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<title>Sprites Resources - ClanLib Game SDK</title>
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<div style="border-bottom-style: dotted;  border-bottom-width: 1px; margin-bottom: 1em;"><h2>Sprites Resources</h2></div>

<div style="border-bottom-style: dotted;  border-bottom-width: 1px;"><h3>Resource options</h3></div>

<p>The sprite resource options is a plethora of possibilities to tweak a sprites
looks and behaviours, but all of them have default values. In most
cases you will only need to use the basic options.</p>

<p>Each sprite <i>can</i> have the following properties:</p>


	&lt;!-- Frame image loading: --&gt;
	&lt;image file="filename" /&gt;

	&lt;image file="filename"&gt;
			spacing="width,height" /&gt;

	&lt;image file="filename"&gt;
			pos="x,y" /&gt;

	&lt;image file="image4.png"&gt;
			trans_limit="limit" /&gt;
	&lt;!-- Sprite render and animation states: --&gt;

		alpha="alpha_component" /&gt;

		on_finish="[blank,last_frame,first_frame]" /&gt;

	&lt;scale x="scale_x" y="scale_y" /&gt;
		origin="[top_left, top_center, top_right,
		         center_left, center, center_right,
		         bottom_left, bottom_center, bottom_right]"
		y="offset_y" /&gt;
		origin="[top_left, top_center, top_right,
		         center_left, center, center_right,
		         bottom_left, bottom_center, bottom_right]"
		y="offset_y" /&gt;
		y="offset_y" /&gt;


<p>Only the <i>name</i> attribute of &lt;sprite&gt; and at least one &lt;image&gt;
element is required to construct a sprite. The remaining elements and
attributes are optional.</p>

<div style="border-bottom-style: dotted;  border-bottom-width: 1px;"><h3>Using the &lt;image&gt; element</h3></div>

<p>The first step in setting up a sprite is telling the resource loader
where it should get the images for all the frames. This is done specifying
one or more &lt;image&gt; elements. Each &lt;image&gt; element specify an image from
where one or several frames should be extracted:</p>


<li>If there is no child element in &lt;image&gt;, it will simply take the entire
image and add it as one large frame.</li>

<li>If the child element is &lt;grid&gt; it will use the grid cutter in
CL_SpriteDescription to extract a set of frames placed in a grid in the
image file.</li>

<li>If the child is &lt;alpha&gt; the alpha cutter will be used instead. The alpha
cutter uses the alpha channel to find frames separated with pure alpha
(within trans_limit).</li>

<li>Then there is the &lt;palette&gt; child element. This method adds frames
separated with palette-colours defining the boundaries.</li>


<p>If you have many sprites that are using the same frames for its
animation, you can use the <i>description</i> attribute on the
&lt;sprite&gt; element to use the frames from an other sprite resource.</p>

<div style="border-bottom-style: dotted;  border-bottom-width: 1px;"><h3>Setting up render and animation</h3></div>

<p>The remaining elements &lt;color&gt;, &lt;animation&gt;, &lt;scale&gt;,
&lt;translation&gt; and &lt;rotation&gt; alter the default values of the
CL_Sprite render and animation properties.</p>

<p>&lt;frame&gt; sets up properties for a specific frame.</p>

<div style="border-bottom-style: dotted;  border-bottom-width: 1px;"><h3>Sprite resource options reference</h3></div>


<li>Attribute <b>name</b>: Name of resource.
  <i>Valid values</i>:<br>
  <i>Default value</i>: None, MUST BE PRESENT.
<li>Attribute <b>description</b>: Resource identifier of other resource to
use as base for this sprite.
  <i>Valid values</i>: "string" - Resource ID of other sprite resource<br>
  <i>Default value</i>: Don't use any other sprite resource as base.
<li>Attribute <b>pack_texture</b>: When pack_texture is enabled CL_Sprite
will pack as many frames as it can into the same texture object.
  <i>Valid values</i>: "yes, no" - Enable or disable texture packing<br>
  <i>Default value</i>: yes
<li>Attribute <b>base_angle</b>: Defines what direction the sprite is in. All other angles are relative to this one.
  <i>Valid values</i>:<br>
  <i>Default value</i>: "0"
<li>Attribute <b>id</b>: Sets the sprite identify retrievable via
  <i>Valid values</i>:<br>
  <i>Default value</i>: "0"


<li>Attribute <b>file</b>: Image filename.
  <i>Valid values</i>:<br>
  <i>Default value</i>: None, MUST BE PRESENT.

<li>Attribute <b>pos</b>: Position in image to start grid-cutting.
  <i>Valid values</i>: "integer, integer" - x-position, y-position<br>
  <i>Default value</i>: "0, 0"
<li>Attribute <b>size</b>: Size of each grid-tile.
  <i>Valid values</i>: "integer, integer" - width, height<br>
  <i>Default value</i>: "1, 1"
<li>Attribute <b>array</b>: Grid-size.
  <i>Valid values</i>: "integer, integer" - width, height<br>
  <i>Default value</i>: None, MUST BE PRESENT.
<li>Attribute <b>array_skipframes</b>: How many frames to skip at end of last gridline.
  <i>Valid values</i>: "integer" - frames to skip<br>
  <i>Default value</i>: "0"
<li>Attribute <b>spacing</b>: Space between each grid-tile.
  <i>Valid values</i>: "integer, integer" - x-spacing, y-spacing<br>
  <i>Default value</i>: "0, 0"

<li>Attribute <b>pos</b>: Position in image to start palette-cutting.
  <i>Valid values</i>:<br>
  <i>Default value</i>: "0, 0"

<li>Attribute <b>pos</b>: Position in image to start alpha-cutting.
  <i>Valid values</i>: (integer,integer)<br>
  <i>Default value</i>: "0, 0"
<li>Attribute <b>free</b>: Use the "Free Alpha Cutter".
  <p>The default alpha cutter finds columns of sprites, all of which have the
  same height and variable width. The "Free Cutter" identifies all rectangular 
  non alpha blocks of pixels and puts them on a single frame. The algorithms
  starts at the top left corner (or the specified position) and scans the
  image line by line, from top to bottom. 
    <i>Valid values</i>: blank, true<br>
    <i>Default value</i>: blank
<li>Attribute <b>trans_limit</b>: Transparency limit.
  <i>Valid values</i>: "float" - between 0.0 and 1.0<br>
  <i>Default value</i>: "0.05"


<li>Attributes <b>red</b>, <b>green</b>, <b>blue</b>, <b>alpha</b>: Color.
  <p>Sets the red, green, blue and alpha color components of the sprite.</p>
  <i>Valid values</i>: "float" - between 0.0 and 1.0<br>
  <i>Default values</i>: 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0


<li>Attribute <b>speed</b>: Default frame delay.
  <p>This sets the delay between each frame. You can override separate frames using frameX_speed (see below).
  Value is in milliseconds.</p>
  <i>Valid values</i>: integer<br>
  <i>Default value</i>: 50
<li>Attribute <b>loop</b>: Loop the animation.
  <p>Set it to loop if you want the animation to loop after it has reached end of 
  of the animation.</p>
  <i>Valid values</i>: "yes, no" - Enable or disable looping.<br>
  <i>Default value</i>: "yes"
<li>Attribute <b>pingpong</b>: Pingpong the animation.
  <p>Set it to pingpong if you want the animation to play back to start once it has reached
  the end of the animation.</p>
  <i>Valid values</i>: "yes, no" - Enable or disable pingpong.<br>
  <i>Default value</i>: "no"
<li>Attribute <b>direction</b>: Direction of animation.
  <p>Set it to backwards if you want the animation to play backwards - starts at
  last frame, and plays forward to first frame.</p>
  <i>Valid values</i>: "backward, forward" - Play the animation backwards or forwards.<br>
  <i>Default value</i>: "forward"
<li>Attribute <b>on_finish</b>: What to show when animation is finished.
  <p>Specify what is shown when the animation is finished. Blank shows nothing,
  last_frame shows last frame in animation, first_frame shows first frame in animation.
  If you use looping, this option has no effect.</p>
  <i>Valid values</i>: blank, last_frame, first_frame - one of the 3 options<br>
  <i>Default value</i>: blank


<li>Attributes <b>x</b> and <b>y</b>: Scale.
  <p>Sets the x and y scale of the sprite. A value of 1.0 is the normal size,
  2.0 is double the size, etc.</p>
  <i>Valid values</i>: (float, float)<br>
  <i>Default value</i>: (1.0, 1.0)


<li>Attribute <b>origin</b>: Hotspot/alignment for translation operations.
  <p>This is which pixel will go at the location specified with CL_Sprite::draw.
  So if your sprite has origin=top_left (the default), and you call, say,
  my_sprite.draw(50, 100), the very top left hand pixel will be placed at (50, 100)
  and the rest of the sprite drawn around that. If you have origin=center then the
  centermost pixel will be placed at (50, 100) and the rest of the picture drawn
  around that.</p>

  <i>Valid values</i>: top_left, top_center, top_right, center_left, center, center_right, bottom_left, bottom_center, bottom_right<br>
  <i>Default value</i>: top_left
<li>Attributes <b>x</b> and <b>y</b>: This is how far from the origin the picture should be placed.
  <p>x=50 will draw the picture 50 pixels right of where it would normally go. Note that this does take into account the value of origin.</p>
  <i>Valid values</i>: integer <br>
  <i>Default value</i>: 0


<li>Attribute <b>origin</b>: Hotspot/alignment for rotation operations.
  <p>This is the pixel that will stay where it is when you rotate the image.
  By default this is the center, so any rotations will leave the center pixel
  where it is and rotate the rest of the image around it. If you want to rotate
  about the top left corner set this to top_left, etc.</p>
  <i>Valid values</i>: top_left, top_center, top_right, center_left, center, center_right, bottom_left, bottom_center, bottom_right<br>
  <i>Default value</i>: center
<li>Attributes <b>x</b> and <b>y</b>: This is how far to offset the hotspot from the origin.
  <i>Valid values</i>: integer <br>
  <i>Default value</i>: 0


<li>Attribute <b>speed</b>: Override default speed for this specific frame.
  <p>Value is in milliseconds.</p>
  <i>Valid values</i>: integer<br>
  <i>Default value</i>: play_speed
<li>Attributes <b>x</b> and <b>y</b>: Offset to display this frame.
  <p>This let you set a position-offset on a frame, finetuning its
  position relative to the other frames.</p>
  <i>Valid values</i>: (integer, integer) - x-position, y-position<br>
  <i>Default value</i>: (0, 0)

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