

distrib > Mandriva > current > i586 > media > contrib-release-src > by-pkgid > 7b4c1c9579a1d01e5002cc4276f4b065 > files > 2


diff -cr thttpd-2.25b/config.h thttpd-2.25b+impan/config.h
*** thttpd-2.25b/config.h	Sun Nov 30 04:40:00 2003
--- thttpd-2.25b+impan/config.h	Thu Mar 11 19:08:32 2004
*** 39,44 ****
--- 39,84 ----
  ** of the ifdef.
+ /* CONFIGURE: These are the style sheets used for directory indexing and
+ ** default error messages. The pathnames are relative to the www root.
+ */
+ #define DIR_INDEX_STYLE "/styles/dirlist.css"
+ #define ERROR_STYLE "/styles/error.css"
+ /* CONFIGURE: Whether to enable the image viewer or not. Enabling this will
+ ** include an option to view all images in the current directory in all
+ ** directory listings. Beware that these will not be scaled down so this
+ ** option should be used with care.
+ */
+ #define IMAGE_VIEWER
+ /* CONFIGURE: Should we include the option to create external web references
+ ** in directory listings? These are created using symbolic links, like this:
+ **   ln -s '' 'Google website'
+ */
+ #define WEB_LINKS
+ /* CONFIGURE: Should we include the option to write descriptive texts for
+ ** directories? These are read from the file ".description" in each
+ ** directory.
+ */
+ /* CONFIGURE: Enable this to include hidden and backup (*~) files in directory
+ ** listings.
+ */
+ #ifdef notdef
+ #endif
+ /* CONFIGURE: If NO_EXEC_CHECK is defined, files can be served even if they
+ ** have their execute bit set. Please observe that this can be a security risk.
+ ** Use this only if you need it!
+ */
+ #ifdef notdef
+ #define NO_EXEC_CHECK
+ #endif
  /* CONFIGURE: CGI programs must match this pattern to get executed.  It's
  ** a simple shell-style wildcard pattern, with * meaning any string not
  ** containing a slash, ** meaning any string at all, and ? meaning any
diff -cr thttpd-2.25b/libhttpd.c thttpd-2.25b+impan/libhttpd.c
*** thttpd-2.25b/libhttpd.c	Thu Dec 25 20:06:05 2003
--- thttpd-2.25b+impan/libhttpd.c	Fri Apr  2 19:03:35 2004
*** 742,752 ****
  	hc, status, title, "", extraheads, "text/html; charset=%s", (off_t) -1,
  	(time_t) 0 );
      (void) my_snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "\
! <HEAD><TITLE>%d %s</TITLE></HEAD>\n\
! <BODY BGCOLOR=\"#cc9999\" TEXT=\"#000000\" LINK=\"#2020ff\" VLINK=\"#4040cc\">\n\
! <H2>%d %s</H2>\n",
! 	status, title, status, title );
      add_response( hc, buf );
      defang( arg, defanged_arg, sizeof(defanged_arg) );
      (void) my_snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), form, defanged_arg );
--- 742,757 ----
  	hc, status, title, "", extraheads, "text/html; charset=%s", (off_t) -1,
  	(time_t) 0 );
      (void) my_snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "\
+ <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\" \"\">\n\
! <HEAD>\n\
! <TITLE>%d %s</TITLE>\n\
! <LINK REL=\"stylesheet\" HREF=\"%s\" TYPE=\"text/css\">\n\
! </HEAD>\n\
! <BODY BGCOLOR=\"#e0e0e0\" TEXT=\"#000000\" LINK=\"#202020\" VLINK=\"#303030\">\n\
! <H2>%d %s</H2>\n\
! <PRE><B CLASS=\"header\">",
! 	status, title, ERROR_STYLE, status, title );
      add_response( hc, buf );
      defang( arg, defanged_arg, sizeof(defanged_arg) );
      (void) my_snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), form, defanged_arg );
*** 769,779 ****
      char buf[1000];
      (void) my_snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "\
! <HR>\n\
! <ADDRESS><A HREF=\"%s\">%s</A></ADDRESS>\n\
! </HTML>\n",
      add_response( hc, buf );
--- 774,782 ----
      char buf[1000];
      (void) my_snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "\
! </PRE><HR NOSHADE SIZE=\"1\">\n\
! </HTML>\n" );
      add_response( hc, buf );
*** 1245,1255 ****
  	if ( isalnum(*from) || strchr( "/_.-~", *from ) != (char*) 0 )
! 	    *to = *from;
! 	    ++to;
! 	    ++tolen;
! 	else
  	    (void) sprintf( to, "%%%02x", (int) *from & 0xff );
  	    to += 3;
--- 1248,1268 ----
  	if ( isalnum(*from) || strchr( "/_.-~", *from ) != (char*) 0 )
! #ifdef __NetBSD__
! 	    if ( strchr( "åäöüßÅÄÖÜ", *from ) != (char*) 0 ) {
! 		(void) sprintf( to, "%%%02x", (int) *from & 0xff );
! 		to += 3;
! 		tolen += 3;
! 	    } else {
! #endif
! 		*to = *from;
! 		++to;
! 		++tolen;
! #ifdef __NetBSD__
! 		}
! #endif
! 	  else
  	    (void) sprintf( to, "%%%02x", (int) *from & 0xff );
  	    to += 3;
*** 2668,2673 ****
--- 2681,2708 ----
+ static char*
+ pretty_size(off_t size)
+ {   
+     const double VAL[] = {1024, 1048576, 1073741824};
+     const char SUFFIX[] = {'K', 'M', 'G'};
+     static char buf[16];
+     double val;
+     char suffix;
+     int i;
+     val = (double) size;
+     for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+         if (val < VAL[i + 1])
+             break;
+     val /= VAL[i];
+     suffix = SUFFIX[i];
+     (void) my_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%6.1f%c", val, suffix);
+     return buf;
+ }
  static int
  ls( httpd_conn* hc )
*** 2695,2701 ****
--- 2730,2745 ----
      char* fileclass;
      time_t now;
      char* timestr;
+     char linkloc[610];
+     int linkloclen;
+     char descrbuf[512];
+     FILE *descrfp;
+     size_t dr;
      ClientData client_data;
+     int imgview, j;
+     char* tmpbuf;
+ #endif /*IMAGE_VIEWER*/
      dirp = opendir( hc->expnfilename );
      if ( dirp == (DIR*) 0 )
*** 2763,2777 ****
  		exit( 1 );
  	    (void) fprintf( fp, "\
! <HEAD><TITLE>Index of %.80s</TITLE></HEAD>\n\
! <BODY BGCOLOR=\"#99cc99\" TEXT=\"#000000\" LINK=\"#2020ff\" VLINK=\"#4040cc\">\n\
  <H2>Index of %.80s</H2>\n\
! <PRE>\n\
! mode  links  bytes  last-changed  name\n\
! <HR>",
! 		hc->encodedurl, hc->encodedurl );
  	    /* Read in names. */
  	    nnames = 0;
--- 2807,2869 ----
  		exit( 1 );
+ 	    if (strstr(hc->encodedurl, "?imgview") != NULL) {
+ 	    	/* Show images instead of the directory listing. */
+ 		imgview = 1;
+ 	    } else {
+ 	    	imgview = 0;
+ 	    }
+ 	    if ( imgview ) {
+ 	    	(void) fprintf( fp, "\
+ <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\" \"\">\n\
+ <HTML>\n\
+ <HEAD>\n\
+ <TITLE>%.80s</TITLE>\n\
+ <LINK REL=\"stylesheet\" TYPE=\"text/css\" HREF=\"%s\">\n\
+ </HEAD>\n\
+ <BODY BGCOLOR=\"#e0e0e0\" TEXT=\"#000000\" LINK=\"#202020\" VLINK=\"#303030\">\n\
+ <H2>Index of %.80s - <A HREF=\"./\">hide images</A></H2>\n\
+ <PRE>\n",
+ 			hc->encodedurl, DIR_INDEX_STYLE, hc->encodedurl );
+ 	    } else {
+ 	    	(void) fprintf( fp, "\
+ <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\" \"\">\n\
+ <HTML>\n\
+ <HEAD>\n\
+ <TITLE>%.80s</TITLE>\n\
+ <LINK REL=\"stylesheet\" TYPE=\"text/css\" HREF=\"%s\">\n\
+ </HEAD>\n\
+ <BODY BGCOLOR=\"#e0e0e0\" TEXT=\"#000000\" LINK=\"#202020\" VLINK=\"#303030\">\n\
+ <H2>Index of %.80s - <A HREF=\"?imgview\">show all images</A></H2>\n\
+ <PRE>\n",
+ 			hc->encodedurl, DIR_INDEX_STYLE, hc->encodedurl );
+ 	    }
+ #else /*IMAGE_VIEWER*/
  	    (void) fprintf( fp, "\
+ <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\" \"\">\n\
! <HEAD>\n\
! <TITLE>%.80s</TITLE>\n\
! <LINK REL=\"stylesheet\" TYPE=\"text/css\" HREF=\"%s\">\n\
! </HEAD>\n\
! <BODY BGCOLOR=\"#e0e0e0\" TEXT=\"#000000\" LINK=\"#202020\" VLINK=\"#303030\">\n\
  <H2>Index of %.80s</H2>\n\
! <PRE>\n",
! 		hc->encodedurl, DIR_INDEX_STYLE, hc->encodedurl );
! #endif /*IMAGE_VIEWER*/
! 	    /* Check for .description file */
! 	    snprintf(descrbuf, sizeof(descrbuf), "%s/%s", hc->expnfilename, ".description");
! 	    if ( descrfp = fopen( descrbuf, "r" ) ) {
! 	    	while(dr = fread( descrbuf, 1, sizeof( descrbuf ) - 1, descrfp ) ) {
! 		    descrbuf[dr] = '\0';
! 		    (void) fprintf( fp, "%s", descrbuf );
! 		}
! 	    }
  	    /* Read in names. */
  	    nnames = 0;
*** 2799,2804 ****
--- 2891,2903 ----
  		    for ( i = 0; i < maxnames; ++i )
  			nameptrs[i] = &names[i * ( MAXPATHLEN + 1 )];
+ 		if ( *(de->d_name) == '.' && *(de->d_name+1) != '.' )
+ 		    continue;
+ 		if ( de->d_name[strlen(de->d_name) - 1] == '~' )
+ 		    continue;
+ #endif /*SHOW_DOTFILES*/
  		namlen = NAMLEN(de);
  		(void) strncpy( nameptrs[nnames], de->d_name, namlen );
  		nameptrs[nnames][namlen] = '\0';
*** 2809,2814 ****
--- 2908,2968 ----
  	    /* Sort the names. */
  	    qsort( nameptrs, nnames, sizeof(*nameptrs), name_compare );
+ 	if ( imgview ) {
+ 	    /* Generate image viewer output. */
+ 	    (void)  fprintf( fp, "<HR NOSHADE SIZE=\"1\">\n" );
+ 	    for ( i = 0; i < nnames; ++i )
+ 		{
+ 		httpd_realloc_str(
+ 		    &name, &maxname,
+ 		    strlen( hc->expnfilename ) + 1 + strlen( nameptrs[i] ) );
+ 		httpd_realloc_str(
+ 		    &rname, &maxrname,
+ 		    strlen( hc->origfilename ) + 1 + strlen( nameptrs[i] ) );
+ 		if ( hc->expnfilename[0] == '\0' ||
+ 		     strcmp( hc->expnfilename, "." ) == 0 )
+ 		    {
+ 		    (void) strcpy( name, nameptrs[i] );
+ 		    (void) strcpy( rname, nameptrs[i] );
+ 		    }
+ 		else
+ 		    {
+ 		    (void) my_snprintf( name, maxname,
+ 			"%s/%s", hc->expnfilename, nameptrs[i] );
+ 		    if ( strcmp( hc->origfilename, "." ) == 0 )
+ 			(void) my_snprintf( rname, maxrname,
+ 			    "%s", nameptrs[i] );
+ 		    else
+ 			(void) my_snprintf( rname, maxrname,
+ 			    "%s%s", hc->origfilename, nameptrs[i] );
+ 		    }
+ 		httpd_realloc_str(
+ 		    &encrname, &maxencrname, 3 * strlen( rname ) + 1 );
+ 		strencode( encrname, maxencrname, rname );
+ 		tmpbuf = nameptrs[i];
+ 		j = strlen( tmpbuf ) - sizeof( "123" );
+ 		if ( strlen( tmpbuf + j ) > 3 ) {
+ 		    if ( ( !strncasecmp( tmpbuf + j, ".jpg", sizeof( ".jpg" ) ) ) ||
+ 			 ( !strncasecmp( tmpbuf + j - 1, ".jpeg", sizeof( ".jpeg" ) ) ) ||
+ 			 ( !strncasecmp( tmpbuf + j, ".png", sizeof( ".png" ) ) ) ||
+ 			 ( !strncasecmp( tmpbuf + j, ".gif", sizeof( ".gif" ) ) ) ) {
+ 			(void)  fprintf( fp,
+ 			    "<TABLE CLASS=\"imgview\"><TR><TD CLASS=\"imgview\">\
+ <IMG SRC=\"/%.500s\" ALT=\"%.80s\" CLASS=\"imgview\"></TD>\
+ <TD CLASS=\"imgview\"><FONT CLASS=\"imgview\">%s</FONT></TD></TR></TABLE>\n", 
+ 			    	encrname, nameptrs[i], nameptrs[i] );
+ 			} else {
+ 			    continue;
+ 			}
+ 		    }
+ 		} 
+ 	    }
+ #endif /*IMAGE_VIEWER*/
+ 	    	(void) fprintf( fp, "\n<B CLASS=\"header\">   size  last-changed  name</B>\n\
+ </PRE><HR NOSHADE SIZE=\"1\"><PRE>" );
  	    /* Generate output. */
  	    for ( i = 0; i < nnames; ++i )
*** 2839,2875 ****
  		    &encrname, &maxencrname, 3 * strlen( rname ) + 1 );
  		strencode( encrname, maxencrname, rname );
! 		if ( stat( name, &sb ) < 0 || lstat( name, &lsb ) < 0 )
  		linkprefix = "";
  		link[0] = '\0';
- 		/* Break down mode word.  First the file type. */
- 		switch ( lsb.st_mode & S_IFMT )
- 		    {
- 		    case S_IFIFO:  modestr[0] = 'p'; break;
- 		    case S_IFCHR:  modestr[0] = 'c'; break;
- 		    case S_IFDIR:  modestr[0] = 'd'; break;
- 		    case S_IFBLK:  modestr[0] = 'b'; break;
- 		    case S_IFREG:  modestr[0] = '-'; break;
- 		    case S_IFSOCK: modestr[0] = 's'; break;
- 		    case S_IFLNK:  modestr[0] = 'l';
- 		    linklen = readlink( name, link, sizeof(link) - 1 );
- 		    if ( linklen != -1 )
- 			{
- 			link[linklen] = '\0';
- 			linkprefix = " -&gt; ";
- 			}
- 		    break;
- 		    default:       modestr[0] = '?'; break;
- 		    }
- 		/* Now the world permissions.  Owner and group permissions
- 		** are not of interest to web clients.
- 		*/
- 		modestr[1] = ( lsb.st_mode & S_IROTH ) ? 'r' : '-';
- 		modestr[2] = ( lsb.st_mode & S_IWOTH ) ? 'w' : '-';
- 		modestr[3] = ( lsb.st_mode & S_IXOTH ) ? 'x' : '-';
- 		modestr[4] = '\0';
  		/* We also leave out the owner and group name, they are
  		** also not of interest to web clients.  Plus if we're
--- 2993,3024 ----
  		    &encrname, &maxencrname, 3 * strlen( rname ) + 1 );
  		strencode( encrname, maxencrname, rname );
! #ifdef WEB_LINKS
! 		    if ( stat( name, &sb ) < 0 || lstat( name, &lsb ) < 0 )
!                     	{
!                             linkloclen = readlink( name, linkloc, 600 );
!                             linkloc[linkloclen] = '\0';
! 			    if ( !strncmp( linkloc, "http://", strlen( "http://" ) ) ) {
!                                 (void)  fprintf( fp,
!                                    "         Web location  <A HREF=\"%.600s\" CLASS=\"weblink\">%.80s</A>%s\n",
!                                     linkloc,
!                                     nameptrs[i], link );
!                                 continue;
!                         }
!                     }
! #else /*WEB_LINKS*/
! 		    ;
! #endif /*WEB_LINKS*/
! 		if ( !strncmp( nameptrs[i], ".description", sizeof(".description") ) )
+  #endif /*SHOW_DOTFILES*/
  		linkprefix = "";
  		link[0] = '\0';
  		/* We also leave out the owner and group name, they are
  		** also not of interest to web clients.  Plus if we're
*** 2906,2912 ****
  		timestr[12] = '\0';
  		/* The ls -F file class. */
! 		switch ( sb.st_mode & S_IFMT )
  		    case S_IFDIR:  fileclass = "/"; break;
  		    case S_IFSOCK: fileclass = "="; break;
--- 3055,3061 ----
  		timestr[12] = '\0';
  		/* The ls -F file class. */
! 		switch ( lsb.st_mode & S_IFMT )
  		    case S_IFDIR:  fileclass = "/"; break;
  		    case S_IFSOCK: fileclass = "="; break;
*** 2916,2927 ****
  		/* And print. */
  		(void)  fprintf( fp,
! 		   "%s %3ld  %10lld  %s  <A HREF=\"/%.500s%s\">%.80s</A>%s%s%s\n",
! 		    modestr, (long) lsb.st_nlink, (int64_t) lsb.st_size,
  		    timestr, encrname, S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode) ? "/" : "",
  		    nameptrs[i], linkprefix, link, fileclass );
  	    (void) fprintf( fp, "</PRE></BODY>\n</HTML>\n" );
--- 3065,3097 ----
+ 		/* Convert ".." entries to "Parent directory" */
+ 		if ( !strcmp( nameptrs[i], ".." ) ) {
+ 		    sprintf( nameptrs[i], "%s", "Parent directory" );
+ 		    fileclass = "";
+ 		}
  		/* And print. */
+ 		if ( imgview )
+ 		    (void)  fprintf( fp,
+ 		     "%s  %s  <A HREF=\"/%.500s%s?imgview\">%.80s</A>%s%s%s\n",
+ 		      S_ISDIR( sb.st_mode ) ? "       " : pretty_size( lsb.st_size ),
+ 		      timestr, encrname, S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode) ? "/" : "",
+ 		      nameptrs[i], linkprefix, link, fileclass );
+ 		else
+ 		    (void)  fprintf( fp,
+ 		     "%s  %s  <A HREF=\"/%.500s%s\">%.80s</A>%s%s%s\n",
+ 		      S_ISDIR( sb.st_mode ) ? "       " : pretty_size( lsb.st_size ),
+ 		      timestr, encrname, S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode) ? "/" : "",
+ 		      nameptrs[i], linkprefix, link, fileclass );
+ #else /*IMAGE_VIEWER*/
  		(void)  fprintf( fp,
! 		   "%s  %s  <A HREF=\"/%.500s%s\">%.80s</A>%s%s%s\n",
! 		    S_ISDIR( sb.st_mode ) ? "       " : pretty_size( lsb.st_size ),
  		    timestr, encrname, S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode) ? "/" : "",
  		    nameptrs[i], linkprefix, link, fileclass );
+ #endif /*IMAGE_VIEWER*/
  	    (void) fprintf( fp, "</PRE></BODY>\n</HTML>\n" );
*** 3791,3796 ****
--- 3961,3967 ----
      ** trying to either serve or run a non-CGI file as CGI.   Either case
      ** is prohibited.
+ #ifdef NO_EXEC_CHECK
      if ( hc->sb.st_mode & S_IXOTH )
*** 3802,3807 ****
--- 3973,3979 ----
  	    hc->encodedurl );
  	return -1;
+ #endif /*NO_EXEC_CHECK*/
      if ( hc->pathinfo[0] != '\0' )
diff -cr thttpd-2.25b/mime_types.txt thttpd-2.25b+impan/mime_types.txt
*** thttpd-2.25b/mime_types.txt	Sun Oct 26 18:00:45 2003
--- thttpd-2.25b+impan/mime_types.txt	Mon Jan  5 20:55:56 2004
*** 158,163 ****
--- 158,164 ----
  texinfo	application/x-texinfo
  tif	image/tiff
  tiff	image/tiff
+ torrent	application/x-bittorrent
  tr	application/x-troff
  tsp	application/dsptype
  tsv	text/tab-separated-values