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<h1 class="title">Address Book 3 - Navigating between Entries<br /><span class="subtitle"></span>
<li><a href="tutorials-addressbook-part3-addressbook-cpp.html">tutorials/addressbook/part3/addressbook.cpp</a></li>
<li><a href="tutorials-addressbook-part3-addressbook-h.html">tutorials/addressbook/part3/addressbook.h</a></li>
<li><a href="tutorials-addressbook-part3-main-cpp.html">tutorials/addressbook/part3/main.cpp</a></li>
<li><a href="tutorials-addressbook-part3-part3-pro.html">tutorials/addressbook/part3/</a></li>
<p>The address book application is now half complete. We need to add some functions to navigate between contacts. But first, we have to decide what sort of a data structure we would like to use to hold these contacts.</p>
<p>In Chapter 2, we used a <a href="qmap.html">QMap</a> of key-value pairs with the contact's name as the <i>key</i>, and the contact's address as the <i>value</i>. This works well for our case. However, in order to navigate and display each entry, a little bit of enhancement is needed.</p>
<p>We enhance the <a href="qmap.html">QMap</a> by making it replicate a data structure similar to a circularly-linked list, where all elements are connected, including the first element and the last element. The figure below illustrates this data structure.</p>
<p align="center"><img src="images/addressbook-tutorial-part3-linkedlist.png" /></p><a name="defining-the-addressbook-class"></a>
<h2>Defining the AddressBook Class</h2>
<p>In order to add navigation functions to the address book application, we need to add two more slots to our <tt>AddressBook</tt> class: <tt>next()</tt> and <tt>previous()</tt>. These are added to our <tt>addressbook.h</tt> file:</p>
<pre>     void next();
     void previous();</pre>
<p>We also require another two <a href="qpushbutton.html">QPushButton</a> objects, so we declare <tt>nextButton</tt> and <tt>previousButton</tt> as private variables:</p>
<pre>     QPushButton *nextButton;
     QPushButton *previousButton;</pre>
<a name="implementing-the-addressbook-class"></a>
<h2>Implementing the AddressBook Class</h2>
<p>In the <tt>AddressBook</tt> constructor in <tt>addressbook.cpp</tt>, we instantiate <tt>nextButton</tt> and <tt>previousButton</tt> and disable them by default. This is because navigation is only enabled when there is more than one contact in the address book.</p>
<pre>     nextButton = new QPushButton(tr(&quot;&amp;Next&quot;));
     previousButton = new QPushButton(tr(&quot;&amp;Previous&quot;));
<p>We then connect these push buttons to their respective slots:</p>
<pre>     connect(nextButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(next()));
     connect(previousButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(previous()));</pre>
<p>The image below is our expected graphical user interface. Notice that it is getting closer to our final application.</p>
<p align="center"><img src="images/addressbook-tutorial-part3-screenshot.png" /></p><p>We follow basic conventions for <tt>next()</tt> and <tt>previous()</tt> functions by placing the <tt>nextButton</tt> on the right and the <tt>previousButton</tt> on the left. In order to achieve this intuitive layout, we use <a href="qhboxlayout.html">QHBoxLayout</a> to place the widgets side-by-side:</p>
<pre>     QHBoxLayout *buttonLayout2 = new QHBoxLayout;
<p>The <a href="qhboxlayout.html">QHBoxLayout</a> object, <tt>buttonLayout2</tt>, is then added to <tt>mainLayout</tt>.</p>
<pre>     mainLayout-&gt;addLayout(buttonLayout2, 3, 1);</pre>
<p>The figure below shows the coordinates of the widgets in <tt>mainLayout</tt>.</p>
<p align="center"><img src="images/addressbook-tutorial-part3-labeled-layout.png" /></p><p>Within our <tt>addContact()</tt> function, we have to disable these buttons so that the user does not attempt to navigate while adding a contact.</p>
<pre>     nextButton-&gt;setEnabled(false);
<p>Also, in our <tt>submitContact()</tt> function, we enable the navigation buttons, <tt>nextButton</tt> and <tt>previousButton</tt>, depending on the size of <tt>contacts</tt>. As mentioned earlier, navigation is only enabled when there is more than one contact in the address book. The following lines of code demonstrates how to do this:</p>
<pre>     int number = contacts.size();
     nextButton-&gt;setEnabled(number &gt; 1);
     previousButton-&gt;setEnabled(number &gt; 1);</pre>
<p>We also include these lines of code in the <tt>cancel()</tt> function.</p>
<p>Recall that we intend to emulate a circularly-linked list with our <a href="qmap.html">QMap</a> object, <tt>contacts</tt>. So, in the <tt>next()</tt> function, we obtain an iterator for <tt>contacts</tt> and then:</p>
<li>If the iterator is not at the end of <tt>contacts</tt>, we increment it by one.</li>
<li>If the iterator is at the end of <tt>contacts</tt>, we move it to the beginning of <tt>contacts</tt>. This gives us the illusion that our <a href="qmap.html">QMap</a> is working like a circularly-linked list.</li>
<pre> void AddressBook::next()
     QString name = nameLine-&gt;text();
     QMap&lt;QString, QString&gt;::iterator i = contacts.find(name);

     if (i != contacts.end())

     if (i == contacts.end())
         i = contacts.begin();

<p>Once we have iterated to the correct object in <tt>contacts</tt>, we display its contents on <tt>nameLine</tt> and <tt>addressText</tt>.</p>
<p>Similarly, for the <tt>previous()</tt> function, we obtain an iterator for <tt>contacts</tt> and then:</p>
<li>If the iterator is at the end of <tt>contacts</tt>, we clear the display and return.</li>
<li>If the iterator is at the beginning of <tt>contacts</tt>, we move it to the end.</li>
<li>We then decrement the iterator by one.</li>
<pre> void AddressBook::previous()
     QString name = nameLine-&gt;text();
     QMap&lt;QString, QString&gt;::iterator i = contacts.find(name);

     if (i == contacts.end()){

     if (i == contacts.begin())
         i = contacts.end();

<p>Again, we display the contents of the current object in <tt>contacts</tt>.</p>
[Previous: <a href="tutorials-addressbook-part2.html">Address Book 2 - Adding Addresses</a>]
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