

distrib > Mandriva > current > i586 > media > contrib-backports > by-pkgid > 954d44e04e7fd661aab12618c2574fb2 > files > 15


This file documents new options that I have personally
added to the Windows DX port of the emulator since 2.1.
The major goal of these enhancements is to allow the
emulator to perform better on modern display and game
controller technology, including widescreen monitors,
TVs, gamepads, and HTPC/kiosk setups. A secondary 
goal is to make usability improvements to the emulator
shell including main menu and internal mouse support. 

Windows DX: Windows Display Options
Note: Defaults are shown in [brackets].
Note: All settings (except -console) can be saved in the UI.

Display Rendering
[GDI]                 Software pixel scaling. Fast. 
GDI+                  Software pixel scaling. Moderate.
GDI+/Bilinear         Software bilinear scaling. Slow.
GDI+/Bilinear (HQ)    Software HQ bilinear scaling. Very slow.
GDI+/Bicubic (HQ)     Software HQ bicubic scaling. Slow
Direct3D              Hardware pixel scaling. Fast.
Direct3D/Bilinear     Hardware bilinear scaling. Fast. 

Note: Emulator must be restarted to activate a rendering 
      mode change.

Hint: For softer pixels and resolution-independent aliasing 
      control, choose Direct3D/Bilinear mode.

Fullscreen Resolution
[Desktop]             Use the current desktop resolution. 
VGA                   640x480. 2x native pixel resolution.
SXGA                  1280x960. 4x native pixel resolution.
UXGA                  1600x1200. 5x native pixel resolution.

Hint: Use -fsres command line to use a custom resolution that
      does not appear in this list.

Scaling Method
Off                   Stretch unconstrained to window boundary
[Normal]              Scale dynamically while enforcing aspect. 
Simple                Scale to exact multiple of native screen. 
Adaptive              Compensate for widescreen stretching.

Note: Adaptive mode is "experimental" and not fully compatible
      with all combinations of settings. 

Aspect Mode
[Auto]                7:5 or 4:3 crop depending on screen metrics.
Wide                  Display 336x240 pixel matrix in 7:5 aspect. 
Cropped               Display 320x240 pixel matrix in 4:3 aspect. 
Compressed            Display 336x240 pixel matrix in 4:3 aspect.

Note: Scaling method must be set to "Normal" or "Simple" for these
      settings to be effective.

Custom Crop Options
Horizontal crop       Symmetrically crop width by # of pixels. [0]
Vertical crop         Symmetrically crop height by # of pixels. [0]
Lock aspect mode      Force current aspect mode ratio on crop.[No]

Hint: Cropping can be used to effectively zoom or stretch. To zoom
      without distortion while using a 4:3 resolution in fullscreen, 
      set horizontal and vertical crop to equal values. To zoom 
      when using a widescreen display and resolution in fullscreen, 
      you typically only need to set a vertical crop value. 

Note: Be aware that using vertical crop will clip the notification
      area of the screen sometimes used to display frame rates or
      disk activity.

Other Settings
Screen mode           Switch between Fullscreen and [Windowed] modes.
Window scale          Set size of window as percent of native. [200]
Scanline mode         Three resolutions of simulated scanlines. [Off]
Horizontal offset     Shift screen horizontally <-24..24>. [0]
Vertical offset       Shift screen vertically <-50..50>. [0]
Always hide cursor    Hide mouse cursor in fullscreen UI. [No]
Show menu             Show or hide the Windows main menu. [Yes]

Windows DX: Display Settings

Color preset
[Standard]            Standard color adjustments as seen on a real TV or
                      monitor. Accurately represents full spectrum of colors.
Deep black            Adjusted to allow producing pure black color (unlike the
                      Standard preset). May look more pleasant, although is
                      less accurate when representing the darkest colors.
Vibrant               Arcade-like vibrant colors. Enhanced color saturation
                      and black-level.

Hint: Changing video settings (i.e. brightness, contrast, etc.) from 
      one of the base profile settings will cause the profile name  
      to read "Custom".

Windows DX: Controller Configuration

Keyboard Joystick Modes
Keypad                Keypad is joystick. 0 key is trigger.
Keypad+               Keypad is joystick. 5=down. 0, left ctrl=trigger.
[Arrows]              Use cursor block as joystick. Left ctrl=trigger.

Alternate Joystick Modes
[Normal]              Normal joystick functions.
Dual                  Double-map player 2 stick to Z/Z-Rotation axis. 
Shared                Double-map player 2 stick to player 1 stick. 

Hint: Use "Dual" on two-stick gamepads for two joystick games like
      Robotron and Space Dungeon. Use "Shared" to share a single
      joystick between two players on games that normally require
      two joysticks.

Custom Button Options
Use "Enable custom buttons" to turn on custom joystickbutton feature.
Use "Assign custom buttons" to assign keystrokes to joystick buttons.

The following buttons may be mapped.

  * All numbers.
  * All alphabet keys in upper & lower case.
  * Atari Option, Select, and Start (press F2, F3, or F4).
  * Space
  * Return

Windows DX Menu Operation
Configuration options may be accessed through either the
main menu or by pressing F1.  The main menu is only available
when the emulator is run in a window.

Mouse Operations
Inside the configuration menus, mouse ops are as follows.

Click:         Selects item
Double click:  Activates item (Enter)
Right click:   Back (Esc)
Wheel up:      Up
Wheel down:    Down
Wheel left:    Left
Wheel right:   Right

Windows DX keyboard hot-keys
Alt+Enter             Toggles between windowed and fullscreen modes
Alt+PageUp            Increases the size of the window
Alt+PageDown          Decreases the size of the window  
Alt+I                 Advances to the next scanline (interleave) mode 
Alt+M                 Toggles Windows main menu on or off.
Alt+T                 3D "tilt screen". (Direct3D modes only)
Alt+Z                 3D "screensaver". (Direct3D modes only)

Hint: Use of Alt-T & Alt-Z may require running the "DirectX 9 Updater"
from  Google or Bing the quoted text to find it.

Windows DX: Command Line Options
-help                 Show all help options (including these)

-console              Send debug output to a console instead of 
                      atari800.txt. Required for debug monitor. 

-keyjoy <mode>        Keyboard joystick mode. 
                        <keypad>, <keypadplus>, <arrow>
-altjoy <mode>        Alternate joystick mode. 
                        <normal>, <dual>, <shared>
-mapjoy1buttons       Use custom button mappings for joystick 1.
-mapjoy2buttons       Use custom button mappings for joystick 2.    
-render <mode>        Rendering engine to use. 
                        <ddraw>, <gdi>, <gdiplus>, <direct3d>
-filter <mode>        Scaling filter. 
                        <bilinear>, <bicubic>, <hqbilinear>, <hqbicubic>
-scaling <mode>       Scaling method. 
                        <off>, <normal>, <simple>, <adaptive>
-aspect <mode>        Aspect mode.  
                        <auto>, <wide>, <cropped>, <compressed>
-winscale <scale>     Window size as a percent of native Atari screen.
                        <100>, <200>, <250>, etc.
-fullscreen           Force fullscreen mode at startup.
-windowed             Force windowed mode at startup.
-fsres <dim>          Custom fullscreen resolution. <widthxheight> 
                        i.e. <640x480>, <800x600>, <1024x768>, etc.
-scanlines <mode>     Scanline mode. 
                        <low>, <medium>, <high>
-hcrop <amt>          Crop the screen horizontally. 
                        <number of atari pixels>
-vcrop <amt>          Crop the screen vertically.
                        <number of atari pixels>
-crop <amt>           Crop the screen horizonally & vertically.
                        <number of atari pixels>
-lockaspect           Lock current aspect mode when trimming.
-hoffset <amt>        Shift screen horizontally.
                        <number of atari pixels>
-voffset <amt>        Shift screen vertically.
                        <number of atari pixels>
-hidecursor           Hide mouse cursor in fullscreen UI mode.
-hidemenu             Hide the Windows main menu.

-colors-preset        Use one of predefined color adjustments.
                        <standard>, <deep-black>, <vibrant>

-width                Set display mode width (ddraw only).
-blt                  Use blitting to draw graphics (ddraw only).

David Dahlstrom