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<title>Network API overview - ClanLib Game SDK</title>
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<div style="border-bottom-style: dotted;  border-bottom-width: 1px; margin-bottom: 1em;"><h2>Network API overview</h2></div>

<p>This document explains how to write network games with ClanLib's network

<li>Sockets, low-level sockets wrapped into nice c++ classes.</li>
<li>NetSession, a networking engine.</li>
<li>NetObjects, dynamic object replication for the networking engine.</li>
<li>NetVariables, a object variables serialization system.</li>
<li>Browse, system that allows games to register themselves to a browse master.</li>

<div style="border-bottom-style: dotted;  border-bottom-width: 1px;"><h3>ClanLib Sockets, low-level sockets</h3></div>

<p>The lowest level is <a href="../Reference/html/CL_Socket.html">CL_Socket</a>. This is platform independent
version of the system level socket functions, encapsulated in a class for your
convience. A simple example:</p>

<ul><pre><font face="Arial,Courier New,Courier">/* Gets's index.html page: */
  std::string request_msg = "GET index.html HTTP/1.0\n\n";
  CL_Socket sock(CL_Socket::tcp);
  sock.connect(CL_IPAddress("", "80"));
  while (true)
    char buffer[16*1024+1];
    int received = sock.recv(buffer, 16*1024);
    if (received == 0) break; // end of stream. server closed connection.
    buffer[received] = 0;
    std::cout &lt;&lt; buffer;
  std::cout &lt;&lt; std::endl;
catch (CL_Error err)
  std::cout &lt;&lt; "Why wont things never work as planned? " &lt;&lt; err.message.c_str() &lt;&lt; std::endl;

<p>The <a href="../Reference/html/CL_BufferedSocket.html">CL_BufferedSocket</a> class is not completely implemented
and should not be used. I'm not even anymore sure it was a good idea and it might
be pending for removal.</p>


<p>Additionally to this, <a href="../Reference/html/CL_Socket.html">CL_Socket</a> can use the
<a href="../Reference/html/CL_EventTrigger.html">CL_EventTrigger</a> and <a href="../Reference/html/CL_EventListener.html">CL_EventListener</a>
to wait for socket data. A small example:</p>

<ul><pre><font face="Arial,Courier New,Courier">void wait_for_socket_data(CL_Socket &sock, int timeout)
  CL_EventTrigger *read_trigger = sock.get_read_trigger();

void wait_for_sockets(std::list&lt;CL_Socket&gt; &sockets, int timeout)
  CL_EventListener listener;
  std::list&lt;CL_Socket&gt;::iterator it;
  for (it = sockets.begin(); it != sockets.end(); it++)
    CL_Socket &sock = *it;

<p><a href="../Reference/html/CL_OutputSource_Socket.html">CL_OutputSource_Socket</a> is a <a href="../Reference/html/CL_OutputSource.html">CL_OutputSource</a>
compatible wrapper for <a href="../Reference/html/CL_Socket.html">CL_Socket</a>. It can be mixed with
<a href="../Reference/html/CL_Socket.html">CL_Socket</a> since the <a href="../Reference/html/CL_Socket.html">CL_Socket</a> class reference
counts the handle to the system level socket. A small example of its usage:</p>

<ul><pre><font face="Arial,Courier New,Courier">void send_init_handshake(CL_Socket &sock)
  CL_OutputSource_Socket output(sock);

  // output.set_big_endian_mode(); // ha! as if that actually worked...
  output.write_string("Yo dude! You've entered the 1337 socket owned by Cl4nL1b");


<p>You will find a similar <a href="../Reference/html/CL_InputSource_Socket.html">CL_InputSource_Socket</a> for
reading from sockets.</p>

<p>That was the lowest level socket support. It doesnt do much except save you
from the trouble of setting up some annoying C structs and filling them with

<div style="border-bottom-style: dotted;  border-bottom-width: 1px;"><h3>The ClanLib networking engine</h3></div>

<p>ClanLib features a networking engine called NetSession. It is built on top
of the lower level socket interface in ClanLib, so its all up to the game
developer which level API is prefered. The NetSession engine provides the
following core features:</p>


<li>Single socket firewall & NAT friendly channeling system. It will not use a
dozen of ports, forcing firewall admins to open a wide range of ports, and
it should work flawlessly through NAT internet connected systems.</li>

<li>Simple but powerful channel system to seperate different types of network
communication in the game.</li>

<li>Connection oriented stream communication support (like TCP sockets), and
connectionless communication (like UDP sockets) support.</li>

<li>Recognition of players that have left the server and now rejoining it -
allowing a game to restore scores for people lagging out of server or for
other reason left the server to return again.</li>

<li>Flexible server/client relationship in a netsession, allowing a game to
easilly implement server travelling (often used by mass-multiplayer online
game servers). Server travelling means to have a client seamlessly connect
to a new server as it reaches the border boundary of the map that a game
server controls.</li>

<li>Threadding model that both give you the option to run everything in one
single thread, or to spread things over multiple worker threads.
TODO: Explain more whats threaded in clanNetwork</li>

<li>And most important of all, its simple and easy to understand. Most stuff
is done completely automatically. :)</li>



<p>So what is a CL_NetSession exactly?</p>


<li>Its a container for computers connected to or from the computer.</li>

<li>A set of signals being invoked when accepting new computers into the
system, leaving the system, and rejoining the system.</li>

<li>Signals that are being invoked when a new stream connection is made, or a
netpacket is received.</li>


<p>When a netsession is initially constructed, it will not listen for incoming
computers on any ports, nor will it connect to any remote system. It can
become a server, a client or any kind of combination you prefer.</p>

<p>There are two ways a new computer can enter a netsession. Either
CL_NetSession::start_listen() is called, making it accept connecting
computers on the specified port, or CL_NetSession::connect() is called,
making the netsession connect to an other computer.</p>

<p>There is nothing that prevents you from mixing those two calls. Eg. to have
a Peer To Peer network model, or to make servers connect to other servers.
Its also no problem to make a client connect to two different servers at the
same time, or to disconnect from them again.</p>

  // Connect to a server
  CL_NetSession netsession("MyGame");
  CL_NetComputer server = netsession.connect(CL_IPAddress("", "4322"));


  // Start a server which listens to incoming connections:
  CL_NetSession netsession("MyGame");
  slots.connect(netsession.sig_computer_connected(), this, &Server::on_connect);
  slots.connect(netsession.sig_computer_disconnected(), this, &Server::on_disconnect);

  void Server::on_connect(CL_NetComputer &computer)
    std::cout << "A computer connected from " << computer.get_address().get_address() << std::endl;;

  void Server::on_disconnect(CL_NetComputer &computer)
    std::cout << "Computer " << computer.get_address().get_address() << "disconnected" << std::endl;


<p>When a computer enters the system, it is represented by a CL_NetComputer
handle. The signal CL_NetSession::sig_computer_connected() is emitted when a
new computer enters the system.</p>

<p>If the incoming computer is already known to the system,
CL_NetSession::sig_computer_reconnected() is emitted instead. A reconnecting
computer can only be recognized if not all original CL_NetComputer handles
to it has been destroyed. This allows the application to control for how
long time an earlier computer can be recognized by the system. For instance,
if a game wants to remember old computers for ten minutes, it could store
the CL_NetComputer handle when being emitted by
CL_NetSession::sig_computer_disconnected(). After the 10 minutes timeout, it
just need to destroy the instance it kept, and the netsession will forget
about the previous connected computer.</p>


<p>To send a message to an other computer, the most simple approach is to
construct a netpacket, fill it with data, and send it to one or more
computers (via CL_NetComputer::send() or CL_NetGroup::send()).</p>

  CL_NetPacket msg;
  destination_computer.send("Players", msg);

<p>This is the connectionless sending approach. The message can be sent
reliably (via TCP) or unreliable (via UDP). Netpackets are perfect for short
messages where the latency (ping) should be kept at a minimum.</p>

<p>When sending a netpacket, you have to point out what channel you want to
send it to. This allows you to seperate the different types of communication
in your application. If a game features a lobby, the messages sent between
players in the lobby could use a channel name of "lobby". Player name stuff
might be sent to "playerinfo" and so forth.</p>

<p>The netpacket channel is used when a netpacket is received. For each channel
in the application, there exist a signal in CL_NetSession that gets emitted.
To hook up a receive function to the eg. the "lobby" channel, use
CL_NetSession::sig_netpacket_receive() with "lobby" as the parameter. That
will return the signal for that channel.</p>

  slot = netsession.sig_netpacket_receive("Login").connect(this, &Login::on_netpacket));


  void Login::on_netpacket(CL_NetPacket &packet, CL_NetComputer &computer)
    std::string user = packet.input.read_string();
    std::string password = packet.input.read_string();


<p>It is also possible to make connection oriented connections to a computer.
This is often practical if there needs to a higher level of communication
between the two computers.</p>

<p>Imagine a game server that just did a map switch. The game supports
automatic downloads of map files that are not available on the client. This
is easiest implemented with a netstream. The server first has to tell the
client about a file, then the client has to check if the file already exist
locally, if not, it should report back and ask for the download. Then the
server has to start sending the entire file, which may be several megs in

<p>There's a lot of 'ping-pong' communication here, where each end need to know
what they talked about earlier. Connectionless communication (netpackets)
become very unpleasant and annoying to use in this kind of communication,
but with streams its very simple:</p>

	// Client version:
	CL_NetStream stream("download channel", server_netcomputer);
	int num_files = stream.input.read_int32();
	for (int i=0; i&lt;num_files; i++)
		std::string filename = stream.input.read_string();
		if (file_exist(filename))
			stream.output.write_bool8(false); // dont send file.
			stream.output.write_bool8(true); // send file.

<p>Simple, eh? What's the catch? The catch is that those calls are blocking.
The code will stop up and wait for the server to answer, and if the
connection is slow, we have to wait for the sends to complete as well.</p>

<p>The solution to that problem is threadding. Construct a worker thread to do
the communcation, and let the main game thread continue its run. Of course
this means you'll have to do threadsafe code, but trust me, in most cases
its far easier and nice than to start trying to store states between
received netpackets.</p>

<p>When a stream connection is made, CL_NetSession::sig_netstream_connect() is
emitted on the receiving computer. ClanNetwork will not create a new thread
for you when emitting this function, so if you want to thread your stream
communcation, you'll have to create a thread in your slot function yourself.</p>

<div style="border-bottom-style: dotted;  border-bottom-width: 1px;"><h3>NetObjects</h3></div>

<p>On top of the netsession network engine, ClanLib provides a system to
replicate objects to client machines. This system is called netobjects, and
consist of three classes: CL_NetObject_Controller, CL_NetObject_Server and

<p>The idea of the netobjects is that a CL_NetObject_Server object can send
messages to a CL_NetObject_Client object, which is present on one or more
client machines. These client objects can also send messages back to the
server object.</p>

<p>Netobjects operate over a netsession netpacket channel, which means that
both the server and clients need to instantiate a CL_NetObject_Controller
object. This object is responsible for receiving messages and dispatch them
to the proper netobjects.</p>

<p>In order to construct a server side netobject, simply construct an instance
of CL_NetObject_Server. Notice that the object will NOT immidiately be
replicated to clients. This will first happen when you send a message to the

<p>When a server object sends a message, the receiving client machine's
controller will look to see if there exist any CL_NetObject_Client for the
object. If there do not, the controller will create a new
CL_NetObject_Client object and signal CL_NetController:sig_create_object().</p>

<p>The application is supposed to hook itself into this signal and read the
message received. If the application keeps the CL_NetObject_Client handle
around, future messages sent to this object will cause
CL_NetObject_Client::sig_received_message() to be emitted. If the
application do not keep the handle, or if it later on destroys it, any
future messages sent to the object will cause sig_create_object() to be
invoked again.</p>

<p>Let's look at this again. When a server sends an initial message to the
client, the client get the opportunity to create a client version of the
object. If the game is a 3D shooter, where objects are only replicated to
the client when within visible range, it is possible for the client to
destroy the object when not visible any more. Next time the object comes
within visible range, sig_create_object will be invoked again, and client
recreates the object.</p>

<p>Another example. Our netobject can have different kinds of messages. One of
the messages is a "full update", including all information needed to
construct the object. Then it has some "position update" messages that only
include the new position of the object. Lets assume the first message, the
full update, gets lost in package loss. Now the object sends a position
update to the client. Since the client never got the original full update,
sig_create_object is emitted, and the function do not have the information
needed to create the object. The application can use the netobject handle in
sig_create_object to send a message back to the server object, and in this
message it asks for a full update. No object was created, so we do not keep
the netobject handle. When the server receives the message, it sends back a
full update, and sig_create_object is again invoked on the client. This time
we do have the information needed to replicate, and we construct our object.</p>

class ServerObject
	int x, y, shield;
	CL_NetObject_Server netobj;
	CL_Slot slot;
	ServerObject(CL_NetObject_Controller *controller)
	: netobj(controller)
		slot = netobj.sig_received_message(0).connect(
			this, &ServerObject::on_received_pos_update);
	void on_received_pos_update(
		CL_NetComputer &computer, CL_NetPacket &packet)
		x = packet.input.read_int32();
		y = packet.input.read_int32();
	void send_update(CL_NetComputer &comp)
		CL_NetPacket packet;
		netobj.send(comp, 0, packet);

class ClientObject
	int x, y;
	CL_NetObject_Client netobj;
	CL_Slot slot;
	ClientObject(CL_NetObject_Client &netobj, CL_NetPacket &packet)
	: netobj(netobj)
		slot = netobj.sig_received_message(0).connect(
			this, &ClientObject::on_received_update);

	void on_received_update(CL_NetPacket &packet)
		x = packet.input.read_int32();
		y = packet.input.read_int32();
		shield = packet.input.read_int32();
	void send_pos_update()
		CL_NetPacket packet;
		netobj.send(0, packet);

class ClientWorld
	CL_NetObject_Controller controller;
	CL_Slot slot;
	std::list<ClientObject *> objects;

	ClientWorld(CL_NetSession &netsession)
	: controller("netobj_channel", netsession)
		slot = controller.sig_create_object().connect(
			this, &ClientWorld::on_create_object);
	void on_create_object(
		CL_NetObject_Client &netobj, int msgtype, CL_NetPacket &packet)
		if (msgtype != 0)
			// not a update message. we can only create object
			// based on an update message.
		objects.push_back(new ClientObject(netobj, packet));

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