

distrib > Mandriva > current > i586 > media > contrib-release-src > by-pkgid > 6fd0cb2f6a9f8309b62c0078400b08ba > files > 5


---- CorsixTH configuration file ----------------------------------------------
-- Lines starting with two dashes (like this one) are ignored.
-- Text settings should have their values between double square braces, e.g.
--  setting = [[value]]
-- Number settings should not have anything around their value, e.g.
--  setting = 42

-- Theme hospital install folder: original game data files are loaded from this
-- folder. Between the square braces should be the folder which contains the
-- original HOSPITAL.EXE and/or HOSP95.EXE file. This can point to a copy of
-- the Theme Hospital demo, though a full install of the original game is
-- preferred.
theme_hospital_install = [[/usr/share/games/CorsixTH/th-files]]

-- Language to use for ingame text. Between the square braces should be one of:
--  English   / en / eng
--  French    / fr / fre / fra
--  German    / de / ger / deu
--  Italian   / it / ita
--  Norwegian / nb / nob
--  Spanish   / es / spa
--  Swedish   / sv / swe
language = [[En]]

-- Screen size. Must be at least 640x480. Larger sizes will require better
-- hardware in order to maintain a playable framerate. The fullscreen setting
-- can be true or false, and the game will run windowed if not fullscreen.
width = 1024
height = 768
fullscreen = false

-- Audio global on/off switch.
-- Note that audio will also be disabled if CorsixTH was compiled without the
-- SDL_mixer library.
audio = true

-- Debug mode. 
-- If set to true more detailed information will be printed in the terminal
-- and a debug menu will be visible.
debug = false

-- Audio playback settings.
-- These can be commented out to use the default values from the game binary.
-- Note: On some platforms, these settings may not effect MIDI playback - only
-- sound effects and MP3 audio. If you are experiencing poor audio playback,
-- then try doubling the buffer size.
audio_frequency = 44100
audio_channels = 2
audio_buffer_size = 2048

-- High quality (MP3 rather than MIDI) audio replacements.
-- If you want to listen to high quality MP3 audio rather than the original XMI
-- (MIDI) audio, then follow these steps:
--  1) Find MP3 versions of the original tracks (for example the remixes by ZR
--     from ) or any
--     other music you want to listen to.
--  2) Ensure that SMPEG.dll (or equivalent for your platform) is present.
--  3) Uncomment the next line and point it to where the mp3s are. 
--  4) If you want to change the names of songs ingame, make a file called 
--     "names.txt" and write the file name on one row, followed by the desired
--     ingame name on the next row.
-- audio_mp3 = [[X:\ThemeHospital\Music]]