192 KB RAM
 * integrated SEGA Dreamcast port
 * Atari Inverse key mapped also to "`" (backquote) in SDL port (MS Win users)
 * some minor improvements
 * much more DOC/TODO

Version 2.0.1 (2006/01/02)

 Just a quick UI bugfixes release.

Version 2.0.0 (2005/12/31) - celebrating decade of Atari800 development!

 This release brings major source code clean up, numerous bug fixes and
 many great new features and important improvements. 98% of changes since
 last release have been made by Piotr Fusik - admire his dedication
 to Atari800 project while you will be browsing through the impressive list
 of changes below.

 Run-time configuration (via the .atari800.cfg file) has been improved.
 All configuration options are now available in the User Interface.
 Remember to use "Save configuration file" when necessary.

 If you are new to Atari800, press F1 and select "Emulator Configuration"
 to configure the ROM images. This can be easily done with
 "Find ROM images in a directory".

 DISK_DIR, ROM_DIR, EXE_DIR and STATE_DIR configuration options are no longer
 supported in this version. You need to re-select your directories
 using "Emulator Configuration" -> "Configure directories".

 * auto-starting any file supported by the emulator
   via the command line, User Interface or Alt+R
 * direct loading of Atari Basic programs:
   - SAVEd (*.BAS) programs
   - LISTed (*.LST) programs with auto-detected Atari, LF, CR/LF or CR
     line terminators
 * numerous fixes and improvements in H: device emulation
 * fixed a bug in DMACTL emulation
 * cycle-exact Read-Modify-Write instructions for all GTIA registers
 * Atarimax cartridges
 * correct emulation of the RESET key in 400/800 (it generates RNMI)
 * improved DCM format support
 * improved PERCOM emulation (helps non-standard disk images)
 * removed questions that appeared in the console window when no configuration
   file was found; now a default configuration is written and you can
   modify it using User Interface; the easiest way to configure ROMs is
   "Find ROM images in a directory" which looks for common names of ROM images
 * DISK_DIR, ROM_DIR, EXE_DIR and STATE_DIR configuration options replaced
 * sound recording now works (was completely broken)
 * new in User Interface: "Emulator Configuration", "Controller
   Configuration", "Save Interlaced Screenshot", "Uncompress Disk Image"
 * improved "open file" selector:
   - sorts case-insensitively
   - sorts directories whose name begins with a dot
   - starts on the previously selected file
   - you can move to a file by pressing its first letter (works in menus, too)
   - path of the listed directory is shown at the top of the screen
 * improved "save file" filename selection:
  - no longer limited to 32 characters
  - directory appears in the edit box
  - Tab invokes directory browser
 * "Make Blank ATR Disk" creates standard Single Density disk image
 * shortcut keys (Alt+letter, F9, ...) work in User Interface
 * new "-screenshots <pattern>" command-line option
 * replaced "-rtime <onoff>" with "-rtime" / "-nortime"
 * replaced "-hdreadonly <onoff>" with "-hreadonly" / "-hreadwrite"
 * new monitor commands: "LABELS", "LOOP"
 * "C", "M" and "S" monitor commands support hardware registers
 * improved "SHOW", "DLIST", "D" and "A" monitor commands
 * fixed memory leaks, buffer overflows, Y2K and Y2100 bugs
 * fixed GCC 4 compilation error and warnings
 * fixed sound in X11 version (feedback is welcome)
 * much faster display in the X11 version
 * MOTIF and XVIEW versions are now compilable
 * standard key mappings for F6-F10 in DirectX, SDL, SVGALIB and X11 versions
 * implemented Atari 5200 keys in DirectX, SDL, SVGALIB and X11 versions
 * WinCE version ported to Smartphones
 * DirectX version can be compiled with MSVC 6
 * stereo now works in DOS ports
 * fixed "-rotate90" and Alt+B in SDL version
 * greatly improved BASIC version:
   - supports sound
   - supports all interrupts
   - timing much closer to real Atari
   - Clear Screen, Backspace, Tab and Bell converted from ATASCII to ASCII
   - improved "K:" input
   - much smaller executable (does not include unused code)
 * greatly improved CURSES version:
   - support for PDCurses
   - small fix for NCurses
   - generates screen basing on the Display List
   - fixed Tab, Backspace, Insert, Delete, Home, F2, F3, F4, F8 and Ctrl+letter
   - fixed "-wide2" mode
   - Alt+letter shortcuts work on PDCurses
   - bitmap graphics emulation is now disabled by default
     (smaller and faster executable), but can be enabled with "configure"
 * new experimental PlayStation 2 port
 * improved "configure" script
 * SDL keyboard joysticks can be enabled/disabled in the UI (Controller Config)
 * many small fixes and major source code clean up

Version 1.3.6 (2005/04/30)

 * different color palette used by default
 * PNG screenshots added
 * added sector counter and speedometer
 * F6 is Atari HELP key on Curses, Falcon and in X11
 * added missing combinations of ANTIC modes with GTIA modes
 * keyboard joystick works in more games (doesn't pause the game) in SDL
 * mouse joystick emulation works in X11
 * cassette loading by hardware registers (Ninja and Elektraglide
   are examples of games that load correctly now)
 * blank boot ATR disk image can be created in the Disk Management menu
 * many small fixes and major source code clean up

Version 1.3.5 (2004/12/30)

 * keyboard handling improved in SDL (working on non-US layouts, more
   keys recognized)
 * keyboard handling improved in X11 (crash fixed, auto-repeat working)

Version 1.3.4 (2004/12/27)

 * security fixes (buffer overflows) and compilation errors (GCC 3.4)
 * ANTIC timing fix for Timeslip game
 * fix in UI fileselector (crashed if there were no files)
 * Amiga port updated

Version 1.3.3 (2004/08/08)

 * ANTIC mode 2 + GTIA mode 10 - half pixel shift fix
 * Amiga port updated
 * OS/2 port updated
 * DOSVGA port updated - joystick definition read again
 * X11 port has improved keyboard support (Ctrl+Pause, left Ctrl for joy button)
 * SDL port updated: joysticks emulated on keyboard can be freely edited
   now with SDL_JOY_0_<direction> and SDL_TRIG_0 (same for JOY_1/TRIG_1)
   config file parameters that expect values from SDL keySyms.

Version 1.3.2 (2003/12/20)

 Highlights since previous release:
 * R: can now be hooked to a real serial port (no runtime config yet)
 * various ANTIC and POKEY fixes for perfect software compatibility
 * disk and cartridge info saved in the state files
 * casette handling greatly improved
 * even more cartridges supported (40 now!)
 * some rare buffer overflows fixed

Version 1.3.1 (2003/09/04)

 Highlights since last 1.3.0 release:
 * rewritten and much improved configure script
 * new cartridge types supported (38 types now!) - see DOC/cart.txt
 * Disk Sets - loading and saving of D1-D8 set is possible in the UI
 * R: as the Atari850 serial port emulation added - see DOC/r_device.txt
 * updated and improved m68k assembler emulation of the CPU
 * XF551 HighSpeed transfer emulation added

Version 1.3.0 (2003/02/10)

 Highlights since last 1.2.5 release:
 * new HiFi sound (you may en/disable it in the UI)
 * new cycle-exact Antic emulation
 * "H:" emulation complete (including subfolders)
 * Paged memory implementation (fast XE bank-switching)
 * new configuration file name and location ($HOME/.atari800.cfg)

Detailed list of changes follows:

* configuration file ("atari800.cfg") related changes:

  1) configuration file is renamed to ".atari800.cfg" by default (note
     the leading dot in the name, similarly to most other configuration
     files of programs on Unix platforms). On DOS/TOS (FS 8+3 limitation)
     the old "atari800.cfg" will be supported.

  2) RT-Config (the module in Atari800) tries to search the configuration
     file in user's home folder first (environment variable HOME should
     point there). If it's found then it's used. If it's not there then
     RT-Config tries to open system wide configuration file (by default
     it's "/etc/atari800.cfg"). Please note that the system wide file is
     not updated by Save function of RT-Config because it's expected
     that this file is read-only for regular user.

  3) RT-Config can also be told where your configuration file is by
     using the "-config <filepath>" command line parameter. If the file
     is not there yet it's created. So it's quite easy to let Atari800
     create a test config file and compare it with your current config
     or to have several config files for various game/demo/application
     uses of the Atari800 emulator.

  4) Some config file options were renamed or otherwise changed some
     time ago already but they were still recognized. This is no longer
     true so better create a new config file from scratch.

  5) There are two new important switches - "ENABLE_NEW_POKEY" and
     "STEREO_POKEY" so better create new config file so you get these
     options configured properly.

* new Sound:

  The new MZ POKEY emulation is now enabled by default on all ports.
  Also the STEREO sound (Dual POKEY) is compiled in by default
  but is not enabled (so there's a single POKEY by default but you
  can enable the second one very easily in the User Interface (press F1).

  Both can be en/disabled in the configuration file (call atari800 with
  the "-configure" parameter to reconfigure these and other options).

  Win32 and SDL ports also recognize a new cmdline switch "-audio16"
  that switches to 16-bit sound.

Unreleased version 1.2.10 (2003/02/09)

* autoconf 2.5x required for building the source fetched from CVS.
  However, released source code comes with prebuilt configure script
  so you shouldn't even notice this change.

* SDL version contains the same keyboard IRQ fix that was recently
  done in the general input core. In human language: Super Pacman 5200
  will not crash after SHIFT and * keypress.

* On-the-fly change of POKEY emulation core (old Ron Fries' or new
  Michael Borisov's). Compare the new HiFi sound with the previous one.

Unreleased version 1.2.9 (2003/01/27)

* New cycle-exact ANTIC/GTIA emulation. Enabled by default, disable by
  ./configure --disable-cycleexact

Unreleased version 1.2.8 (2003/01/27)

* Paged memory implementation finished. Disabled by default, enable by
  ./configure --enable-paged

Unreleased version 1.2.7 (2003/01/27)

* Harddisk emulation now complete including support for subdirectories.

Unreleased version 1.2.6 (2003/01/27)

* New sound core and 16 bit sound support -- high sound quality but slower.
  Use -audio16 option to enable 16 bit sound and -quality <level> to set sound
  quality (level > 0 enables new sound core) on the win32 port.
  Consult port specific doc for command line details.

Version 1.2.5 (2002/12/02)

* UI - the SpaceBar in disk management switches between the RW and RO flags
  (this didn't work for a long time, now fixed). Please note that this RW/RO
  switch is just temporary and does not change the writeprotect flag of ATR
  images. Besides, it cannot override this flag so you actually can't mount
  a writeprotected ATR image read/write using this Space Bar toggle.

* Atari800 compilable under OS/2

* MultiJoy4 interface and Amiga/AtariST right mouse button supported

* 13 new cartridge types supported

* ANTIC mode E + GTIA mode 9 added (used in "Unconventional 2k", "Ass Kisiel")

Version 1.2.4 (2002/08/07)

* 576 and 1088 kB RAM supported (selection available in the UI)

* separate Antic access to extended memory for 130 XE and 320 Compy Shop

* 256K and 512K XEGS carts

* SDL version now
  - cleans up after unsuccessful initialization
  - supports "-nosound" and "-dsprate"
  - continues to run even if sound initialization failed

* command line options "-help" and "-v" ("-version") now work better
  in most supported ports.

Version 1.2.3 (2002/07/08)

* 16 kB RAM machines (Atari 400/600XL) emulated

* LPTjoy support added to the SDL port

* SDL port is generally much improved. To get list of SDL specific options
  start the SDL version of Atari800 with -help.

* casette image loading accessible from UI

* -palette option (for loading an alternate ACT color palette file) fixed.

* channel 1 in stereo mode fixed

* antic: NMIST bit 5 fixed (is always zero)

* input: second button in 5200 joystick generates "Break key" IRQ
  (you can now jump in "Moon Patrol" - use Shift)

* monitor: "DLIST" now accepts address as an argument

* antic: Dirty update scheme that allows slower machines to run Atari800
         at full speed now! See DOC/HOWTO-DIRTYRECT for more information.

* pokey: allow high-speed disk i/o (Alpha-Load works, thanks to Paul Irvine)

Version 1.2.2 (2001/12/31)

* Falcon .s files had to be renamed to .asm, otherwise the vga
  port could not be built.

Version 1.2.1 (2001/12/31)

* serious memory overflow bug fixed (caused crashing of X11 port
  and probably also other unexpected bugs or problems)

* joysticks in SDL port fixed and improved.

* RPM's .spec file fixed.

Version 1.2.1pre0 (2001/12/17)

* Falcon port configurable and buildable again

* SDL support for 32-bit display, screen width switching (LALT+g)

* documentation updated (still can be much improved :)

* util/ folder contains new sethdr and act2html utilities

* configure process is non-interactive (doesn't ask any questions)

* RPM .spec file for easy building of Atari800 from source .tar.gz

Version 1.2.0 (2001/11/29)

* completely new SDL port (use ./configure --target=sdl) that should run
  on most/all platforms/OSes SDL supports (

* completely new WinCE port

*** New features:

* support for Express, Diamond, SpartaDOS X, XEGS, Action!, BASIC XL
  and other cartridge types (see cart.txt for complete list).
  The "-cart" option runs CART files and all types of raw images.
  "-rtime 0" disables emulation of R-Time 8.
  Thanks to:
  - Jindroush, who described most of the cartridge types
  - Nir Dary, for information on 8*8 KB D50x and OSS 'M091' cartridges

* mouse can emulate following devices
  (in parentheses the option that enables emulation):
  - paddles (-mouse pad)
  - Atari Touch Tablet (-mouse touch)
  - Koala Pad (-mouse koala)
  - Light Pen (-mouse pen)
  - Light Gun (-mouse gun)
  - Amiga mouse (-mouse amiga)
  - Atari ST mouse (-mouse st)
  - Atari Trak-Ball (-mouse trak)
  - joystick (-mouse joy)
  For Atari 5200 you can use "-mouse pad" (good for Gorf and Kaboom)
  or "-mouse joy" (good for Missile Command and Super Breakout).
  Use "-mouseport <1-4>" to select the Atari port.
  Use "-mousespeed <1-9>" to select speed (default is 3).

* cassette recorder emulation! (experimental)
  Currently only reading works and only with SIO patch.
  Supported are:
  - CAS files - the digital cassette image format by Ernest Schreurs.
    The format handles different lengths of blocks, gaps, non-standard blocks,
    baud rates and more. See
    for the excellent WAV2CAS converter, which includes detailed description
    of the format. Atari800 supports the format only partially at the moment.
  - raw files - any file can be attached, as if it has been written
    to the C: device (standard Atari OS format).
  No UI available yet. Attach a file with "-tape filename"
  or "-boottape filename" (emulator presses Start and Space to boot the tape).

* SIO, H: and P: patches are now independent and can be toggled at run-time

* the H: device no longer replaces C:.
  The H: device is now added to HATABS in RAM, and the escape codes
  are put in 0xd100-0xd1ff, so H: doesn't modify Atari OS at all.

* "-basic" and "-nobasic" work for Atari 800 (Atari BASIC is attached
  as a cartridge in Atari 800)

* devices: added open mode 9 (append) for H: device

* input: the illegal joystick positions (e.g. left+right) are not passed
  to the emulated Atari (good for "Mario Bros.")

* monitor:
  - "C 600 ABCD" does the same as "C 600 CD AB"
  - 1 KB boundary is respected by "DLIST"
  - "POKEY" command
  - "S" without parameters repeats last search

* ui: added Atari Settings (enable/disable BASIC, R-Time 8, SIO patch, H:, P:)

*** Compatibility improvements:

* antic,gtia: the background color can be changed inside a scanline.
  Currently implemented only for blank lines without PMG.
  Try the "Partyland" part of the "Bitter Reality" demo.

* antic: corrected timing of DLISTL/H ("Spelunker" works)

* binload: 0x31 stored at 0x300 ("Studio Dream" loads now)

* cpu: Read-Modify-Write (RMW) instructions (ASL, INC, etc.) store
  the unmodified value of $D01A before they store the modified value.
  Now you can see the white dots made with INC $D01A.

* cpu: on reset, the I flag is set (now reset works if stuck in interrupts)

* devices: replaced "dGetByte(0x2e)" with "regX" in H: handler routines
  (fixes problems with Atari BASIC's GET/PUT/INPUT/PRINT)

* pia: & 0x3f on read PACTL and PBCTL

* pokey: potentiometers emulation improved: POTGO and ALLPOT registers
  and bit 2 of SKCTLS implemented, "Tree Surgeon" no longer hangs

* pokey: true RANDOM emulation (both 9- and 17-bit poly) !
  Not using rand() anymore. Try the "Bank Bang!" game.

* pokey: fixed STIMER (speech in "Mirax Force" is better, but still
  not perfect)

* pokey: a few fixes for stereo detection routines (helps "Sheol",
  "Total Daze", "Crockett's Theme"...)

* pokey: fixed SERIN ("Timeless Announcement" loads now)

* pokeysnd: added exact poly9_lookup and poly17_lookup, removed bit17
  (which was initialised with rand()) saving ca. 100 KB of memory.
  Do you hear any difference?

* sio: made double density ATR images compatible with SIO2PC

*** Bug fixes:

* cpu: fixed wrong extern

* devices: fixed Device_isvalid (problems with trailing 0x9b)

* rtime: added "byte &= 0x0f" to prevent out of bounds accesses
  to regset[]

* sio: corrected and added checks if drive number is in range 1-8

* sio: Format Disk rewritten. Now it can resize both ATR and XFD images.
  The ATR header is being updated. Double density format works.

*** Optimizations:

* antic: optimized ANTIC_Load and character modes

* atari_vga: no unnecessary Atari_DisplayScreen() calls if "-refresh" is used

* cpu: slight optimization of ROL and ROR

* gtia: optimized players in new_pm_scanline

*** Clean-ups in sources (for programmers):

* created cartridge.[ch] and rtime.[ch], removed supercart.[ch]

* created input.[ch] to handle keyboard, joysticks and mouse

* removed enable_rom_patches, added enable_h_patch and enable_p_patch.
  Original OS is saved in atari_os. Removed SetSIOEsc() and RestoreSIO().
  After changing enable_*_patch call Atari800_UpdatePatches().

* replaced following variables: machine, mach_xlxe, Ram256, os,
  default_system and enable_c000_ram with only two: machine_type and ram_size
  (ram_size is in kilobytes, and there're #define's for 320 Rambo/Compy).
  There are no more Initialise_Atari... routines. Instead, set machine_type
  and ram_size and call Atari800_InitialiseMachine().

* moved main() to platform-dependent code,
  created Atari800_Initialise and Atari800_Frame

* removed i386 asm tricks

* diskled: rewritten to be cleaner and more flexible

* pokey: SKSTAT variable renamed to SKCTLS to avoid confusions
  (it's the write-only, not the read-only Pokey register)

* pokeysnd: removed duplicates of Pokey constant definitions
  and AUDC/AUDF/AUDCTL variables, included pokey.h

Previous changes (pre 1.2.0) are in the CHANGES.OLD file.