

distrib > Mandriva > current > i586 > media > contrib-release-src > by-pkgid > a512b3ebe8080593f2c9be952e348268 > files > 3


# Download information:
# svn co
# cd cloudcity && find . -name .svn |xargs rm -rf && cd ..
# tar -caf cloudcity-0.1.1068svn.tar.lzma cloudcity

%define svn	1085
%define srcname	cloudcity
%define enable_translucient 1
Name:		kde4-style-bespin
Summary:	Bespin is a native style for QT/ KDE4
Version:	0.1
Release:	%mkrel 0.%{svn}svn.1
Source0:	%{srcname}-%{version}.%{svn}svn.tar.lzma
# Patch0 is here to fix the default comment in icon theme & finally avoid to source the config file
# since we're providing the necessary data directly in the script
Source1:	screenshot.png.bz2
Patch0:		bespin-svn-mdv-fix-icon-and-comment-in-kde-icons-scripts.patch
Group:		Graphical desktop/KDE
License:	LGPLv2
BuildRequires:	kdebase4-workspace-devel
# needed to generate the ksplash
BuildRequires:	imagemagick
# need to generate the icons pack
BuildRequires:	inkscape
BuildRequires:	bash
Obsoletes:	kde4-kwin-style-bespin < %version-%release
Obsoletes:	kde4-theme-bespin
Suggests:	kde4-style-bespin-ksplash
Suggests:	kde4-style-bespin-kdm
Suggests:	kde4-style-bespin-icons
Suggests:	plasma-applet-xbar

Bespin is a native style for QT/ KDE4

The name is nothing about Quantum Mechanics, but just refers to the
Cloud City from StarWars - Episode V "The Empire Strikes Back"

Some presets can be found in /usr/share/doc/%{name}



%package -n 	plasma-applet-xbar
Summary:	Xbar applet for Bespin style
Group:		Graphical desktop/KDE
Requires:	%{name}
%description -n plasma-applet-xbar
The XBar is a Client/Server approach to a "mac-a-like" global menubar.
Currently it's only used by the Bespin Style to post apply clients to
Qt4 based applications.
The only currently existing Server is a Plasmoid.

%files -n plasma-applet-xbar
%doc XBar/xbar.txt


%package -n 	bespin-bash-completion
Summary:	Bash Completion for bespin
Group:		Development/Other
Requires:	bash-completion
%description -n bespin-bash-completion
Bash completion for the "bespin" tool, written by Franz Fellner

%files -n bespin-bash-completion
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/bash_completion.d/bespin-compl


%package	ksplash
Summary:	Bespin ksplash theme
Group:		Graphical desktop/KDE
%description	ksplash
This package provide a bespin kdm theme

%files	ksplash


%package	kdm
Summary:	Bespin kdm theme
Group:		Graphical desktop/KDE
%description	kdm
This package provide a Bespin kdm theme

%files	kdm


%package	icons
Summary:	Bespin icons theme
Group:		Graphical desktop/KDE
%description	icons
This package provide a Bespin icons theme

%files	icons


%setup -q -n %{srcname}
%patch0 -p 0

%if %{enable_translucient}
 %cmake_kde4 -DENABLE_ARGB=on


%__rm -rf %{buildroot}
%{makeinstall_std} -C build

# Installing necessary files for bespin-completion
%__mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{_sysconfdir}/bash_completion.d
%__mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%_kde_mandir/man1
%__cp man/bespin.1 %{buildroot}/%_kde_mandir/man1
lzma %{buildroot}/%_kde_mandir/man1/bespin.1
%__cp extras/bespin-compl %{buildroot}/%{_sysconfdir}/bash_completion.d

# Installing necessary files for kdm bespin theme
%__mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%_kde_datadir/apps/kdm/themes/Bespin
cp -rf kdm/* %{buildroot}/%_kde_datadir/apps/kdm/themes/Bespin
%__bzip2 -dc %{SOURCE1} > %{buildroot}/%_kde_datadir/apps/kdm/themes/Bespin/screenshot.png

# Installing necessary files for ksplash bespin theme
%__mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%_kde_datadir/apps/ksplash/Themes/Bespin
cd ksplash
./ 600 400
./ 800 600
./ 1024 768
./ 1280 1024
./ 1600 1200
./ 1680 1050
./ 1920 1200
%__cp -rf . %{buildroot}/%_kde_datadir/apps/ksplash/Themes/Bespin/
cd ..

# Creating the icons package
cd icons
bash ./
%__mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%_kde_datadir/icons/
%__mv Bespin %{buildroot}/%_kde_datadir/icons/
cd ..

%__rm -rf %{buildroot}

* Wed Apr 28 2010 John Balcaen <> 0.1-0.1085svn.1mdv2010.1
+ Revision: 540612
- Update to revision 1058
- drop patch1 (merged upstream)
- rediff patch0

* Fri Apr 23 2010 John Balcaen <> 0.1-0.1076svn.1mdv2010.1
+ Revision: 538197
- Update to revision 1076
- drop Source2 (picture is now generated by upstream script)
- rediff patch1

* Mon Apr 12 2010 John Balcaen <> 0.1-0.1068svn.1mdv2010.1
+ Revision: 533615
- Update to revision 1068
- drop patch2 (merge upstream)
- rediff patch1
- enable again translucient windows

* Thu Mar 25 2010 John Balcaen <> 0.1-0.1043svn.3mdv2010.1
+ Revision: 527324
- Update patch2 to fix truncated ksplash

* Sun Mar 21 2010 John Balcaen <> 0.1-0.1043svn.2mdv2010.1
+ Revision: 525970
- Add preview pic for ksplash subpackage
- Add preview pic for kdm subpackage
- Add more resolution for ksplash
- Minor changes in folder name
- Disable translucient windows

* Thu Mar 18 2010 John Balcaen <> 0.1-0.1043svn.1mdv2010.1
+ Revision: 524928
- Provide an icon subpackage
-For the moment provide only ksplash in 1600x1200
-Fix License
- Add kdm subpackage
  Add a suggest on kdm subpackage
- Add a suggest for ksplash subpackage
- Update to 1043
- Add bespin ksplash
- Enable translucient windows on build

* Mon Mar 01 2010 John Balcaen <> 0.1-0.1031svn.1mdv2010.1
+ Revision: 513031
- Update to revision 1031

* Wed Jan 20 2010 John Balcaen <> 0.1-0.983svn.1mdv2010.1
+ Revision: 493946
- Update svn to revision 983
- Fix files list

* Tue Oct 06 2009 John Balcaen <> 0.1-0.708svn.1mdv2010.0
+ Revision: 454406
- Update to revision 708 (fix a crash in amarok caused by bespin)

* Wed Sep 23 2009 John Balcaen <> 0.1-0.636svn.2mdv2010.0
+ Revision: 447740
- Fix typo in description

* Tue Sep 22 2009 John Balcaen <> 0.1-0.636svn.1mdv2010.0
+ Revision: 447269
- Update to svn revision 636
- Split package in 3 ( kde4-style-bespin,plasma-applet-xbar,bespin-completion)
- Add presets in kd4-style-bespin documentation
- Add bespin mandir

* Sun Sep 20 2009 John Balcaen <> 0.1-0.622svn.1mdv2010.0
+ Revision: 444826
- Update to last svn (r622)

  + Thierry Vignaud <>
    - rebuild

  + Nicolas Lécureuil <>
    - Use kde packages layout

* Sun Feb 01 2009 Olivier Thauvin <> 0.1-0.398svn.1mdv2009.1
+ Revision: 335912
- import kde4-style-bespin

* Sat Jan 31 2009 Romain Dep. <> 0.1-0.398svn.1mdv2009.0
+ revision 398

* Sun Jan 25 2009 Romain Dep. <> 0.1-0.392svn.1mdv2009.0
+ revision 392

* Sat Jan 24 2009 Romain Dep. <> 0.1-0.391svn.1mdv2009.0
+ revision 391

* Thu Jan 15 2009 Oliver Burger <> 0.1-0.386svn.1mud2009.0
- initial package for Mandriva Linux
- based upon spec by Peter Schwanemann <>