

distrib > Mandriva > current > i586 > media > contrib-release-src > by-pkgid > 06eb5d3735bdea5dbcb7277c082a064e > files > 4


LoadModule      jk_module modules/
AddModule       mod_jk.c

JkWorkersFile   @confdir@/
JkLogFile       @logdir@/mod_jk.log
JkLogLevel      error

#                     SSL configuration                           #
# By default mod_jk is configured to collect SSL information from
# the apache environment and send it to the Tomcat workers. The
# problem is that there are many SSL solutions for Apache and as
# a result the environment variable names may change.
# The following (commented out) JK related SSL configureation
# can be used to customize mod_jk's SSL behaviour.
# Should mod_jk send SSL information to Tomcat (default is On)
# JkExtractSSL Off
# What is the indicator for SSL (default is HTTPS)
# JkHTTPSIndicator HTTPS
# What is the indicator for SSL session (default is SSL_SESSION_ID)
# What is the indicator for client SSL cipher suit (default is SSL_CIPHER)
# What is the indicator for the client SSL certificated (default is SSL_CLIENT_CERT)
#                                                                 #

# Root context mounts for Tomcat
JkMount /*.jsp ajp13
JkMount /servlet/* ajp13

# Auto configuration for the /examples context starts.

# The following line makes apache aware of the location of the /examples context
Alias /examples "@tomcatdir@/webapps/examples"
<Directory "@tomcatdir@/webapps/examples">
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks

# The following line mounts all JSP files and the /servlet/ uri to tomcat
JkMount /examples/servlet/* ajp13
JkMount /examples/*.jsp ajp13

# The following line prohibits users from directly access WEB-INF
<Location "/examples/WEB-INF/">
    AllowOverride None
    deny from all

# Auto configuration for the /examples context ends.

# Auto configuration for the /admin context starts.

# The following line makes apache aware of the location of the /admin context
Alias /admin "@tomcatdir@/webapps/admin"
<Directory "@tomcatdir@/webapps/admin">
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks

# The following line mounts all JSP files and the /servlet/ uri to tomcat
JkMount /admin/servlet/* ajp13
JkMount /admin/*.jsp ajp13

# The following line prohibits users from directly access WEB-INF
<Location "/admin/WEB-INF/">
    AllowOverride None
    deny from all

# Auto configuration for the /admin context ends.

# Auto configuration for the /test context starts.

# The following line makes apache aware of the location of the /test context
Alias /test "@tomcatdir@/webapps/test"
<Directory "@tomcatdir@/webapps/test">
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks

# The following line mounts all JSP files and the /servlet/ uri to tomcat
JkMount /test/servlet/* ajp13
JkMount /test/*.jsp ajp13

# The following line prohibits users from directly access WEB-INF
<Location "/test/WEB-INF/">
    AllowOverride None
    deny from all

# Auto configuration for the /test context ends.

# JBoss JMX console mount
JkMount /jmx-console/* jboss

# Restrict access to JBoss JMX console
<Location "/jmx-console/">
    Order Deny,Allow
    Deny from all
    Allow from