

distrib > Mandriva > current > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 5436809f926f68ff60938fac43ff4e94 > files > 2


diff --git a/config/app-config.default.php b/config/app-config.default.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 3982afd..0000000
--- a/config/app-config.default.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-  Fileame: app-config.php
-  Purpose: Contains all settings external applications called by docmgr
-           This is part of an effort to abstract out all program calls.  DocMGR should
-           expect only a certain kind of response from the calling program.  The used program
-           should contain the appropriate cli options to pass the desired output.
-  Created: 05-07-2006
-  paths and command line options for our apps
-//path to openoffice3 installation
-  The apps in this section should be able to be replaced with another
-  app as long as the output is the same
-//our ocr program.  All ocred content should be output to stdout
-//wget for url objects.  it should output everything to a file, taking
-//<progname> -outputOpt <filename> <url-to-get>
-  The apps in this section are hard-coded for now
-define("APP_PDFTOTEXT","[APP_PDFTOTEXT] -nopgbrk -q");	//dont' remove the -nopgbrk option
-//php cli binary
-//tiff processing
-define("APP_MOGRIFY","[APP_MOGRIFY]");	//should convert all objects to pnm
diff --git a/config/app-config.php b/config/app-config.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79eab17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/app-config.php
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+  Fileame: app-config.php
+  Purpose: Contains all settings external applications called by docmgr
+           This is part of an effort to abstract out all program calls.  DocMGR should
+           expect only a certain kind of response from the calling program.  The used program
+           should contain the appropriate cli options to pass the desired output.
+  Created: 05-07-2006
+  DO NOT EDIT THE SETTINGS IN THIS FILE (config/app-config.php)!
+  Add your own local settings to config/local/app-config.php in stead,
+  otherwise you might loose your configuration when upgrading.
+  paths and command line options for our apps
+//path to openoffice3 installation
+  The apps in this section should be able to be replaced with another
+  app as long as the output is the same
+//our ocr program.  All ocred content should be output to stdout
+define("APP_OCR","ocrad --format=utf8");
+//wget for url objects.  it should output everything to a file, taking
+//<progname> -outputOpt <filename> <url-to-get>
+define("APP_WGET","wget -O");
+  The apps in this section are hard-coded for now
+define("APP_PDFTOTEXT","pdftotext -nopgbrk -q");	//dont' remove the -nopgbrk option
+define("APP_PDFIMAGES","pdfimages -q");
+//php cli binary
+//tiff processing
+define("APP_MOGRIFY","mogrify");	//should convert all objects to pnm
diff --git a/config/config.default.php b/config/config.default.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 223a1b5..0000000
--- a/config/config.default.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,259 +0,0 @@
-  Fileame:
-  Purpose: Contains all settings for site
-  Created: 12-27-01
-  Updated: 06-24-2006
-              Reorganized and split out certain config options
-	Required Settings
-//connection settings
-//administrator email (also return address for outgoing emails
-//site url for emailing links to files in event and task notifications
-//also, this must be set appropriately for fckeditor to work.  If a client
-//uses a url different from this one, fckeditor will not load.  This
-//must have a trailing slash!!!
-//absolute path to the docmgr files directory (no trailing slash)
-//paths to other storage directories.  You probably don't need to change
-//path to shared import directory
-//use ldap for accounts.  If set, alter ldap settings in ldap-config.php
-	Indexing Options
-//do not index more than this many words. 
-//regular expression used by preg_replace when stripping content
-//from imported files.  whatever you put here is what those functions
-//will keep.  This is case INSENSITVE  
-//	Examples:
-//	a-z -> keep all letters
-//	0-9 -> keep all letters and numbers
-        Optional Permissions Settings
-//allow automated logins with cookies
-//allow removal of past file revisions (yes or no)
-//allow removal of past document revisions (yes or no)
-	Optional Settings
-//set the default language for users (not used at this moment)
-//default search results per page;
-//number of pages of results to show at once
-//default search results per page;
-//max number of seconds per page per file
-//date format for entering and viewing (either mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy);
-//default view for browsing categories.  Can be either "list" or "thumb"
-//number of file histories to keep, 0 for unlimited
-//number of document histories to keep, 0 for unlimited
-//send a md5 checksum file with all email attachments
-//if a file fails md5check when viewing, this allows the user
-//to view the file anyways (after a warning is displayed)
-//default docmgr path for CMS.  To enable the Intranet module,
-//go to docmgr/modules/center/intranet and rename Module.xml to module.xml
-//the log out and log back in
-//when an object is created, this is the permissions given to non-owners
-//of the object by default.  can be "view","edit", or "manage"
-//by default, make user's home folders viewable only by them. 
-//comment out to make them subject to CREATE_MASK setting
-//use a trash can instead of direct delete
-  Things you probably don't need to change
-//docmgr keepalive check (five minutes)
-//url to the docmgr api
-//what do you want the default page in docmgr to be
-//your options are "docmgr" for the file browser or
-//"home" for the dashboard
-//tsearch2 profile to use for indexing (ignore if not using tsearch2)
-//if you are indexing a non-english language, use "simple", or
-//you can setup a language-specific profile through tsearch2 and
-//specify it here.  The "simple" profile will not try do dictionary
-//compares or determine roots of words.  If you're unsure, you
-//can safely leave this unchanged
-//set this if nobody can delete objects except adminstrators
-//site theme
-//name for the top level bookmark
-define("ROOT_NAME","Root Level");
-  charset.  these control conversion of your database to whatever
-  your web browser is expecting.  You most likely don't need to
-  touch these.  
-//encoding of your database.  you probably don't need to change this
-//if changed, make sure you use the value iconv ( 
-//recognizes for your encoding, not the encoding name postgresql uses
-//charset of the xml returned from the api
-        Security Options
-//login banner.  Displayed on the login page
-//define("WARNING_BANNER","Message Displayed On Login");
-//Enable account lockout feature - affects all users but administrators
-// Number of minutes to lock out the account, 0 = forever
-// Number of attempts before an account is locked
-// Number of minutes before a session is timed out
-// Select whether cookies should only be sent over secure connections
-//characters we disallow in a filename.  Anything set it here
-//will prevent a file from being uploaded if set
-//turn on error reporting
-error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
-	Do not modify anything below this line
-//used for digest authentication on webdav
-//our proto transfer protocol
-//length of our permissions bitmask
-//required system defines
-define("APP_VERSION","1.0 RC10");
-//define but do not set edraw
-//do we process auths in this site
-//set error reporting to not show notices
-error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
-//reload modules every time for development
-//the debug level for outputting messages (0 - 5).
-$exemptRequest = array();
-$exemptRequest[] = "editorContent";
-$exemptRequest[] = "editor_content";
-$exemptRequest[] = "apidata";
-$exemptRequest[] = "apiparm";
-$exemptRequest[] = "to"; 
-$exemptRequest[] = "from"; 
-$exemptRequest[] = "cc";
-$exemptRequest[] = "bcc";
diff --git a/config/config.php b/config/config.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1498329
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/config.php
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+  Fileame:
+  Purpose: Contains all settings for site
+  Created: 12-27-01
+  Updated: 06-24-2006
+              Reorganized and split out certain config options
+//set error reporting to not show notices
+error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
+if(!function_exists("loadAlternateConfig")) {
+    function loadAlternateConfig($configFile, $alternate = array('local', 'vendor')) {
+	for ($i = 0; $i < count($alternate); $i++) {
+	    $configPath = dirname(__FILE__) . "/" . $alternate[$i] . "/" . $configFile;
+	    if ( file_exists($configPath) )
+		require_once($configPath);
+	}
+    }
+  DO NOT EDIT THE SETTINGS IN THIS FILE (config/config.php)!
+  Add your own local settings to config/local/config.php in stead,
+  otherwise you might loose your configuration when upgrading.
+	Required Settings
+//connection settings
+//administrator email (also return address for outgoing emails
+//site url for emailing links to files in event and task notifications
+//also, this must be set appropriately for fckeditor to work.  If a client
+//uses a url different from this one, fckeditor will not load.  This
+//must have a trailing slash!!!
+//absolute path to the docmgr files directory (no trailing slash)
+//paths to other storage directories.  You probably don't need to change
+//path to shared import directory
+//use ldap for accounts.  If set, alter ldap settings in ldap-config.php
+	Indexing Options
+//do not index more than this many words. 
+//regular expression used by preg_replace when stripping content
+//from imported files.  whatever you put here is what those functions
+//will keep.  This is case INSENSITVE  
+//	Examples:
+//	a-z -> keep all letters
+//	0-9 -> keep all letters and numbers
+        Optional Permissions Settings
+//allow automated logins with cookies
+//allow removal of past file revisions (yes or no)
+//allow removal of past document revisions (yes or no)
+	Optional Settings
+//set the default language for users (not used at this moment)
+//default search results per page;
+//number of pages of results to show at once
+//default search results per page;
+//max number of seconds per page per file
+//date format for entering and viewing (either mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy);
+//default view for browsing categories.  Can be either "list" or "thumb"
+//number of file histories to keep, 0 for unlimited
+//number of document histories to keep, 0 for unlimited
+//send a md5 checksum file with all email attachments
+//if a file fails md5check when viewing, this allows the user
+//to view the file anyways (after a warning is displayed)
+//default docmgr path for CMS.  To enable the Intranet module,
+//go to docmgr/modules/center/intranet and rename Module.xml to module.xml
+//the log out and log back in
+//when an object is created, this is the permissions given to non-owners
+//of the object by default.  can be "view","edit", or "manage"
+//by default, make user's home folders viewable only by them. 
+//comment out to make them subject to CREATE_MASK setting
+//use a trash can instead of direct delete
+  Things you probably don't need to change
+//docmgr keepalive check (five minutes)
+//url to the docmgr api
+//what do you want the default page in docmgr to be
+//your options are "docmgr" for the file browser or
+//"home" for the dashboard
+//tsearch2 profile to use for indexing (ignore if not using tsearch2)
+//if you are indexing a non-english language, use "simple", or
+//you can setup a language-specific profile through tsearch2 and
+//specify it here.  The "simple" profile will not try do dictionary
+//compares or determine roots of words.  If you're unsure, you
+//can safely leave this unchanged
+//set this if nobody can delete objects except adminstrators
+//site theme
+//name for the top level bookmark
+define("ROOT_NAME","Root Level");
+  charset.  these control conversion of your database to whatever
+  your web browser is expecting.  You most likely don't need to
+  touch these.  
+//encoding of your database.  you probably don't need to change this
+//if changed, make sure you use the value iconv ( 
+//recognizes for your encoding, not the encoding name postgresql uses
+//charset of the xml returned from the api
+        Security Options
+//login banner.  Displayed on the login page
+//define("WARNING_BANNER","Message Displayed On Login");
+//Enable account lockout feature - affects all users but administrators
+// Number of minutes to lock out the account, 0 = forever
+// Number of attempts before an account is locked
+// Number of minutes before a session is timed out
+// Select whether cookies should only be sent over secure connections
+//characters we disallow in a filename.  Anything set it here
+//will prevent a file from being uploaded if set
+//turn on error reporting
+error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
+	Do not modify anything below this line
+//used for digest authentication on webdav
+//our proto transfer protocol
+//length of our permissions bitmask
+//required system defines
+define("APP_VERSION","1.0 RC10");
+//define but do not set edraw
+//do we process auths in this site
+//reload modules every time for development
+//the debug level for outputting messages (0 - 5).
+$exemptRequest = array();
+$exemptRequest[] = "editorContent";
+$exemptRequest[] = "editor_content";
+$exemptRequest[] = "apidata";
+$exemptRequest[] = "apiparm";
+$exemptRequest[] = "to"; 
+$exemptRequest[] = "from"; 
+$exemptRequest[] = "cc";
+$exemptRequest[] = "bcc";
diff --git a/index.php b/index.php
index d089704..46dd660 100755
--- a/index.php
+++ b/index.php
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 //make sure we are setup
-if (file_exists("install/install.php")) include("install/install.php");
+if (!file_exists("config/local/config.php")) include("install/install.php");
 //call our main header file
 set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . dirname(__FILE__));
diff --git a/install/classes/app.php b/install/classes/app.php
index 8fda2cf..03d5e87 100644
--- a/install/classes/app.php
+++ b/install/classes/app.php
@@ -1,241 +1,121 @@
-class APP
+class APP extends INSTALL_STEP
+  function __construct() {
+    $this->filename = "app-config.php";
+    array_push($this->entries,
+	    "openoffice_path",
+	    "app_ocr",
+	    "app_wget",
+	    "app_pdftotext",
+	    "app_pdfimages",
+	    "app_sendmail",
+	    "app_php",
+	    "app_clamav",
+	    "app_tiffinfo",
+	    "app_tiffsplit",
+	    "app_convert",
+	    "app_mogrify",
+	    "app_montage",
+	    "app_identify"
+    );
+    array_push($this->emptyEntriesAllow,
+      "openoffice_path",
+      "app_ocr",
+      "app_wget"
+    );
-  private $file;
-  private $errorMessage;
-  private $apps = array("openoffice_path",
-                        "app_ocr",
-                        "app_wget",
-                        "app_pdftotext",
-                        "app_pdfimages",
-                        "app_sendmail",
-                        "app_php",
-                        "app_clamav",
-                        "app_tiffinfo",
-                        "app_tiffsplit",
-                        "app_convert",
-                        "app_mogrify",
-                        "app_montage",
-                        "app_identify"
-                        );
-  /******************************************************
-    FUNCTION:	getError
-    PURPOSE:	returns an existing class error
-  ******************************************************/  
-  public function getError()
-  {
-    return $this->errorMessage;
-  /******************************************************
-    FUNCTION:	throwError
-    PURPOSE:	throws a class error
-  ******************************************************/  
-  public function throwError($err)
-  {
-    $this->errorMessage = $err;
-  }
-  /******************************************************
-    FUNCTION:	display
-    PURPOSE:	displays the form for entering config
-              information
-  ******************************************************/  
   public function display()
+    require_once("config/app-config.php");
+    $conf = array();
+    $conf['openoffice_path'] = importPostC("openoffice_path");
+    $conf['app_ocr'] = importPostC("app_ocr");
+    $conf['app_wget'] = importPostC("app_wget");
+    $conf['app_pdftotext'] = importPostC("app_pdftotext");
+    $conf['app_pdfimages'] = importPostC("app_pdfimages");
+    $conf['app_sendmail'] = importPostC("app_sendmail");
+    $conf['app_php'] = importPostC("app_php");
+    $conf['app_clamav'] = importPostC("app_clamav");
+    $conf['app_tiffinfo'] = importPostC("app_tiffinfo");
+    $conf['app_tiffsplit'] = importPostC("app_tiffsplit");
+    $conf['app_convert'] = importPostC("app_convert");
+    $conf['app_mogrify'] = importPostC("app_mogrify");
+    $conf['app_montage'] = importPostC("app_montage");
+    $conf['app_identify'] = importPostC("app_identify");
-    $content = "<h3>Please enter application paths below.</h3>
-                <p>
-                Apps marked with * are required.  For non-required apps, just leave the field
-                blank to disable them.
-                </p>
-                <table width=\"600px\" border=\"0\">
-	                <tr><td align=\"right\">
-	                  Openoffice Installation Path*
-	                </td><td>
-	                  <input type=\"text\" name=\"openoffice_path\" id=\"openoffice_path\" value=\"/opt/openoffice.org3\">
-	                </td></tr>
-	                <tr><td colspan=\"2\">
-	                  The apps below may be swapped out for others provided they output to stdout.
-                  </td></tr>
-                  <tr><td align=\"right\" class=\"appName\">
-                    OCRad
-                  </td><td class=\"appName\">
-                    <a href=\"\"></a>
-                  </td></tr>
-	                <tr><td align=\"right\">
-	                  OCR
-	                </td><td>
-	                  <input type=\"text\" name=\"app_ocr\" id=\"app_ocr\" value=\"ocrad --format=utf8\">
-	                </td></tr>
-	                <tr><td align=\"right\">
-	                  wget
-	                </td><td>
-	                  <input type=\"text\" name=\"app_wget\" id=\"app_wget\" value=\"wget -O\">
-	                </td></tr>
-	                <tr><td colspan=\"2\">
-	                  The apps below cannot be changed.  However, you may specify the full path to the app if it's
-	                  not in a place apache can find it.
-                  </td></tr>
-                  <tr><td align=\"right\" class=\"appName\">
-                    XPDF
-                  </td><td class=\"appName\">
-                    <a href=\"\"></a>
-                  </td></tr>
-	                <tr><td align=\"right\">
-	                  pdftotext*
-	                </td><td>
-	                  <input type=\"text\" name=\"app_pdftotext\" id=\"app_pdftotext\" value=\"pdftotext\">
-	                </td></tr>
-	                <tr><td align=\"right\">
-	                  pdfimages*
-	                </td><td>
-	                  <input type=\"text\" name=\"app_pdfimages\" id=\"app_pdfimages\" value=\"pdfimages\">
-	                </td></tr>
-	                <tr><td align=\"right\">
-	                  PHP*
-	                </td><td>
-	                  <input type=\"text\" name=\"app_php\" id=\"app_php\" value=\"php\">
-	                </td></tr>
-	                <tr><td align=\"right\">
-	                  Sendmail*
-	                </td><td>
-	                  <input type=\"text\" name=\"app_sendmail\" id=\"app_sendmail\" value=\"sendmail\">
-	                </td></tr>
-                  <tr><td align=\"right\" class=\"appName\">
-                    ClamAV
-                  </td><td class=\"appName\">
-                    <a href=\"\"></a>
-                  </td></tr>
-	                <tr><td align=\"right\">
-	                  clamscan
-	                </td><td>
-	                  <input type=\"text\" name=\"app_clamav\" id=\"app_clamav\" value=\"clamscan\">
-	                </td></tr>
-                  <tr><td align=\"right\" class=\"appName\">
-                    LibTiff
-                  </td><td class=\"appName\">
-                    <a href=\"\"></a>
-                  </td></tr>
-	                <tr><td align=\"right\">
-	                  tiffinfo*
-	                </td><td>
-	                  <input type=\"text\" name=\"app_tiffinfo\" id=\"app_tiffinfo\" value=\"tiffinfo\">
-	                </td></tr>
-	                <tr><td align=\"right\">
-	                  tiffsplit*
-	                </td><td>
-	                  <input type=\"text\" name=\"app_tiffsplit\" id=\"app_tiffsplit\" value=\"tiffsplit\">
-	                </td></tr>
-                  <tr><td align=\"right\" class=\"appName\">
-                    Imagemagick
-                  </td><td class=\"appName\">
-                    <a href=\"\"></a>
-                  </td></tr>
-	                <tr><td align=\"right\">
-	                  convert*
-	                </td><td>
-	                  <input type=\"text\" name=\"app_convert\" id=\"app_convert\" value=\"convert\">
-	                </td></tr>
-	                <tr><td align=\"right\">
-	                  mogrify*
-	                </td><td>
-	                  <input type=\"text\" name=\"app_mogrify\" id=\"app_mogrify\" value=\"mogrify\">
-	                </td></tr>
-	                <tr><td align=\"right\">
-	                  montage*
-	                </td><td>
-	                  <input type=\"text\" name=\"app_montage\" id=\"app_montage\" value=\"montage\">
-	                </td></tr>
-	                <tr><td align=\"right\">
-	                  identify*
-	                </td><td>
-	                  <input type=\"text\" name=\"app_identify\" id=\"app_identify\" value=\"identify\">
-	                </td></tr>
-                </table>
-                ";  
+    $content = '<h3>Please enter application paths below.</h3>
+	<h2>Site config</h2>
+	<p class="config-desc">
+	  Apps marked with * are required.  For non-required apps, just leave the field
+	  blank to disable them.
+	</p>
+	<div class="config-section">
+	  <div class="config-input">' . aField($conf, 'openoffice_path', ' installation path:') . '</div>
+	  <p class="config-desc">
+	    Leave blank if automatically configured through environment variables or other means.
+	  </p>
+	</div>
+	<p class="config-desc">
+	  The apps below may be swapped out for others provided they output to stdout.
+	</p>
+	<div class="config-section">
+	  <div class="config-input">' . aField($conf, 'app_ocr', 'OCR') . '</div>
+	  <div class="config-input">' . aField($conf, 'app_wget', 'wget') . '</div>
+	</div>
+	<p class="config-desc">
+	  The apps below cannot be changed.  However, you may specify the full path to the app if it\'s
+	  not in a place apache can find it.
+	</p>
+	<div class="config-section">
+	  <div class="config-input">' . aLabel('XPDF', '') . '</div>
+	  <div class="config-input">' . aField($conf, 'app_pdftotext','pdftotext*') . '</div>
+	  <div class="config-input">' . aField($conf, 'app_pdfimages','pdfimages*') . '</div>
+	</div>
+	<div class="config-section">
+	  <div class="config-input">' . aField($conf, 'app_php','php*') . '</div>
+	  <div class="config-input">' . aField($conf, 'app_sendmail','sendmail*') . '</div>
+	</div>
+	<div class="config-section">
+	  <div class="config-input">' . aLabel('ClamAV', '') . '</div>
+	  <div class="config-input">' . aField($conf, 'app_clamav','clamscan') . '</div>
+	</div>
+	<div class="config-section">
+	  <div class="config-input">' . aLabel('LibTiff', '') . '</div>
+	  <div class="config-input">' . aField($conf, 'app_tiffinfo','tiffinfo*') . '</div>
+	  <div class="config-input">' . aField($conf, 'app_tiffsplit','tiffsplit*') . '</div>
+	</div>
+	<div class="config-section">
+	  <div class="config-input">' . aLabel('ImageMagick', '') . '</div>
+	  <div class="config-input">' . aField($conf, 'app_convert','convert*') . '</div>
+	  <div class="config-input">' . aField($conf, 'app_mogrify','mogrify*') . '</div>
+	  <div class="config-input">' . aField($conf, 'app_montage','montage*') . '</div>
+	  <div class="config-input">' . aField($conf, 'app_identify','identify*') . '</div>
+	</div>
+                ';  
     return $content;
-  /******************************************************
-    FUNCTION:	process
-    PURPOSE:	writes our submitted values to the
-              config file and saves the file
-  ******************************************************/  
-  public function process()
-  {
-    $this->loadFile();
-    $this->storeConfigValues();
-    $this->testConfig();
-    if (!$this->getError())	$this->writeFile();
-  }
-  /******************************************************
-    FUNCTION:	loadFile
-    PURPOSE:	load our config template file
-  ******************************************************/  
-  protected function loadFile()
-  {
-    if (file_exists("config/app-config.default.php"))
-    {
-      $this->file = file_get_contents("config/app-config.default.php");  
-    }  
-    else
-    {
-      $this->throwError("Unable to load config template file config/app-config.default.php");
-    }
-  }
-  protected function storeConfigValues()
-  {
-    foreach ($this->apps AS $entry)
-    {
-      //if we aren't submitted an entry, bail here
-      if (!$_POST[$entry])
-      {
-        $this->throwError("You did not fill out the \"".$entry."\" field");
-        break;
-      }
-      //set it up into [DBNAME] format      
-      $name = "[".strtoupper($entry)."]";
-      //update our string
-      $this->file = str_replace($name,$_POST[$entry],$this->file);
-    }
-  }
   protected function testConfig()
+    global $errors;
-    //required apps
-    $required = array("openoffice_path","app_pdftotext","app_pdfimages","app_sendmail",
-                      "app_tiffinfo","app_tiffsplit",
-                      "app_convert","app_mogrify","app_montage","app_identify");
-    foreach ($this->apps AS $entry)
+    foreach ($this->entries AS $entry)
-      //if we aren't submitted an entry, bail here
-      if (!$_POST[$entry] && in_array($entry,$required))
-      {
-        $this->throwError("You did not fill out the \"".str_replace("app_","",$entry)."\" field");
-        break;
-      }
+      if($errors[$entry])
+	continue;
       $app = $_POST[$entry];
@@ -246,30 +126,48 @@ class APP
       if ($entry=="openoffice_path")
-        $python = $app."/program/python";
-        //now see if we can find it
-        $output = `which $python`;
-        $output = trim($output);
-        if (!$output)
-        {
-          $this->throwError("Could not find the python application in the openoffice installation prefix");
-        }
+	if ($app)
+	{
+	  $python = $app."/program/python";
+	  //now see if we can find it
+	  $output = `which $python`;
+	  $output = trim($output);
+	  if (!$output)
+	  {
+	    $errors[$entry] = "Could not find the python application in the installation prefix";
+	  }
+	}
+	else
+	{
+	  $ret = 0;
+	  // We'll check if we're able to load the required python module.
+	  // This we do within a 'login shell' to get all the standard environment
+	  // variables set (ie. most distributions add the path of the module to $PYTHONPATH),
+	  // as the web server is usually executed in a shell without all these set...
+	  passthru("sh --login -c 'python -c \"import uno\" &>/dev/null'", $ret);
+	  if($ret)
+	    $errors[$entry] = "Unable to load the required 'uno' python module";
+	}
+	if(!$app)
+	  continue;
         //now see if we can find it
         $output = `which $app`;
         $output = trim($output);
-        if (!$output && in_array($entry,$required))
-        {
-          $this->throwError("Apache could not find application \"".$app."\" in ".$_SERVER["PATH"]);
-        }
+	if (!$output)
+	{
+	  $errors[$entry] = "Apache could not find application \"".$app."\" in ".$_SERVER["PATH"];
+	  if(in_array($entry,$this->emptyEntriesAllow))
+	    $errors[$entry] .= ", if you don't have/want it, clear the field";
+	}
@@ -277,22 +175,6 @@ class APP
-  /******************************************************
-    FUNCTION:	writeFile
-    PURPOSE:	write our config template file
-  ******************************************************/  
-  protected function writeFile()
-  {
-    if ($this->getError()) return false;
-    if (!file_put_contents("config/app-config.php",$this->file))
-    {
-      $this->throwError("Unable to write config file config/app-config.php");
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/install/classes/config.php b/install/classes/config.php
index 433a261..e7307b9 100644
--- a/install/classes/config.php
+++ b/install/classes/config.php
@@ -1,161 +1,120 @@
-class CONFIG 
+class CONFIG extends INSTALL_STEP
-  private $file;
-  private $errorMessage;
-  /******************************************************
-    FUNCTION:	getError
-    PURPOSE:	returns an existing class error
-  ******************************************************/  
-  public function getError()
-  {
-    return $this->errorMessage;
-  }
-  /******************************************************
-    FUNCTION:	throwError
-    PURPOSE:	throws a class error
-  ******************************************************/  
-  public function throwError($err)
-  {
-    $this->errorMessage = $err;
+  function __construct() {
+    $this->filename = "config.php";
+    array_push($this->entries,
+      "dbhost",
+      "dbuser",
+      "dbpassword",
+      "dbport",
+      "dbname",
+      "admin_email",
+      "site_url",
+      "site_path",
+      "file_dir"
+    );
+    array_push($this->emptyEntriesAllow,
+      "dbhost",
+      "dbport"
+    );
-  /******************************************************
-    FUNCTION:	display
-    PURPOSE:	displays the form for entering config
-              information
-  ******************************************************/  
   public function display()
-    $content = "<h3>Please enter the configure information below.</h3>
-                <table width=\"500px\" border=\"0\">
-	                <tr><td align=\"right\">
-	                  Database Host
-	                </td><td>
-	                  <input type=\"text\" size=\"30\" name=\"dbhost\" id=\"dbhost\" value=\"\">
-	                </td></tr>
-	                <tr><td align=\"right\">
-	                  Database User
-	                </td><td>
-	                  <input type=\"text\" size=\"30\" name=\"dbuser\" id=\"dbuser\" value=\"postgres\">
-	                </td></tr>
-	                <tr><td align=\"right\">
-	                  Database Password
-	                </td><td>
-	                  <input type=\"text\" size=\"30\" name=\"dbpassword\" id=\"dbpassword\" value=\"secret\">
-	                </td></tr>
-	                <tr><td align=\"right\">
-	                  Database Name (Must already exist)
-	                </td><td>
-	                  <input type=\"text\" size=\"30\" name=\"dbname\" id=\"dbname\" value=\"docmgr\">
-	                </td></tr>
-	                <tr><td align=\"right\">
-	                  Database Port
-	                </td><td>
-	                  <input type=\"text\" size=\"30\" name=\"dbport\" id=\"dbport\" value=\"5432\">
-	                </td></tr>
-	                <tr><td align=\"right\">
-	                  Full Site URL (with trailing slash)
-	                </td><td>
-	                  <input type=\"text\" size=\"30\" name=\"site_url\" id=\"site_url\" value=\"\">
-	                </td></tr>
-	                <tr><td align=\"right\">
-	                  Full Site Path
-	                </td><td>
-	                  <input type=\"text\" size=\"30\" name=\"site_path\" id=\"site_path\" value=\"/www/docmgr\">
-	                </td></tr>
-	                <tr><td align=\"right\">
-	                  Admin Email Address
-	                </td><td>
-	                  <input type=\"text\" size=\"30\" name=\"admin_email\" id=\"admin_email\" value=\"\">
-	                </td></tr>
-                </table>
-                ";  
+    require_once('config/config.php');
+    $conf = array();
+    $conf['dbhost'] = importSessionC('dbhost');
+    $conf['dbport'] = importSessionC('dbport');
+    $conf['dbuser'] = importSessionC('dbuser');
+    $conf['dbpassword'] = importSessionC('dbpassword');
+    $conf['dbpassword2'] = importSession('dbpassword2', $dbpassword);
+    $conf['dbname'] = importSessionC('dbname');
+    $conf['site_url'] = 'https://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].dirname($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . ' ').'/';
+    $conf['site_path'] = dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)));
+    $conf['file_dir'] = importSessionC('file_dir');
+    $conf['admin_email'] = importSession('admin_email', empty($_SERVER['SERVER_ADMIN']) ? ADMIN_EMAIL : $_SERVER['SERVER_ADMIN']);
+    $conf['useroot'] = importSession('use_root', true);
+    $conf['superuser'] = importSession('superuser', 'postgres');
+    $conf['superpass'] = importSession('superpass');
+    $content = '<h3>Please enter the configure information below.</h3>
+	<h2>Site config</h2>
+	<div class="config-section">
+	  <div class="config-input">' . aField($conf, 'admin_email', 'Admin email address:') . '</div>
+	  <div class="config-input">' . aField($conf, 'site_url', 'Full site URL:') . '</div>
+	  <p class="config-desc">
+	    URL must contain trailing slash.
+	  </p>
+	  <div class="config-input">' . aField($conf, 'site_path', 'Full site path:') . '</div>
+	  <div class="config-input">' . aField($conf, 'file_dir', 'DocMGR files directory:') . '</div>
+	  <p class="config-desc">
+	    This is the working directory for DocMGR and the location where files will be uploaded to etc.
+	    Specify the absolute path without trailing slash.
+	  </p>
+	</div>
+	<h2>Database config</h2>
+	<div class="config-section">
+	  <div class="config-input" style="clear:left">' . aField($conf, 'dbhost', 'Database host:') . '</div>
+	  <p class="config-desc">
+	    If connecting to local postgresql, leave blank to use unix sockets (<strong>recommended</strong>).
+	  </p>
+	  <div class="config-input">' . aField($conf, 'dbport', 'Database port:') . '</div>
+	  <p class="config-desc">
+	    Leave blank to use postgresql standard port.
+	  </p>
+	  <div class="config-input">' . aField($conf, 'dbname', 'Database name:') . '</div>
+	  <div class="config-input">' . aField($conf, 'dbuser', 'Database user:') . '</div>
+	  <div class="config-input">' . aField($conf, 'dbpassword', 'Database password:', 'password') . '</div>
+	  <div class="config-input">' . aField($conf, 'dbpassword2', 'Database password confirm:', 'password') . '</div>
+	  <p class="config-desc">
+	    If you only have a single user account and database available,
+	    enter those here. If you have database root access (see below)
+	    you can specify new accounts/databases to be created. This account 
+	    will not be created if it pre-exists. If this is the case, ensure that it
+	    has SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE permissions on the DocMGR database.
+	  </p>
+	  <div class="config-input">
+	  <div class="config-input">' . aField($conf, 'useroot', 'Use superuser account:', 'checkbox') . '</div>
+	  <div class="config-input">' . aField($conf, 'superuser', 'Superuser name:') . '</div>
+	  <div class="config-input">' . aField($conf, 'superpass', 'Superuser password:', 'password') . '</div>
+	  <p class="config-desc">
+	    If the database user specified above does not exist, or does not have access to create
+	    the database (if needed) or tables within it, please check the box and provide details
+	    of a superuser account, such as <strong>postgres</strong>, which does.
+	  </p>
+	</div>';
     return $content;
-    FUNCTION:	process
-    PURPOSE:	writes our submitted values to the
-              config file and saves the file
-  ******************************************************/  
-  public function process()
-  {
-    $this->loadFile();
-    $this->storeConfigValues();
-    $this->testConfig();
-    if (!$this->getError())	$this->writeFile();
-  }
-  /******************************************************
-    FUNCTION:	loadFile
-    PURPOSE:	load our config template file
-  ******************************************************/  
-  protected function loadFile()
-  {
-    if (file_exists("config/config.default.php"))
-    {
-      $this->file = file_get_contents("config/config.default.php");  
-    }  
-    else
-    {
-      $this->throwError("Unable to load config template file config/config.default.php");
-    }
-  }
-  protected function storeConfigValues()
-  {
-    $arr = array("dbhost",
-                  "dbuser",
-                  "dbpassword",
-                  "dbport",
-                  "dbname",
-                  "admin_email",
-                  "site_url",
-                  "site_path"
-                  );
-    foreach ($arr AS $entry)
-    {
-      //if we aren't submitted an entry, bail here
-      if (!$_POST[$entry])
-      {
-        $this->throwError("You did not fill out the \"".$entry."\" field");
-        break;
-      }
-      //set it up into [DBNAME] format      
-      $name = "[".strtoupper($entry)."]";
-      //update our string
-      $this->file = str_replace($name,$_POST[$entry],$this->file);
-    }
-  }
-  /******************************************************
     FUNCTION:	testConfig
     PURPOSE:	verifies the given db parameters
   protected function testConfig()
+    global $errors;
-    $DB = new POSTGRESQL($_POST["dbhost"],$_POST["dbuser"],$_POST["dbpassword"],$_POST["dbport"],$_POST["dbname"]);
+    if ($_POST["dbpassword"] != $_POST["dbpassword2"]) {
+       $errors["dbpassword"] = "Passwords doesn't match";
+       return false;
+    }
+    if(count($errors))
+      return false;
+    if ($_POST["useroot"])
+      $DB = new POSTGRESQL($_POST["dbhost"],$_POST["superuser"],$_POST["superpass"],$_POST["dbport"],"postgres");
+    else
+      $DB = new POSTGRESQL($_POST["dbhost"],$_POST["dbuser"],$_POST["dbpassword"],$_POST["dbport"],$_POST["dbname"]);
     if (!$DB->getConn())
@@ -177,20 +136,20 @@ class CONFIG
       return false;
-  }
-  /******************************************************
-    FUNCTION:	writeFile
-    PURPOSE:	write our config template file
-  ******************************************************/  
-  protected function writeFile()
-  {
-    if ($this->getError()) return false;
-    if (!file_put_contents("config/config.php",$this->file))
+    $path = importSession('file_dir');
+    if(!file_exists($path))
-      $this->throwError("Unable to write config file config/config.php");
+      if(!mkdir($path, 0700, true)) {
+	$errors['file_dir'] = "Unable to create $path";
+	return false;
+      }
+    }
+    //can we write to the files directory
+    if (!is_writable($path))
+    {
+      $errors['file_dir'] = "Unable to write to $path directory.  Please make sure " .
+                        "the user apache runs as has write access to this directory";
+      return false;
diff --git a/install/classes/database.php b/install/classes/database.php
index db8aa33..46b62fe 100644
--- a/install/classes/database.php
+++ b/install/classes/database.php
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ class DATABASE
   private $file;
   private $errorMessage;
+  private $schemas = array("docmgr", "public", "addressbook", "logger", "modlet", "task");
     FUNCTION:	getError
@@ -34,9 +35,8 @@ class DATABASE
     $content = "<h3>Database Setup</h3>
                 <p>The installer will now create or update your database.</p>
-                <p>If you are upgrading your DocMGR installation, please backup your database before continuing.</p>
-                ";
+		<p>If you are upgrading your DocMGR installation, please backup your database before continuing.</p>";
     return $content;  
@@ -55,10 +55,15 @@ class DATABASE
   protected function checkDB()
+    require_once('config/config.php');
-    include("config/config.php");
+    if (importSession("useroot")) {
+      $superdb = new POSTGRESQL(importSession('dbhost'),importSession('superuser'),importSession('superpass'),importSession('dbport'),'postgres');
+      $superdb->initial_setup(importSession('dbname'),importSession('dbuser'),importSession('dbpassword'),$this->schemas,importSession('superuser'),importSession('superpass'),'postgres');
+    }
+    $DB = new POSTGRESQL(importSession('dbhost'),importSession('dbuser'),importSession('dbpassword'),importSession('dbport'),importSession('dbname'));
+    $superdb->initial_setup(importSession('dbname'),importSession('dbuser'),importSession('dbpassword'),$this->schemas);
     //see if the database already exists
     $sql = "SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables WHERE tablename NOT LIKE 'pg%'
@@ -110,7 +115,7 @@ class DATABASE
     //create from scratch
-      $this->createDB($DB);    
+      $this->createDB($DB);
     return true;
@@ -119,10 +124,8 @@ class DATABASE
   protected function createDB($DB)
     //create the database from scratch
-    $sql = file_get_contents("install/docmgr.pgsql");
-    $DB->query($sql);
+    $DB->setup_database(DBUSER, $this->schemas);
diff --git a/install/classes/files.php b/install/classes/files.php
index 72ee99d..021d640 100644
--- a/install/classes/files.php
+++ b/install/classes/files.php
@@ -54,7 +54,13 @@ class FILES
   protected function checkFiles()
-    include("config/config.php");
+    // define our constants here so that we get the correct ones
+    // for those loaded from config and used below
+    foreach ($_SESSION["config"] as $key => $value)
+    {
+      define(strtoupper($key), $value);
+    }
+    require_once("config/config.php");
@@ -69,7 +75,7 @@ class FILES
     //create our directory if it doesn't exist
-    if (!is_dir($path)) mkdir($path);
+    if (!is_dir($path)) mkdir($path, 700, true);
     //if it's not writable, error out
     if (!is_writable($path)) die("Error!".$path." is not writable by the webserver");
diff --git a/install/classes/step.php b/install/classes/step.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc328ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/install/classes/step.php
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+abstract class INSTALL_STEP
+  protected $file = "<?\n";
+  protected $filename = null;
+  protected $entries = array();
+  protected $emptyEntriesAllow = array();
+  protected $errorMessage;
+  /******************************************************
+    FUNCTION:	getError
+    PURPOSE:	returns an existing class error
+  ******************************************************/  
+  public function getError()
+  {
+    return $this->errorMessage;
+  }
+  /******************************************************
+    FUNCTION:	throwError
+    PURPOSE:	throws a class error
+  ******************************************************/  
+  public function throwError($err)
+  {
+    $this->errorMessage = $err;
+  }
+  /******************************************************
+    FUNCTION:	display
+    PURPOSE:	displays the form for entering config
+              information
+  ******************************************************/  
+  public function display()
+  {
+  }
+  /******************************************************
+    FUNCTION:	process
+    PURPOSE:	writes our submitted values to the
+              config file and saves the file
+  ******************************************************/  
+  public function process()
+  {
+    global $errors;
+    $this->loadFile();
+    $this->storeConfigValues();
+    $this->testConfig();
+    if (!$this->getError() && count($errors) == 0)	$this->writeFile();
+  }
+  /******************************************************
+    FUNCTION:	loadFile
+    PURPOSE:	load our config template file
+  ******************************************************/  
+  protected function loadFile()
+  {
+    if($this->filename) {
+      $localConf = "config/local/tmp/" . $this->filename;
+      if ((file_exists($localConf) && !is_writable($localConf)) ||
+	      (!file_exists($localConf) && !is_writable(dirname($localConf))))
+      {
+	$this->throwError("Local configuration output file '$localConf' isn't writable");
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  protected function storeConfigValues()
+  {
+    require_once("config/" . $this->filename);
+    global $errors;
+    foreach ($this->entries AS $entry)
+    {
+      //if we aren't submitted an entry, bail here
+      if (!in_array($entry, $this->emptyEntriesAllow) && !$_POST[$entry])
+      {
+	$errors[$entry] = "Missing value";
+	#$this->throwError("You did not fill out the \"".$entry."\" field");
+	//break;
+      }
+      $name = strtoupper($entry);
+      if (array_key_exists($entry, $_POST)) {
+	if (!defined($name) || constant(strtoupper($entry)) != $_POST[$entry]) {
+	  $this->file .= "define('$name', '$_POST[$entry]');\n";
+	}
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  protected function testConfig()
+  {
+  }
+  /******************************************************
+    FUNCTION:	writeFile
+    PURPOSE:	write our config template file
+  ******************************************************/  
+  protected function writeFile()
+  {
+    global $errors;
+    if ($this->getError() && count($errors) == 0) return false;
+    if($this->filename) {
+      $localConf = "config/local/tmp/" . $this->filename;
+      if (!file_put_contents($localConf,$this->file))
+      {
+	$this->throwError("Unable to write config file '$localConf'");
+      }
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/install/classes/verify.php b/install/classes/verify.php
index 1dee7e9..5604322 100644
--- a/install/classes/verify.php
+++ b/install/classes/verify.php
@@ -63,44 +63,27 @@ class VERIFY
     //is there a config template
-    if (!file_exists("config/config.default.php"))
+    if (!file_exists("config/config.php"))
-      $this->throwError("Default template config/config.default.php file does not exist");
-      return false;
-    }  
-    //can we write to this file to disable when done template
-    if (!is_writeable("install/install.php"))
-    {
-      $this->throwError("install/ directory is not writeable");
+      $this->throwError("Default template config/config.php file does not exist");
       return false;
     //is there a config template
-    if (!file_exists("config/app-config.default.php"))
+    if (!file_exists("config/app-config.php"))
-      $this->throwError("Default template config/app-config.default.php file does not exist");
+      $this->throwError("Default template config/app-config.php file does not exist");
       return false;
     //can we write to the config directory
-    if (!file_put_contents("config/test.php","TEST"))
+    if (!is_writable("config/local/tmp"))
-      $this->throwError("Unable to write to config/ directory.  Please make sure
+      $this->throwError("Unable to write to config/local/tmp directory.  Please make sure
                         the user apache runs as has write access to this directory");
       return false;
-    else unlink("config/test.php");
-    //can we write to the files directory
-    if (!file_put_contents("files/test.php","TEST"))
-    {
-      $this->throwError("Unable to write to files/ directory.  Please make sure
-                        the user apache runs as has write access to this directory");
-      return false;
-    }
-    else unlink("files/test.php");
   protected function checkPHP()
diff --git a/install/docmgr.pgsql b/install/docmgr.pgsql
index 9d180c1..50d19db 100755
--- a/install/docmgr.pgsql
+++ b/install/docmgr.pgsql
@@ -3,169 +3,120 @@
 SET statement_timeout = 0;
-SET client_encoding = 'LATIN1';
 SET standard_conforming_strings = off;
 SET check_function_bodies = false;
 SET client_min_messages = warning;
 SET escape_string_warning = off;
--- Name: addressbook; Type: SCHEMA; Schema: -; Owner: postgres
-CREATE SCHEMA addressbook;
-ALTER SCHEMA addressbook OWNER TO postgres;
+SET search_path = docmgr, pg_catalog;
--- Name: docmgr; Type: SCHEMA; Schema: -; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: getobjfrompath(text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
+CREATE FUNCTION getobjfrompath(path text) RETURNS integer
+    AS
+DECLARE arr text[];
+DECLARE parent integer;
+DECLARE i integer;
-ALTER SCHEMA docmgr OWNER TO postgres;
+     arr := string_to_array(path,'/');
+     parent := 0;
--- Name: logger; Type: SCHEMA; Schema: -; Owner: postgres
+     FOR i IN array_lower(arr,1)+1 .. array_upper(arr,1) LOOP
+		SELECT INTO parent object_id FROM docmgr.dm_view_objects WHERE parent_id=parent AND name=arr[i];
+     END LOOP;
-ALTER SCHEMA logger OWNER TO postgres;
+     RETURN parent;
--- Name: modlet; Type: SCHEMA; Schema: -; Owner: postgres
-ALTER SCHEMA modlet OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: task; Type: SCHEMA; Schema: -; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: getobjpath(integer, text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
+CREATE FUNCTION getobjpath(objid integer, path text) RETURNS text
+    AS
+DECLARE result text;
+DECLARE tempresult text;
+     IF path = '' THEN
+         result := objid::text;
+     ELSE
+         result := path;
+     END IF;
+     IF objid <> '0' THEN
+		SELECT parent_id INTO tempresult FROM docmgr.dm_object_parent WHERE object_id=objid LIMIT 1;
+	     result := result || ',' || tempresult::text;
+		result := docmgr.getobjpath(tempresult::integer,result);
-ALTER SCHEMA task OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: plpgsql; Type: PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE; Schema: -; Owner: postgres
+	RETURN result;
-SET search_path = docmgr, pg_catalog;
--- Name: getobjfrompath(text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: getobjpathname(integer, text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
-CREATE FUNCTION getobjfrompath(path text) RETURNS integer
+CREATE FUNCTION getobjpathname(objid integer, path text) RETURNS text
-    AS $$
-DECLARE arr text[];
-DECLARE parent integer;
-DECLARE i integer;
-     arr := string_to_array(path,'/');
-     parent := 0;
-     FOR i IN array_lower(arr,1)+1 .. array_upper(arr,1) LOOP
-		SELECT INTO parent object_id FROM docmgr.dm_view_objects WHERE parent_id=parent AND name=arr[i];
-     END LOOP;
-     RETURN parent;
-ALTER FUNCTION docmgr.getobjfrompath(path text) OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: getobjpath(integer, text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+    AS
+DECLARE result text;
+DECLARE rec record;
+     IF path = '' THEN
+         result := '';
+     ELSE
+         result := path;
+     END IF;
+     IF objid <> '0' THEN
+		SELECT name,parent_id INTO rec FROM docmgr.dm_view_objects WHERE id=objid LIMIT 1;
+	        IF result = '' THEN
+                   result :=;
+                ELSE 
+                   result := || '/' || result;
+                END IF;
+		result := docmgr.getobjpathname(rec.parent_id,result);
+     ELSE 
+         result := '/' || result;
+	RETURN result;
-CREATE FUNCTION getobjpath(objid integer, path text) RETURNS text
-    AS $$
-DECLARE result text;
-DECLARE tempresult text;
-     IF path = '' THEN
-         result := objid::text;
-     ELSE
-         result := path;
-     END IF;
-     IF objid <> '0' THEN
-		SELECT parent_id INTO tempresult FROM docmgr.dm_object_parent WHERE object_id=objid LIMIT 1;
-	     result := result || ',' || tempresult::text;
-		result := docmgr.getobjpath(tempresult::integer,result);
-	RETURN result;
-ALTER FUNCTION docmgr.getobjpath(objid integer, path text) OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: getobjpathname(integer, text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
-CREATE FUNCTION getobjpathname(objid integer, path text) RETURNS text
-    AS $$
-DECLARE result text;
-DECLARE rec record;
-     IF path = '' THEN
-         result := '';
-     ELSE
-         result := path;
-     END IF;
-     IF objid <> '0' THEN
-		SELECT name,parent_id INTO rec FROM docmgr.dm_view_objects WHERE id=objid LIMIT 1;
-	        IF result = '' THEN
-                   result :=;
-                ELSE 
-                   result := || '/' || result;
-                END IF;
-		result := docmgr.getobjpathname(rec.parent_id,result);
-     ELSE 
-         result := '/' || result;
-	RETURN result;
-ALTER FUNCTION docmgr.getobjpathname(objid integer, path text) OWNER TO postgres;
 SET search_path = addressbook, pg_catalog;
@@ -174,7 +125,7 @@ SET default_tablespace = '';
 SET default_with_oids = false;
--- Name: contact; Type: TABLE; Schema: addressbook; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: contact; Type: TABLE; Schema: addressbook; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE TABLE contact (
@@ -206,10 +157,10 @@ CREATE TABLE contact (
--- Name: contact_account; Type: TABLE; Schema: addressbook; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: contact_account; Type: TABLE; Schema: addressbook; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE TABLE contact_account (
@@ -219,10 +170,10 @@ CREATE TABLE contact_account (
-ALTER TABLE addressbook.contact_account OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: contact_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: addressbook; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: contact_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: addressbook; Owner: docmgr
 CREATE SEQUENCE contact_id_seq
@@ -233,36 +184,36 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE contact_id_seq
     CACHE 1;
-ALTER TABLE addressbook.contact_id_seq OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: contact_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: addressbook; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: contact_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: addressbook; Owner: docmgr
 ALTER SEQUENCE contact_id_seq OWNED BY;
--- Name: contact_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: addressbook; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: contact_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: addressbook; Owner: docmgr
 SELECT pg_catalog.setval('contact_id_seq', 1, true);
--- Name: view_contact; Type: VIEW; Schema: addressbook; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: view_contact; Type: VIEW; Schema: addressbook; Owner: docmgr
 CREATE VIEW view_contact AS
     SELECT, contact.first_name, contact.middle_name, contact.last_name, contact.address, contact.address2,, contact.state,,, contact.home_phone, contact.home_fax, contact.work_phone, contact.work_fax,, contact.pager,, contact.prefix, contact.suffix, contact.letter_salutation, contact.envelope_salutation,, contact.company_name, contact.last_modified, contact.work_ext, contact_account.account_id, contact_account.account_name FROM (contact LEFT JOIN contact_account ON (( = contact_account.contact_id)));
-ALTER TABLE addressbook.view_contact OWNER TO postgres;
 SET search_path = docmgr, pg_catalog;
--- Name: dm_alert; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_alert; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE TABLE dm_alert (
@@ -273,10 +224,10 @@ CREATE TABLE dm_alert (
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.dm_alert OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dm_alert_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: dm_alert_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 CREATE SEQUENCE dm_alert_id_seq
@@ -287,24 +238,24 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE dm_alert_id_seq
     CACHE 1;
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.dm_alert_id_seq OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dm_alert_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: dm_alert_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 ALTER SEQUENCE dm_alert_id_seq OWNED BY;
--- Name: dm_alert_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: dm_alert_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 SELECT pg_catalog.setval('dm_alert_id_seq', 1, false);
--- Name: dm_bookmark; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_bookmark; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE TABLE dm_bookmark (
@@ -318,10 +269,10 @@ CREATE TABLE dm_bookmark (
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.dm_bookmark OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dm_bookmark_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: dm_bookmark_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 CREATE SEQUENCE dm_bookmark_id_seq
@@ -332,24 +283,24 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE dm_bookmark_id_seq
     CACHE 1;
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.dm_bookmark_id_seq OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dm_bookmark_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: dm_bookmark_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 ALTER SEQUENCE dm_bookmark_id_seq OWNED BY;
--- Name: dm_bookmark_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: dm_bookmark_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 SELECT pg_catalog.setval('dm_bookmark_id_seq', 1, false);
--- Name: dm_dirlevel; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_dirlevel; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE TABLE dm_dirlevel (
@@ -359,10 +310,10 @@ CREATE TABLE dm_dirlevel (
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.dm_dirlevel OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dm_discussion; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_discussion; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE TABLE dm_discussion (
@@ -376,10 +327,10 @@ CREATE TABLE dm_discussion (
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.dm_discussion OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dm_discussion_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: dm_discussion_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 CREATE SEQUENCE dm_discussion_id_seq
@@ -390,17 +341,17 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE dm_discussion_id_seq
     CACHE 1;
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.dm_discussion_id_seq OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dm_discussion_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: dm_discussion_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 SELECT pg_catalog.setval('dm_discussion_id_seq', 1, false);
--- Name: dm_document; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_document; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE TABLE dm_document (
@@ -413,10 +364,10 @@ CREATE TABLE dm_document (
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.dm_document OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dm_document_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: dm_document_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 CREATE SEQUENCE dm_document_id_seq
@@ -427,24 +378,24 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE dm_document_id_seq
     CACHE 1;
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.dm_document_id_seq OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dm_document_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: dm_document_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 ALTER SEQUENCE dm_document_id_seq OWNED BY;
--- Name: dm_document_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: dm_document_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 SELECT pg_catalog.setval('dm_document_id_seq', 1, false);
--- Name: dm_email_anon; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_email_anon; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE TABLE dm_email_anon (
@@ -458,10 +409,10 @@ CREATE TABLE dm_email_anon (
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.dm_email_anon OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dm_file_history; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_file_history; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE TABLE dm_file_history (
@@ -478,10 +429,10 @@ CREATE TABLE dm_file_history (
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.dm_file_history OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dm_file_history_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: dm_file_history_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 CREATE SEQUENCE dm_file_history_id_seq
@@ -492,17 +443,17 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE dm_file_history_id_seq
     CACHE 1;
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.dm_file_history_id_seq OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dm_file_history_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: dm_file_history_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 SELECT pg_catalog.setval('dm_file_history_id_seq', 1, false);
--- Name: dm_index; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_index; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE TABLE dm_index (
@@ -512,10 +463,10 @@ CREATE TABLE dm_index (
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.dm_index OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dm_index_queue; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_index_queue; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE TABLE dm_index_queue (
@@ -527,10 +478,10 @@ CREATE TABLE dm_index_queue (
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.dm_index_queue OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dm_index_queue_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: dm_index_queue_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 CREATE SEQUENCE dm_index_queue_id_seq
@@ -541,24 +492,24 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE dm_index_queue_id_seq
     CACHE 1;
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.dm_index_queue_id_seq OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dm_index_queue_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: dm_index_queue_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 ALTER SEQUENCE dm_index_queue_id_seq OWNED BY;
--- Name: dm_index_queue_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: dm_index_queue_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 SELECT pg_catalog.setval('dm_index_queue_id_seq', 1, false);
--- Name: dm_keyword; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_keyword; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE TABLE dm_keyword (
@@ -586,10 +537,10 @@ CREATE TABLE dm_locks (
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.dm_locks OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dm_locks_object_id_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_locks_object_id_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE INDEX dm_locks_object_id_idx ON dm_locks USING btree (object_id);
@@ -601,17 +552,17 @@ CREATE TABLE dm_locktoken (
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.dm_locktoken OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dm_locktoken_account_id_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_locktoken_account_id_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE INDEX dm_locktoken_account_id_idx ON dm_locktoken USING btree (account_id);
--- Name: dm_locktoken_object_id_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_locktoken_object_id_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE INDEX dm_locktoken_object_id_idx ON dm_locktoken USING btree (object_id);
@@ -621,10 +572,10 @@ CREATE INDEX dm_locktoken_object_id_idx ON dm_locktoken USING btree (object_id);
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.dm_keyword OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dm_object; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_object; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE TABLE dm_object (
@@ -648,10 +599,10 @@ CREATE TABLE dm_object (
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.dm_object OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dm_object_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: dm_object_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 CREATE SEQUENCE dm_object_id_seq
@@ -662,17 +613,17 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE dm_object_id_seq
     CACHE 1;
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.dm_object_id_seq OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dm_object_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: dm_object_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 SELECT pg_catalog.setval('dm_object_id_seq', 1, false);
--- Name: dm_object_log; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_object_log; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE TABLE dm_object_log (
@@ -684,10 +635,10 @@ CREATE TABLE dm_object_log (
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.dm_object_log OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dm_object_parent; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_object_parent; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE TABLE dm_object_parent (
@@ -696,10 +647,10 @@ CREATE TABLE dm_object_parent (
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.dm_object_parent OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dm_object_perm; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_object_perm; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE TABLE dm_object_perm (
@@ -711,10 +662,10 @@ CREATE TABLE dm_object_perm (
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.dm_object_perm OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dm_object_related; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_object_related; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE TABLE dm_object_related (
@@ -723,10 +674,10 @@ CREATE TABLE dm_object_related (
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.dm_object_related OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dm_object_type_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: dm_object_type_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 CREATE SEQUENCE dm_object_type_id_seq
@@ -737,16 +688,16 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE dm_object_type_id_seq
     CACHE 1;
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.dm_object_type_id_seq OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dm_object_type_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: dm_object_type_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 SELECT pg_catalog.setval('dm_object_type_id_seq', 1, false);
--- Name: dm_properties; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_properties; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE TABLE dm_properties (
@@ -755,10 +706,10 @@ CREATE TABLE dm_properties (
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.dm_properties OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dm_saveroute; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_saveroute; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE TABLE dm_saveroute (
@@ -768,10 +719,10 @@ CREATE TABLE dm_saveroute (
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.dm_saveroute OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dm_saveroute_data; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_saveroute_data; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE TABLE dm_saveroute_data (
@@ -784,10 +735,10 @@ CREATE TABLE dm_saveroute_data (
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.dm_saveroute_data OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dm_saveroute_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: dm_saveroute_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 CREATE SEQUENCE dm_saveroute_id_seq
@@ -798,24 +749,24 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE dm_saveroute_id_seq
     CACHE 1;
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.dm_saveroute_id_seq OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dm_saveroute_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: dm_saveroute_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 ALTER SEQUENCE dm_saveroute_id_seq OWNED BY;
--- Name: dm_saveroute_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: dm_saveroute_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 SELECT pg_catalog.setval('dm_saveroute_id_seq', 1, false);
--- Name: dm_search; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_search; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE TABLE dm_search (
@@ -823,10 +774,10 @@ CREATE TABLE dm_search (
 		params text
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.dm_search OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dm_subscribe; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_subscribe; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE TABLE dm_subscribe (
@@ -838,10 +789,10 @@ CREATE TABLE dm_subscribe (
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.dm_subscribe OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dm_tag; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_tag; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE TABLE dm_tag (
@@ -851,10 +802,10 @@ CREATE TABLE dm_tag (
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.dm_tag OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dm_tag_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: dm_tag_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 CREATE SEQUENCE dm_tag_id_seq
@@ -865,24 +816,24 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE dm_tag_id_seq
     CACHE 1;
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.dm_tag_id_seq OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dm_tag_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: dm_tag_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
--- Name: dm_tag_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: dm_tag_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 SELECT pg_catalog.setval('dm_tag_id_seq', 1, false);
--- Name: dm_tag_link; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_tag_link; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE TABLE dm_tag_link (
@@ -891,10 +842,10 @@ CREATE TABLE dm_tag_link (
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.dm_tag_link OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dm_task; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_task; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE TABLE dm_task (
@@ -905,10 +856,10 @@ CREATE TABLE dm_task (
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.dm_task OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dm_workflow; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_workflow; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE TABLE dm_workflow (
@@ -924,10 +875,10 @@ CREATE TABLE dm_workflow (
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.dm_workflow OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dm_workflow_route; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_workflow_route; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE TABLE dm_workflow_route (
@@ -944,20 +895,20 @@ CREATE TABLE dm_workflow_route (
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.dm_workflow_route OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dm_task_view; Type: VIEW; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: dm_task_view; Type: VIEW; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 CREATE VIEW dm_task_view AS
     SELECT dm_task.account_id, dm_task.task_id, dm_task.alert_type, dm_workflow.object_id, AS route_id, dm_workflow_route.date_due, dm_workflow_route.task_notes, FROM (((dm_task LEFT JOIN dm_workflow_route ON ((dm_task.task_id = LEFT JOIN dm_workflow ON ((dm_workflow_route.workflow_id = LEFT JOIN dm_object ON ((dm_workflow.object_id =;
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.dm_task_view OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dm_thumb_queue; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_thumb_queue; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE TABLE dm_thumb_queue (
@@ -969,10 +920,10 @@ CREATE TABLE dm_thumb_queue (
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.dm_thumb_queue OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dm_thumb_queue_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: dm_thumb_queue_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 CREATE SEQUENCE dm_thumb_queue_id_seq
@@ -983,24 +934,24 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE dm_thumb_queue_id_seq
     CACHE 1;
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.dm_thumb_queue_id_seq OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dm_thumb_queue_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: dm_thumb_queue_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 ALTER SEQUENCE dm_thumb_queue_id_seq OWNED BY;
--- Name: dm_thumb_queue_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: dm_thumb_queue_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 SELECT pg_catalog.setval('dm_thumb_queue_id_seq', 1, false);
--- Name: dm_url; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_url; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE TABLE dm_url (
@@ -1009,60 +960,60 @@ CREATE TABLE dm_url (
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.dm_url OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dm_view_alert; Type: VIEW; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: dm_view_alert; Type: VIEW; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 CREATE VIEW dm_view_alert AS
     SELECT,, dm_object.summary, dm_object.object_type, dm_object.create_date, dm_object.object_owner, dm_object.status, dm_object.status_date, dm_object.status_owner, dm_object.version, dm_object.reindex, AS alert_id, dm_alert.object_id, dm_alert.account_id, dm_alert.alert_type FROM dm_object, dm_alert WHERE ( = dm_alert.object_id);
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.dm_view_alert OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dm_view_collections; Type: VIEW; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: dm_view_collections; Type: VIEW; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 CREATE VIEW dm_view_collections AS
     SELECT,, dm_object.summary, dm_object.object_type, dm_object.create_date, dm_object.object_owner, dm_object.status, dm_object.status_date, dm_object.status_owner, dm_object.version, dm_object.reindex, dm_object.hidden, dm_object_parent.object_id, dm_object_parent.parent_id, dm_object_perm.account_id, dm_object_perm.group_id, dm_object_perm.bitset FROM ((dm_object LEFT JOIN dm_object_parent ON (( = dm_object_parent.object_id))) LEFT JOIN dm_object_perm ON (( = dm_object_perm.object_id))) WHERE (dm_object.object_type = 'collection'::text);
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.dm_view_collections OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dm_view_full_search; Type: VIEW; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: dm_view_full_search; Type: VIEW; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 CREATE VIEW dm_view_full_search AS
     SELECT,, dm_object.summary, dm_object.create_date, dm_object.object_owner, dm_object.status, dm_object.status_date, dm_object.status_owner, dm_object.version, dm_object.reindex, dm_object.filesize, dm_object.object_type, dm_object.token, dm_object.last_modified, dm_object.modified_by, dm_index.idxfti, dm_dirlevel.level1, dm_dirlevel.level2 FROM ((dm_object LEFT JOIN dm_index ON (( = dm_index.object_id))) LEFT JOIN dm_dirlevel ON (( = dm_dirlevel.object_id)));
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.dm_view_full_search OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dm_view_keyword; Type: VIEW; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: dm_view_keyword; Type: VIEW; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 CREATE VIEW dm_view_keyword AS
     SELECT,, dm_object.summary, dm_object.object_type, dm_object.create_date, dm_object.object_owner, dm_object.status, dm_object.status_date, dm_object.status_owner, dm_object.filesize, dm_keyword.object_id, dm_keyword.field1, dm_keyword.field2, dm_keyword.field3, dm_keyword.field4, dm_keyword.field5, dm_keyword.field6, dm_object_parent.parent_id, dm_object_perm.account_id, dm_object_perm.group_id, dm_object_perm.bitset FROM (((dm_object LEFT JOIN dm_keyword ON (( = dm_keyword.object_id))) LEFT JOIN dm_object_parent ON (( = dm_object_parent.object_id))) LEFT JOIN dm_object_perm ON (( = dm_object_perm.object_id)));
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.dm_view_keyword OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dm_view_objects; Type: VIEW; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: dm_view_objects; Type: VIEW; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 CREATE VIEW dm_view_objects AS
     SELECT,, dm_object.summary, dm_object.create_date, dm_object.object_owner, dm_object.status, dm_object.status_date, dm_object.status_owner, dm_object.version, dm_object.reindex, dm_object.filesize, dm_object.object_type, dm_object.token, dm_object.last_modified, dm_object.modified_by, dm_object.hidden, dm_object_parent.object_id, dm_object_parent.parent_id, dm_object_perm.account_id, dm_object_perm.group_id, dm_object_perm.bitset,bitmask, dm_dirlevel.level1, dm_dirlevel.level2 FROM (((dm_object LEFT JOIN dm_object_parent ON (( = dm_object_parent.object_id))) LEFT JOIN dm_object_perm ON (( = dm_object_perm.object_id))) LEFT JOIN dm_dirlevel ON (( = dm_dirlevel.object_id)));
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.dm_view_objects OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dm_view_perm; Type: VIEW; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: dm_view_perm; Type: VIEW; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 CREATE VIEW dm_view_perm AS
@@ -1071,50 +1022,50 @@ CREATE VIEW dm_view_perm AS
    LEFT JOIN dm_object_perm ON = dm_object_perm.object_id;
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.dm_view_perm OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dm_view_related; Type: VIEW; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: dm_view_related; Type: VIEW; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 CREATE VIEW dm_view_related AS
     SELECT dm_object_related.object_id, dm_object_related.related_id,, dm_object.object_type FROM (dm_object_related LEFT JOIN dm_object ON ((dm_object_related.related_id =;
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.dm_view_related OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dm_view_search; Type: VIEW; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: dm_view_search; Type: VIEW; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 CREATE VIEW dm_view_search AS
     SELECT,, dm_object.summary, dm_object.filesize, dm_object.last_modified, dm_index.idxfti FROM (dm_index LEFT JOIN dm_object ON ((dm_index.object_id =;
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.dm_view_search OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dm_view_webdav; Type: VIEW; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: dm_view_webdav; Type: VIEW; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 CREATE VIEW dm_view_webdav AS
     SELECT,, dm_object.summary, dm_object.object_type, dm_object.create_date, dm_object.object_owner, dm_object.status, dm_object.status_date, dm_object.status_owner, dm_object.version, dm_object_parent.object_id, dm_object_parent.parent_id, (SELECT FROM dm_file_history WHERE (dm_file_history.object_id = ORDER BY dm_file_history.version DESC LIMIT 1) AS file_id FROM dm_object, dm_object_parent WHERE (( = dm_object_parent.object_id) AND ((dm_object.object_type = 'collection'::text) OR (dm_object.object_type = 'file'::text)));
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.dm_view_webdav OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dm_view_workflow; Type: VIEW; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: dm_view_workflow; Type: VIEW; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 CREATE VIEW dm_view_workflow AS
     SELECT, dm_workflow_route.workflow_id, dm_workflow_route.account_id, dm_workflow_route.task_type, dm_workflow_route.date_due AS relative_due, dm_workflow_route.date_complete, dm_workflow_route.status, dm_workflow_route.sort_order, dm_workflow_route.comment, dm_workflow.object_id FROM (dm_workflow_route LEFT JOIN dm_workflow ON ((dm_workflow_route.workflow_id =;
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.dm_view_workflow OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dm_workflow_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: dm_workflow_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 CREATE SEQUENCE dm_workflow_id_seq
@@ -1125,24 +1076,24 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE dm_workflow_id_seq
     CACHE 1;
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.dm_workflow_id_seq OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dm_workflow_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: dm_workflow_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 ALTER SEQUENCE dm_workflow_id_seq OWNED BY;
--- Name: dm_workflow_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: dm_workflow_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 SELECT pg_catalog.setval('dm_workflow_id_seq', 1, false);
--- Name: dm_workflow_route_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: dm_workflow_route_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 CREATE SEQUENCE dm_workflow_route_id_seq
@@ -1153,24 +1104,24 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE dm_workflow_route_id_seq
     CACHE 1;
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.dm_workflow_route_id_seq OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dm_workflow_route_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: dm_workflow_route_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 ALTER SEQUENCE dm_workflow_route_id_seq OWNED BY;
--- Name: dm_workflow_route_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: dm_workflow_route_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 SELECT pg_catalog.setval('dm_workflow_route_id_seq', 1, false);
--- Name: keyword; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: keyword; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE TABLE keyword (
@@ -1181,10 +1132,10 @@ CREATE TABLE keyword (
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.keyword OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: keyword_collection; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: keyword_collection; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE TABLE keyword_collection (
@@ -1193,10 +1144,10 @@ CREATE TABLE keyword_collection (
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.keyword_collection OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: keyword_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: keyword_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 CREATE SEQUENCE keyword_id_seq
@@ -1207,24 +1158,24 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE keyword_id_seq
     CACHE 1;
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.keyword_id_seq OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: keyword_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: keyword_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 ALTER SEQUENCE keyword_id_seq OWNED BY;
--- Name: keyword_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: keyword_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 SELECT pg_catalog.setval('keyword_id_seq', 1, false);
--- Name: keyword_option; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: keyword_option; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE TABLE keyword_option (
@@ -1234,10 +1185,10 @@ CREATE TABLE keyword_option (
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.keyword_option OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: keyword_option_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: keyword_option_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 CREATE SEQUENCE keyword_option_id_seq
@@ -1248,24 +1199,24 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE keyword_option_id_seq
     CACHE 1;
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.keyword_option_id_seq OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: keyword_option_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: keyword_option_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 ALTER SEQUENCE keyword_option_id_seq OWNED BY;
--- Name: keyword_option_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: keyword_option_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 SELECT pg_catalog.setval('keyword_option_id_seq', 1, false);
--- Name: keyword_value; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: keyword_value; Type: TABLE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE TABLE keyword_value (
@@ -1276,11 +1227,11 @@ CREATE TABLE keyword_value (
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.keyword_value OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: level1; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: level1; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
@@ -1292,17 +1243,17 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE level1
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.level1 OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: level1; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: level1; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 SELECT pg_catalog.setval('level1', 1, false);
--- Name: level2; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: level2; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
@@ -1314,29 +1265,29 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE level2
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.level2 OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: level2; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: level2; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 SELECT pg_catalog.setval('level2', 1, false);
--- Name: view_keyword_collection; Type: VIEW; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: view_keyword_collection; Type: VIEW; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 CREATE VIEW view_keyword_collection AS
     SELECT,, keyword.type, keyword.required, keyword_collection.parent_id FROM (keyword LEFT JOIN keyword_collection ON (( = keyword_collection.keyword_id)));
-ALTER TABLE docmgr.view_keyword_collection OWNER TO postgres;
 SET search_path = logger, pg_catalog;
--- Name: logs; Type: TABLE; Schema: logger; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: logs; Type: TABLE; Schema: logger; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
@@ -1355,10 +1306,10 @@ CREATE TABLE logs (
-ALTER TABLE logger.logs OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: logs_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: logger; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: logs_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: logger; Owner: docmgr
 CREATE SEQUENCE logs_id_seq
@@ -1369,17 +1320,17 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE logs_id_seq
     CACHE 1;
-ALTER TABLE logger.logs_id_seq OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: logs_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: logger; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: logs_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: logger; Owner: docmgr
--- Name: logs_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: logger; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: logs_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: logger; Owner: docmgr
 SELECT pg_catalog.setval('logs_id_seq', 1, true);
@@ -1388,7 +1339,7 @@ SELECT pg_catalog.setval('logs_id_seq', 1, true);
 SET search_path = modlet, pg_catalog;
--- Name: rssfeed; Type: TABLE; Schema: modlet; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: rssfeed; Type: TABLE; Schema: modlet; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE TABLE rssfeed (
@@ -1399,10 +1350,10 @@ CREATE TABLE rssfeed (
-ALTER TABLE modlet.rssfeed OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: tasks; Type: TABLE; Schema: modlet; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: tasks; Type: TABLE; Schema: modlet; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
@@ -1413,12 +1364,12 @@ CREATE TABLE tasks (
-ALTER TABLE modlet.tasks OWNER TO postgres;
 SET search_path = public, pg_catalog;
--- Name: auth_accountperm; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: auth_accountperm; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE TABLE auth_accountperm (
@@ -1435,10 +1386,10 @@ CREATE TABLE auth_accountperm (
-ALTER TABLE public.auth_accountperm OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: auth_accounts; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: auth_accounts; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE TABLE auth_accounts (
@@ -1453,10 +1404,10 @@ CREATE TABLE auth_accounts (
-ALTER TABLE public.auth_accounts OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: auth_accounts_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: auth_accounts_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: docmgr
 CREATE SEQUENCE auth_accounts_id_seq
@@ -1467,24 +1418,24 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE auth_accounts_id_seq
     CACHE 1;
-ALTER TABLE public.auth_accounts_id_seq OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: auth_accounts_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: auth_accounts_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: docmgr
 ALTER SEQUENCE auth_accounts_id_seq OWNED BY;
--- Name: auth_accounts_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: auth_accounts_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: docmgr
 SELECT pg_catalog.setval('auth_accounts_id_seq', 2, true);
--- Name: auth_grouplink; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: auth_grouplink; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE TABLE auth_grouplink (
@@ -1493,10 +1444,10 @@ CREATE TABLE auth_grouplink (
-ALTER TABLE public.auth_grouplink OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: auth_groupperm; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: auth_groupperm; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE TABLE auth_groupperm (
@@ -1506,10 +1457,10 @@ CREATE TABLE auth_groupperm (
-ALTER TABLE public.auth_groupperm OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: auth_groups; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: auth_groups; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE TABLE auth_groups (
@@ -1518,10 +1469,10 @@ CREATE TABLE auth_groups (
-ALTER TABLE public.auth_groups OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: auth_groups_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: auth_groups_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: docmgr
 CREATE SEQUENCE auth_groups_id_seq
@@ -1532,24 +1483,24 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE auth_groups_id_seq
     CACHE 1;
-ALTER TABLE public.auth_groups_id_seq OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: auth_groups_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: auth_groups_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: docmgr
 ALTER SEQUENCE auth_groups_id_seq OWNED BY;
--- Name: auth_groups_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: auth_groups_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: docmgr
 SELECT pg_catalog.setval('auth_groups_id_seq', 1, true);
--- Name: auth_settings; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: auth_settings; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE TABLE auth_settings (
@@ -1560,10 +1511,10 @@ CREATE TABLE auth_settings (
-ALTER TABLE public.auth_settings OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dashboard; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dashboard; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE TABLE dashboard (
@@ -1576,10 +1527,10 @@ CREATE TABLE dashboard (
-ALTER TABLE public.dashboard OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: db_version; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: db_version; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE TABLE db_version (
@@ -1587,10 +1538,10 @@ CREATE TABLE db_version (
-ALTER TABLE public.db_version OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: dm_object_type; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_object_type; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE TABLE dm_object_type (
@@ -1599,10 +1550,10 @@ CREATE TABLE dm_object_type (
-ALTER TABLE public.dm_object_type OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: group_dashboard; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: group_dashboard; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE TABLE group_dashboard (
@@ -1615,10 +1566,10 @@ CREATE TABLE group_dashboard (
-ALTER TABLE public.group_dashboard OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: imagenum_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: imagenum_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: docmgr
 CREATE SEQUENCE imagenum_seq
@@ -1629,17 +1580,17 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE imagenum_seq
     CACHE 1;
-ALTER TABLE public.imagenum_seq OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: imagenum_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: imagenum_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: docmgr
 SELECT pg_catalog.setval('imagenum_seq', 1, false);
--- Name: state; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: state; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
@@ -1649,10 +1600,10 @@ CREATE TABLE state (
-ALTER TABLE public.state OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: state_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: state_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: docmgr
 CREATE SEQUENCE state_id_seq
@@ -1663,17 +1614,17 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE state_id_seq
     CACHE 1;
-ALTER TABLE public.state_id_seq OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: state_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: state_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: docmgr
--- Name: state_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: state_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: docmgr
 SELECT pg_catalog.setval('state_id_seq', 1, false);
@@ -1682,7 +1633,7 @@ SELECT pg_catalog.setval('state_id_seq', 1, false);
 SET search_path = task, pg_catalog;
--- Name: docmgr_task; Type: TABLE; Schema: task; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: docmgr_task; Type: TABLE; Schema: task; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE TABLE docmgr_task (
@@ -1693,10 +1644,10 @@ CREATE TABLE docmgr_task (
-ALTER TABLE task.docmgr_task OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: task; Type: TABLE; Schema: task; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: task; Type: TABLE; Schema: task; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
@@ -1717,10 +1668,10 @@ CREATE TABLE task (
-ALTER TABLE task.task OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: task_account; Type: TABLE; Schema: task; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: task_account; Type: TABLE; Schema: task; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE TABLE task_account (
@@ -1729,10 +1680,10 @@ CREATE TABLE task_account (
-ALTER TABLE task.task_account OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: task_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: task; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: task_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: task; Owner: docmgr
 CREATE SEQUENCE task_id_seq
@@ -1743,24 +1694,24 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE task_id_seq
     CACHE 1;
-ALTER TABLE task.task_id_seq OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: task_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: task; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: task_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: task; Owner: docmgr
--- Name: task_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: task; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: task_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: task; Owner: docmgr
 SELECT pg_catalog.setval('task_id_seq', 1, true);
--- Name: task_role; Type: TABLE; Schema: task; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: task_role; Type: TABLE; Schema: task; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE TABLE task_role (
@@ -1770,42 +1721,42 @@ CREATE TABLE task_role (
-ALTER TABLE task.task_role OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: view_docmgr_task; Type: VIEW; Schema: task; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: view_docmgr_task; Type: VIEW; Schema: task; Owner: docmgr
 CREATE VIEW view_docmgr_task AS
     SELECT, task.title, task.notes, task.priority, task.date_due, task.completed, task.due, task.date_completed, task.created_by, task.created_date, task.modified_by, task.modified_date, task.task_type, task.idxfti, docmgr_task.task_id, docmgr_task.object_id, docmgr_task.route_id, docmgr_task.workflow_id FROM (task LEFT JOIN docmgr_task ON (( = docmgr_task.task_id)));
-ALTER TABLE task.view_docmgr_task OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: view_task_complete; Type: VIEW; Schema: task; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: view_task_complete; Type: VIEW; Schema: task; Owner: docmgr
 CREATE VIEW view_task_complete AS
     SELECT, task.title, task.notes, task.priority, task.date_due, task.completed, task.due, task.date_completed, task.created_by, task.created_date, task.modified_by, task.modified_date, task.task_type, task_account.account_id, task_role.role_id, task_role.child_location_id FROM ((task LEFT JOIN task_account ON (( = task_account.task_id))) LEFT JOIN task_role ON (( = task_role.task_id)));
-ALTER TABLE task.view_task_complete OWNER TO postgres;
--- Name: view_tasks; Type: VIEW; Schema: task; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: view_tasks; Type: VIEW; Schema: task; Owner: docmgr
 CREATE VIEW view_tasks AS
     SELECT, task.title, task.notes, task.priority, task.date_due, task.completed, task.due, task.date_completed, task.created_by, task.created_date, task.modified_by, task.modified_date, task.task_type, task_account.account_id, task_role.role_id, task_role.child_location_id FROM ((task LEFT JOIN task_account ON (( = task_account.task_id))) LEFT JOIN task_role ON (( = task_role.task_id)));
-ALTER TABLE task.view_tasks OWNER TO postgres;
 SET search_path = addressbook, pg_catalog;
--- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: addressbook; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: addressbook; Owner: docmgr
 ALTER TABLE contact ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('contact_id_seq'::regclass);
@@ -1814,28 +1765,28 @@ ALTER TABLE contact ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('contact_id_seq'::regcla
 SET search_path = docmgr, pg_catalog;
--- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 ALTER TABLE dm_bookmark ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('dm_bookmark_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 ALTER TABLE dm_tag ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('dm_tag_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 ALTER TABLE keyword ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('keyword_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 ALTER TABLE keyword_option ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('keyword_option_id_seq'::regclass);
@@ -1844,7 +1795,7 @@ ALTER TABLE keyword_option ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('keyword_option_i
 SET search_path = logger, pg_catalog;
--- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: logger; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: logger; Owner: docmgr
 ALTER TABLE logs ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('logs_id_seq'::regclass);
@@ -1853,21 +1804,21 @@ ALTER TABLE logs ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('logs_id_seq'::regclass);
 SET search_path = public, pg_catalog;
--- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: docmgr
 ALTER TABLE auth_accounts ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('auth_accounts_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: docmgr
 ALTER TABLE auth_groups ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('auth_groups_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: docmgr
 ALTER TABLE state ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('state_id_seq'::regclass);
@@ -1876,7 +1827,7 @@ ALTER TABLE state ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('state_id_seq'::regclass);
 SET search_path = task, pg_catalog;
--- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: task; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: task; Owner: docmgr
 ALTER TABLE task ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('task_id_seq'::regclass);
@@ -1884,7 +1835,7 @@ ALTER TABLE task ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('task_id_seq'::regclass);
 SET search_path = public, pg_catalog;
--- Data for Name: auth_accountperm; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
+-- Data for Name: auth_accountperm; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: docmgr
 INSERT INTO auth_accountperm (account_id, bitset, enable, locked_time, failed_logins, failed_logins_locked, last_success_login, setup, last_activity,bitmask) 
@@ -1893,7 +1844,7 @@ VALUES
--- Data for Name: auth_accounts; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
+-- Data for Name: auth_accounts; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: docmgr
 INSERT INTO auth_accounts (id, login, password, digest_hash, first_name, last_name, email, phone) 
@@ -1901,7 +1852,7 @@ VALUES
--- Data for Name: auth_grouplink; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
+-- Data for Name: auth_grouplink; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: docmgr
 INSERT INTO auth_grouplink (accountid, groupid) 
@@ -1910,7 +1861,7 @@ VALUES
--- Data for Name: auth_groupperm; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
+-- Data for Name: auth_groupperm; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: docmgr
 INSERT INTO auth_groupperm (group_id, bitset,bitmask) 
@@ -1918,7 +1869,7 @@ VALUES
--- Data for Name: auth_groups; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
+-- Data for Name: auth_groups; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: docmgr
 INSERT INTO auth_groups (id, name) 
@@ -1926,7 +1877,7 @@ VALUES
--- Data for Name: state; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
+-- Data for Name: state; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: docmgr
 INSERT INTO state (id,abbr,name) VALUES ('1','AK','Alaska');
@@ -1998,7 +1949,7 @@ INSERT INTO state (id,abbr,name) VALUES ('61','AA','Armed Forces Americas');
 SET search_path = docmgr, pg_catalog;
--- Name: dm_discussion_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_discussion_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 ALTER TABLE ONLY dm_discussion
@@ -2006,7 +1957,7 @@ ALTER TABLE ONLY dm_discussion
--- Name: dm_file_history_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_file_history_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 ALTER TABLE ONLY dm_file_history
@@ -2014,7 +1965,7 @@ ALTER TABLE ONLY dm_file_history
--- Name: dm_index_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_index_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
@@ -2024,70 +1975,70 @@ ALTER TABLE ONLY dm_index
 SET search_path = addressbook, pg_catalog;
--- Name: contact_account_account_id_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: addressbook; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: contact_account_account_id_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: addressbook; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE INDEX contact_account_account_id_idx ON contact_account USING btree (account_id);
--- Name: contact_account_contact_id_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: addressbook; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: contact_account_contact_id_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: addressbook; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE INDEX contact_account_contact_id_idx ON contact_account USING btree (contact_id);
--- Name: contact_address_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: addressbook; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: contact_address_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: addressbook; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE INDEX contact_address_idx ON contact USING btree (lower(address));
--- Name: contact_city_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: addressbook; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: contact_city_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: addressbook; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE INDEX contact_city_idx ON contact USING btree (lower(city));
--- Name: contact_first_name_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: addressbook; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: contact_first_name_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: addressbook; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE INDEX contact_first_name_idx ON contact USING btree (lower(first_name));
--- Name: contact_id_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: addressbook; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: contact_id_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: addressbook; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE UNIQUE INDEX contact_id_idx ON contact USING btree (id);
--- Name: contact_last_name_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: addressbook; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: contact_last_name_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: addressbook; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE INDEX contact_last_name_idx ON contact USING btree (lower(last_name));
--- Name: contact_middle_name_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: addressbook; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: contact_middle_name_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: addressbook; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE INDEX contact_middle_name_idx ON contact USING btree (lower(middle_name));
--- Name: contact_state_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: addressbook; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: contact_state_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: addressbook; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE INDEX contact_state_idx ON contact USING btree (state);
--- Name: contact_zip_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: addressbook; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: contact_zip_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: addressbook; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE INDEX contact_zip_idx ON contact USING btree (zip);
@@ -2096,181 +2047,181 @@ CREATE INDEX contact_zip_idx ON contact USING btree (zip);
 SET search_path = docmgr, pg_catalog;
--- Name: dm_dirlevel_object_id_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_dirlevel_object_id_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE INDEX dm_dirlevel_object_id_idx ON dm_dirlevel USING btree (object_id);
--- Name: dm_discussion_id_key; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_discussion_id_key; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE UNIQUE INDEX dm_discussion_id_key ON dm_discussion USING btree (id);
--- Name: dm_discussion_object_id_key; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_discussion_object_id_key; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE INDEX dm_discussion_object_id_key ON dm_discussion USING btree (object_id);
--- Name: dm_file_history_id_key; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_file_history_id_key; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE UNIQUE INDEX dm_file_history_id_key ON dm_file_history USING btree (id);
--- Name: dm_file_history_object_id_key; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_file_history_object_id_key; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE INDEX dm_file_history_object_id_key ON dm_file_history USING btree (object_id);
--- Name: dm_keyword_field_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_keyword_field_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE INDEX dm_keyword_field_idx ON dm_keyword USING btree (field1, field2, field3, field4, field5, field6);
--- Name: dm_object_id_key; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_object_id_key; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE UNIQUE INDEX dm_object_id_key ON dm_object USING btree (id);
--- Name: dm_object_log_object_id_key; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_object_log_object_id_key; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE INDEX dm_object_log_object_id_key ON dm_object_log USING btree (object_id);
--- Name: dm_object_object_type_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_object_object_type_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE INDEX dm_object_object_type_idx ON dm_object USING btree (object_type);
--- Name: dm_object_parent_search_key; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_object_parent_search_key; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE INDEX dm_object_parent_search_key ON dm_object_parent USING btree (object_id, parent_id);
--- Name: dm_object_perm_id_key; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_object_perm_id_key; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE INDEX dm_object_perm_id_key ON dm_object_perm USING btree (object_id);
--- Name: dm_object_related_object_id_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_object_related_object_id_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE INDEX dm_object_related_object_id_idx ON dm_object_related USING btree (object_id);
--- Name: dm_object_related_related_id_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_object_related_related_id_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE INDEX dm_object_related_related_id_idx ON dm_object_related USING btree (related_id);
--- Name: dm_object_search_key; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_object_search_key; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE INDEX dm_object_search_key ON dm_object USING btree (name, summary);
--- Name: dm_search_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_search_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE INDEX dm_search_idx ON dm_search USING btree (object_id);
--- Name: dm_subscribe_info_key; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_subscribe_info_key; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE INDEX dm_subscribe_info_key ON dm_subscribe USING btree (object_id, account_id);
--- Name: dm_tag_account_id_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_tag_account_id_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE INDEX dm_tag_account_id_idx ON dm_tag USING btree (account_id);
--- Name: dm_tag_id_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_tag_id_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE INDEX dm_tag_id_idx ON dm_tag USING btree (id);
--- Name: dm_tag_link_tag_id_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_tag_link_tag_id_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE INDEX dm_tag_link_tag_id_idx ON dm_tag_link USING btree (tag_id);
--- Name: dm_tag_object_id_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_tag_object_id_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE INDEX dm_tag_object_id_idx ON dm_tag_link USING btree (object_id);
--- Name: dm_task_account_id_key; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_task_account_id_key; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE INDEX dm_task_account_id_key ON dm_task USING btree (account_id);
--- Name: dm_url_object_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_url_object_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE INDEX dm_url_object_id ON dm_url USING btree (object_id);
--- Name: dm_workflow_id_key; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_workflow_id_key; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE UNIQUE INDEX dm_workflow_id_key ON dm_workflow USING btree (id);
--- Name: dm_workflow_object_id_key; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_workflow_object_id_key; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE INDEX dm_workflow_object_id_key ON dm_workflow USING btree (object_id);
--- Name: dm_workflow_route_id_key; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dm_workflow_route_id_key; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE UNIQUE INDEX dm_workflow_route_id_key ON dm_workflow_route USING btree (id);
--- Name: idxfti_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: idxfti_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE INDEX idxfti_idx ON dm_index USING gin (idxfti);
@@ -2279,56 +2230,56 @@ CREATE INDEX idxfti_idx ON dm_index USING gin (idxfti);
 SET search_path = public, pg_catalog;
--- Name: auth_accountperm_pkey; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: auth_accountperm_pkey; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE UNIQUE INDEX auth_accountperm_pkey ON auth_accountperm USING btree (account_id);
--- Name: auth_accounts_pkey; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: auth_accounts_pkey; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE UNIQUE INDEX auth_accounts_pkey ON auth_accounts USING btree (id);
--- Name: dashboard_account_id_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dashboard_account_id_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE INDEX dashboard_account_id_idx ON dashboard USING btree (account_id);
--- Name: dashboard_module_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dashboard_module_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE INDEX dashboard_module_idx ON dashboard USING btree (module);
--- Name: dashboard_sort_order_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: dashboard_sort_order_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE INDEX dashboard_sort_order_idx ON dashboard USING btree (sort_order);
--- Name: group_dashboard_account_id_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: group_dashboard_account_id_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE INDEX group_dashboard_account_id_idx ON group_dashboard USING btree (group_id);
--- Name: group_dashboard_module_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: group_dashboard_module_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE INDEX group_dashboard_module_idx ON group_dashboard USING btree (module);
--- Name: group_dashboard_sort_order_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: group_dashboard_sort_order_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE INDEX group_dashboard_sort_order_idx ON group_dashboard USING btree (sort_order);
@@ -2337,84 +2288,84 @@ CREATE INDEX group_dashboard_sort_order_idx ON group_dashboard USING btree (sort
 SET search_path = task, pg_catalog;
--- Name: task_account_account_id_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: task; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: task_account_account_id_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: task; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE INDEX task_account_account_id_idx ON task_account USING btree (account_id);
--- Name: task_account_task_id_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: task; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: task_account_task_id_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: task; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE INDEX task_account_task_id_idx ON task_account USING btree (task_id);
--- Name: task_completed_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: task; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: task_completed_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: task; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE INDEX task_completed_idx ON task USING btree (completed);
--- Name: task_date_due_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: task; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: task_date_due_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: task; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE INDEX task_date_due_idx ON task USING btree (date_due);
--- Name: task_id_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: task; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: task_id_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: task; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE INDEX task_id_idx ON task USING btree (id);
--- Name: task_idxfti_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: task; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: task_idxfti_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: task; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE INDEX task_idxfti_idx ON task USING gist (idxfti);
--- Name: task_notes_lower_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: task; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: task_notes_lower_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: task; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE INDEX task_notes_lower_idx ON task USING btree (lower(notes));
--- Name: task_role_child_location_id_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: task; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: task_role_child_location_id_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: task; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE INDEX task_role_child_location_id_idx ON task_role USING btree (child_location_id);
--- Name: task_role_role_id_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: task; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: task_role_role_id_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: task; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE INDEX task_role_role_id_idx ON task_role USING btree (role_id);
--- Name: task_role_task_id_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: task; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: task_role_task_id_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: task; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE INDEX task_role_task_id_idx ON task_role USING btree (task_id);
--- Name: task_title_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: task; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: task_title_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: task; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE INDEX task_title_idx ON task USING btree (title);
--- Name: task_title_lower_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: task; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+-- Name: task_title_lower_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: task; Owner: docmgr; Tablespace: 
 CREATE INDEX task_title_lower_idx ON task USING btree (lower(title));
@@ -2423,7 +2374,7 @@ CREATE INDEX task_title_lower_idx ON task USING btree (lower(title));
 SET search_path = docmgr, pg_catalog;
--- Name: $1; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: $1; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
@@ -2431,7 +2382,7 @@ ALTER TABLE ONLY dm_alert
--- Name: $1; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: $1; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 ALTER TABLE ONLY dm_discussion
@@ -2439,7 +2390,7 @@ ALTER TABLE ONLY dm_discussion
--- Name: $1; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: $1; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 ALTER TABLE ONLY dm_file_history
@@ -2447,7 +2398,7 @@ ALTER TABLE ONLY dm_file_history
--- Name: $1; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: $1; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
@@ -2455,7 +2406,7 @@ ALTER TABLE ONLY dm_index
--- Name: $1; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: $1; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 ALTER TABLE ONLY dm_keyword
@@ -2463,7 +2414,7 @@ ALTER TABLE ONLY dm_keyword
--- Name: $1; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: $1; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 ALTER TABLE ONLY dm_object_parent
@@ -2471,7 +2422,7 @@ ALTER TABLE ONLY dm_object_parent
--- Name: $1; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: $1; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 ALTER TABLE ONLY dm_object_perm
@@ -2479,7 +2430,7 @@ ALTER TABLE ONLY dm_object_perm
--- Name: $1; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: $1; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 ALTER TABLE ONLY dm_subscribe
@@ -2487,7 +2438,7 @@ ALTER TABLE ONLY dm_subscribe
--- Name: $1; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: $1; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
@@ -2495,7 +2446,7 @@ ALTER TABLE ONLY dm_url
--- Name: $1; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: $1; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 ALTER TABLE ONLY dm_workflow
@@ -2503,7 +2454,7 @@ ALTER TABLE ONLY dm_workflow
--- Name: $1; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: $1; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
 ALTER TABLE ONLY dm_workflow_route
@@ -2511,7 +2462,7 @@ ALTER TABLE ONLY dm_workflow_route
--- Name: $1; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: docmgr; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: $1; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: docmgr; Owner: docmgr
@@ -2519,12 +2470,12 @@ ALTER TABLE ONLY dm_task
--- Name: public; Type: ACL; Schema: -; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: public; Type: ACL; Schema: -; Owner: docmgr
-REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA public FROM postgres;
-GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO postgres;
+GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO docmgr;
@@ -2557,7 +2508,10 @@ CREATE INDEX object_view_object_account_id_idx ON docmgr.object_view USING btree
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION docmgr.get_all_paths( objid integer ) RETURNS SETOF text AS $$
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION docmgr.get_all_paths( objid integer ) RETURNS SETOF text 
+    LANGUAGE plpgsql
+    AS
 	path TEXT;
 	res RECORD;
@@ -2571,10 +2525,13 @@ BEGIN
   RETURN NEXT path;
-LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION docmgr.get_all_pathnames( objid integer ) RETURNS SETOF text AS $$
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION docmgr.get_all_pathnames( objid integer ) RETURNS SETOF text 
+    LANGUAGE plpgsql
+    AS
 	path TEXT;
 	res RECORD;
@@ -2591,8 +2548,8 @@ BEGIN
     RETURN NEXT path;
-LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
 SET search_path = public, pg_catalog;
diff --git a/install/install.php b/install/install.php
index ffa9286..492fca0 100644
--- a/install/install.php
+++ b/install/install.php
@@ -3,6 +3,67 @@
 //required files
+function aLabel($name, $url, $urlText = null) {
+  $string = "<label class=\"column\">$name</label><a href=\"$url\">" . ($urlText ? $urlText : $url) .  "</a>";
+function aField(&$conf, $field, $text, $type = "text", $value = "", $onclick = '') {
+  static $radioCount = 0;
+  $string = "";
+  if( $type != "" ) {
+    $xtype = "type=\"$type\"";
+  } else {
+    $xtype = "";
+  }
+  $id = $field;
+  $nolabel = ($type == "radio") || ($type == "hidden");
+  if ($type == 'radio')
+    $id .= $radioCount++;
+  if( !$nolabel ) {
+    $string .= "<label class='column' for=\"$id\">$text</label>";
+  }
+  if(($type == "radio" && $value == $conf[$field]) || ($type == "checkbox" && $conf[$field] == true)) {
+    $checked = "checked='checked'";
+  } else {
+    $checked = "";
+  }
+  $string .= "<input $xtype name=\"$field\" id=\"$id\" class=\"iput-$type\" $checked ";
+  if ($onclick) {
+    $string .= " onclick='$onclick' " ;
+  }
+  $string .= "value=\"";
+  if( $type == "radio" ) {
+    $string .= htmlspecialchars( $value );
+  } else {
+    $string .= htmlspecialchars( $conf[$field] );
+  }
+  $string .= "\" />";
+  if( $nolabel ) {
+    $string .= "<label for=\"$id\">$text</label>";
+  }
+  global $errors;
+  if(array_key_exists($field, $errors)) {
+    //FIXME: ihk, this newline hack is fugly..
+    $newline = false;
+    if(strlen($errors[$field]) > 25)
+      $newline = true;
+    if($newline)
+      $string .= "<div class='config-error'>\n";
+    $string .= "<span class='error'>" . htmlspecialchars( $errors[$field] ) . "</span>\n";
+    if($newline)
+      $string .= "</div>";
+  }
+  return $string;
 //which step are we on
@@ -13,13 +74,6 @@ $_SESSION["installInProgress"] = 1;
 //our main theme
-//start at the beginning
-if (!$_POST["step"]) 
-  $_POST["step"] = "0";
-  $_POST["nextstep"] = "0";
 //setup our possible config classes
 $steps = array();
 $stepArr[] = "verify";
@@ -34,12 +88,36 @@ foreach ($stepArr AS $file)
+if(!array_key_exists("config", $_SESSION)) {
+  $_SESSION["config" ] = array();
+//start at the beginning
+if (!array_key_exists("step", $_SESSION) || $_SESSION["step"] < 0)
+  $_SESSION["step"] = 0;
+  $_SESSION["nextstep"] = 0;
+else if($_SESSION["step"] >= count($stepArr))
+  $_SESSION["step"] = count($stepArr)-1;
 //init our current class based on the step we're on
-$curClass = $stepArr[$_POST["step"]];
+$curClass = $stepArr[$_SESSION["step"]];
 $c = new $curClass();
+$finished = false;
+$errorMessage = "";
+$errors = array();
+// Keep all our settings with us for the session..
+foreach ($_POST AS $key => $value) {
+  if($key == "step" || $key == "nextstep" || $key == "action")
+    continue;
+  $_SESSION[$curClass][$key] = $value;
 //if there's a submitted process, handle it
-if ($_POST["action"]=="next") 
+if (array_key_exists("action", $_POST) && $_POST["action"]=="next") 
@@ -47,29 +125,22 @@ if ($_POST["action"]=="next")
   //if no errors loads the next step
   $err = $c->getError();
-  if (!$err) 
+  if (!$err && count($errors) == 0) 
-    $_POST["step"]++;
+    $_SESSION["step"]++;
     //if there's another class to load, load it.
-    if ($stepArr[$_POST["step"]])
+    if ($stepArr[$_SESSION["step"]])
-      $curClass = $stepArr[$_POST["step"]];
+      $curClass = $stepArr[$_SESSION["step"]];
       $c = new $curClass();
     //otherwise bail
-      $str = file_get_contents("install/install.php");
-      $str = preg_replace("/<\?php\n/","<?php\nreturn false;\n",$str);
-      file_put_contents("install/install.php",$str);
-      $finished = 1;
+      $finished = true;
@@ -77,12 +148,13 @@ if ($_POST["action"]=="next")
 //go back a page
-else if ($_POST["action"]=="back")
+else if (array_key_exists("action", $_POST) && $_POST["action"]=="back")
-  $_POST["step"]--;
+  if ($_SESSION["step"] > 0)
+    $_SESSION["step"]--;
-  $curClass = $stepArr[$_POST["step"]];
+  $curClass = $stepArr[$_SESSION["step"]];
   $c = new $curClass();
@@ -90,7 +162,7 @@ else if ($_POST["action"]=="back")
 //setup our main form
 $siteContent = "
 <form name=\"pageForm\" method=\"post\">
-<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"step\" id=\"step\" value=\"".$_POST["step"]."\">
+<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"step\" id=\"step\" value=\"".$_SESSION["step"]."\">
 <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" id=\"action\" value=\"\">
@@ -100,10 +172,22 @@ if ($finished)
   $siteContent .= "<div style=\"padding:10px;width:600px;\">
                     <h3>Your setup is complete.</h3>
-                    <p>
-                      If you want to run setup again, just remove the \"return false;\" 
-                      line at the top of the install/install.php file.  You may also
-                      safely remove the entire install/ directory if you are done with setup.
+		    <p> To complete the installation, please do the following:
+		    <ol>
+	    	      <li>Download config/local/tmp/*.php with your FTP client or file manager</li>
+		      <li>Upload the files to the parent directory</li>
+		      <li>Delete config/local/tmp/*.php</li>
+		      <li>Start using <a href='". SITE_URL ."'>your DocMGR</a>!
+		      </ol>
+		    <p>If you are in a shared hosting environment, do <strong>not</strong> just move config/local/tmp/*.php
+		      remotely. config/local/tmp/*.php is currently owned by the user your webserver is running under,
+		      which means that anyone on the same server can modify your configuration! Downloading
+		      it and uploading it again will hopefully change the ownership to a user ID specific to you.</p>
+		    </p>
+		    <p>
+		      If you want to run setup again, remove your local configuration files (config/local/*.php) and/or
+		      temporary configuration files (config/local/tmp/*.php.
+                      You may also safely remove the entire install/ directory if you are done with setup.
                       If this is a new installation, the default username and password is admin/admin.
@@ -123,7 +207,7 @@ else
   $siteContent .= "<div class=\"toolbar\">";
   //give us a back button if not on first page
-  if ($_POST["step"]!=0) 
+  if ($_SESSION["step"]!=0) 
     $siteContent .= "<div class=\"toolbarCell\" onclick=\"document.pageForm.action.value='back';document.pageForm.submit();\">
                       <img src=\"".THEME_PATH."/images/icons/back.png\" align=\"left\"> Back
@@ -135,9 +219,14 @@ else
   $siteContent .= "		<div class=\"toolbarCell\" onclick=\"document.pageForm.action.value='next';document.pageForm.submit();\">
                         <img src=\"".THEME_PATH."/images/icons/next.png\" align=\"left\"> Next
-                    </div>
-                    <div class=\"errorMessage\">".$errorMessage."</div>
-                    <div style=\"width:600px;padding-left:10px;\">
+		      </div>
+		      ";
+  if ($errorMessage)
+    $siteContent .= '<div class="errorMessage">' . htmlspecialchars($errorMessage) . '</div>';
+  else if (count($errors))
+    $siteContent .= '<div class="errorMessage">Errors occured, make sure everything below is filled out correctly</div>';
+  $siteContent .= "<div style=\"width:600px;padding-left:10px;\">
diff --git a/install/normal.php b/install/normal.php
index 31b8b3c..3452ddc 100755
--- a/install/normal.php
+++ b/install/normal.php
@@ -23,19 +23,109 @@ else echo $siteModInfo[$module]["module_name"]." - ".SITE_TITLE;
 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<?echo VIEW_CHARSET;?>">
+<style type="text/css">
+	.env-check {
+		font-size: 90%;
+		margin: 1em 0 1em 2.5em;
+	}
+	.config-section {
+		margin-top: 2em;
+	}
+	.config-section label.column {
+		clear: left;
+		font-weight: bold;
+		width: 13em;
+		float: left;
+		text-align: right;
+		padding-right: 1em;
+		padding-top: .2em;
+	}
+	.config-input {
+		clear: left;
+		zoom: 100%; /* IE hack */
+	}
+	.config-section .config-desc {
+		clear: left;
+		margin: 0 0 2em 18em;
+		padding-top: 1em;
+		font-size: 85%;
+	}
+	.config-section .config-error {
+		clear: left;
+		margin: 0 0 2em 14em;
+	}
+	.iput-text, .iput-password {
+		width: 14em;
+		margin-right: 1em;
+	}
+	.error {
+		color: red;
+		background-color: #fff;
+		font-weight: bold;
+		left: 1em;
+		font-size: 100%;
+	}
+	.error-top {
+		color: red;
+		background-color: #FFF0F0;
+		border: 2px solid red;
+		font-size: 130%;
+		font-weight: bold;
+		padding: 1em 1.5em;
+		margin: 2em 0 1em;
+	}
+	ul.plain {
+		list-style-type: none;
+		list-style-image: none;
+		float: left;
+		margin: 0;
+		padding: 0;
+	}
+	.btn-install {
+		font-weight: bold;
+		font-size: 110%;
+		padding: .2em .3em;
+	}
+	.license {
+		font-size: 85%;
+		padding-top: 3em;
+	}
+	span.success-message {
+		font-weight: bold;
+		font-size: 110%;
+		color: green;
+	}
+	.success-box {
+		font-size: 130%;
+	}
 	our stylesheets and javascript files
 $css = THEME_PATH."/css/core.css;";
 $css .= THEME_PATH."/css/toolbar.css;";
-if ($modStylesheet) $css .= $modStylesheet;
-if ($modCss) $css .= $modCss;
+if (isset($modStylesheet)) $css .= $modStylesheet;
+if (isset($modCss)) $css .= $modCss;
+if (!isset($js)) $js = "";
 $js .= "jslib/core.js;";
-if ($modJs) $js .= $modJs;
+if (isset($modJs)) $js .= $modJs;
 $maintbclass = "siteMainToolbar";
diff --git a/lib/misc.php b/lib/misc.php
index c4bc0d9..c2b493c 100755
--- a/lib/misc.php
+++ b/lib/misc.php
@@ -442,3 +442,39 @@ function uuid($prefix = '')
   return strtoupper($prefix . $uuid);
+function importVar(&$var, $name, $default = "") {
+  if (isset($var[$name])) {
+    $retval = $var[$name];
+    if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
+      $retval = stripslashes($retval);
+    }
+  } else {
+    $retval = $default;
+  }
+  return $retval;
+function importPost($name, $default = "") {
+  return importVar($_POST, $name, $default);
+function importPostC($name, $default = "") {
+  $constant = strtoupper($name);
+  if (defined($constant))
+    $default = constant($constant);
+  return importPost($name, $default);
+function importSession($name, $default = "") {
+  global $curClass;
+  return importVar($_SESSION[$curClass], $name, $default);
+function importSessionC($name, $default = "") {
+  $constant = strtoupper($name);
+  if (defined($constant))
+    $default = constant($constant);
+  return importSession($name, $default);
diff --git a/lib/pgsql.php b/lib/pgsql.php
index 86b798e..105db6a 100755
--- a/lib/pgsql.php
+++ b/lib/pgsql.php
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ CLASS POSTGRESQL {
 							dbname -> name of database
 	function __construct($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpassword,$dbport,$dbname) {
 		$this->conn = pg_connect("host='$dbhost' port='$dbport' user='$dbuser' password='$dbpassword' dbname='$dbname'") or die('unable to connect to postgresql!');
 		//init the error handler
@@ -64,8 +63,17 @@ CLASS POSTGRESQL {
 		RETURNS:	pg_query result
 	function query($sql,$nolog=null) {
 		if (!$sql) return false;
+		if (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) {
+			$sql = mb_convert_encoding($sql,DB_CHARSET);
+		}		
+		$multi = NULL;
+		if (preg_match("/^COPY.* FROM stdin/i", $sql)) {
+			$multi = explode( "\n", $sql );
+			$sql = $multi[0] . "\n";
+		}
 		if (!$result = pg_query($this->conn,$sql)) {
@@ -74,6 +82,14 @@ CLASS POSTGRESQL {
 			if (!$nolog) $this->logger->logerror($sql);
+		if ($multi) {
+			for ($i = 1; $i < sizeof( $multi ); $i++) {
+				$line = $multi[$i] . "\n";
+				pg_put_line( $this->conn, $line );
+			}
+			pg_end_copy( $this->conn );
+		}		
 		return $result;
@@ -429,6 +445,381 @@ CLASS POSTGRESQL {
 		return $arr["server"];
+	function initial_setup($wgDBname, $wgDBuser, $wgDBpassword, $schemas, $wgDBsuperuser=null, $wgDBsuperpass=null, $dbName=null) {
+		// If this is the initial connection, setup the schema stuff and possibly create the user
+		print "<li>Checking the version of Postgres...";
+		$version = $this->version();
+		$PGMINVER = '8.4';
+		if ($version < $PGMINVER) {
+			die("<b>FAILED</b>. Required version is $PGMINVER. You have " . htmlspecialchars( $version ) . "</li>\n");
+		}
+		print "version $version is OK.</li>\n";
+		$safeuser = $this->quote_ident($wgDBuser);
+		// Are we connecting as a superuser for the first time?
+		if ($wgDBsuperuser) {
+			// Are we really a superuser? Check out our rights
+			$SQL = "SELECT
+				CASE WHEN usesuper IS TRUE THEN
+				CASE WHEN usecreatedb IS TRUE THEN 3 ELSE 1 END
+				END AS rights
+				FROM pg_catalog.pg_user WHERE usename = " . $this->addQuotes($wgDBsuperuser);
+			$rows = pg_num_rows($res = $this->query($SQL));
+			if (!$rows) {
+				die("<li>ERROR: Could not read permissions for user \"" . htmlspecialchars( $wgDBsuperuser ) . "\"</li>\n");
+			}
+			$perms = pg_fetch_result($res, 0, 0);
+			$SQL = "SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_user WHERE usename = " . $this->addQuotes($wgDBuser);
+			$rows = pg_num_rows($this->query($SQL));
+			if ($rows) {
+				print "<li>User \"" . htmlspecialchars( $wgDBuser ) . "\" already exists, skipping account creation.</li>\n";
+			}
+			else {
+				if ($perms != 1 and $perms != 3) {
+					die("<li>ERROR: the user \"" . htmlspecialchars( $wgDBsuperuser ) . "\" cannot create other users. Please use a different Postgres user.</li>");
+				}
+				print "<li>Creating user <b>" . htmlspecialchars( $wgDBuser ) . "</b>...";
+				$safepass = $this->addQuotes($wgDBpassword);
+				$SQL = "CREATE USER $safeuser NOCREATEDB PASSWORD $safepass";
+				$this->query($SQL);
+				print "OK</li>\n";
+			}
+			// User now exists, check out the database
+			if ($dbName != $wgDBname) {
+				$SQL = "SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_database WHERE datname = " . $this->addQuotes($wgDBname);
+				$rows = pg_num_rows($this->query($SQL));
+				if ($rows) {
+					print "<li>Database \"" . htmlspecialchars( $wgDBname ) . "\" already exists, skipping database creation.</li>\n";
+				}
+				else {
+					if ($perms < 1) {
+						die("<li>ERROR: the user \"" . htmlspecialchars( $wgDBsuperuser ) . "\" cannot create databases. Please use a different Postgres user.</li>");
+					}
+					print "<li>Creating database <b>" . htmlspecialchars( $wgDBname ) . "</b>...";
+					$safename = $this->quote_ident($wgDBname);
+					$SQL = "CREATE DATABASE $safename OWNER $safeuser ";
+					$this->query($SQL);
+					print "OK</li>\n";
+					// Hopefully tsearch2 and plpgsql are in template1...
+				}
+				// Reconnect to check out tsearch2 rights for this user
+				print "<li>Connecting to \"" . htmlspecialchars( $wgDBname ) . "\" as superuser \"" .
+					htmlspecialchars( $wgDBsuperuser ) . "\" to check rights...";
+				@$this->conn = pg_connect("host='". pg_host($this->conn) . "' port='". pg_port($this->conn) ."' user='$wgDBsuperuser' password='$wgDBsuperpass' dbname='$wgDBname'");
+				if ( $this->conn == false ) {
+					die("<b>FAILED TO CONNECT!</b></li>");
+				}
+				print "OK</li>\n";
+			}
+			// Setup the schema for this user if needed
+			for(reset($schemas); current($schemas); next($schemas)) {
+				$curschema = current($schemas);
+				$result = $this->schemaExists($curschema);
+				$safeschema = $this->quote_ident($curschema);
+				if (!$result) {
+					print "<li>Creating schema <b>" . htmlspecialchars( $curschema ) . "</b> ...";
+					$result = $this->query("CREATE SCHEMA $safeschema AUTHORIZATION $safeuser");
+					if (!$result) {
+						die("<b>FAILED</b>.</li>\n");
+					}
+					print "OK</li>\n";
+				}
+				else {
+					print "<li>Schema <b>" . htmlspecialchars( $curschema ) . "</b> already exists, explicitly granting rights...";
+					$safeschema2 = $this->addQuotes($curschema);
+					$SQL = "SELECT 'GRANT ALL ON '||pg_catalog.quote_ident(relname)||' TO $safeuser;'\n".
+						"FROM pg_catalog.pg_class p, pg_catalog.pg_namespace n\n".
+						"WHERE relnamespace = n.oid AND n.nspname = $safeschema2\n".
+						"AND p.relkind IN ('r','S','v')\n";
+					$SQL .= "UNION\n";
+					$SQL .= "SELECT 'GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION '||pg_catalog.quote_ident(proname)||'('||\n".
+						"pg_catalog.oidvectortypes(p.proargtypes)||') TO $safeuser;'\n".
+						"FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc p, pg_catalog.pg_namespace n\n".
+						"WHERE p.pronamespace = n.oid AND n.nspname = $safeschema2";
+					$res = $this->query($SQL);
+					if (!$res) {
+						die("<b>FAILED</b>. Could not set rights for the user.</li>\n");
+					}
+					$this->query("SET search_path = $safeschema");
+					$rows = pg_num_rows($res);
+					while ($rows) {
+						$rows--;
+						$this->query(pg_fetch_result($res, $rows, 0));
+					}
+					print "OK</li>\n";
+				}
+			}
+			// Install plpgsql if needed
+			$this->setup_plpgsql();
+			$wgDBsuperuser = '';
+			return true; // Reconnect as regular user
+		} // end superuser
+		if (!defined('POSTGRES_SEARCHPATH')) {
+			// Install plpgsql if needed
+			$this->setup_plpgsql();
+			for(reset($schemas); current($schemas); next($schemas)) {
+				$curschema = current($schemas);
+				// Does the schema already exist? Who owns it?
+				$result = $this->schemaExists($curschema);
+				if (!$result) {
+					print "<li>Creating schema <b>" . htmlspecialchars( $curschema ) . "</b> ...";
+					error_reporting( 0 );
+					$safeschema = $this->quote_ident($curschema);
+					$result = $this->query("CREATE SCHEMA $safeschema");
+					error_reporting( E_ALL );
+					if (!$result) {
+						die("<b>FAILED</b>. The user \"" . htmlspecialchars( $wgDBuser ) . 
+							"\" must be able to access the schema. ".
+							"You can try making them the owner of the database, or try creating the schema with a ".
+							"different user, and then grant access to the \"" . 
+							htmlspecialchars( $wgDBuser ) . "\" user.</li>\n");
+					}
+					print "OK</li>\n";
+				}
+				else if ($result != $wgDBuser) {
+					print "<li>Schema \"" . htmlspecialchars( $curschema ) . "\" exists but is not owned by \"" . 
+						htmlspecialchars( $wgDBuser ) . "\". Not ideal.</li>\n";
+				}
+				else {
+					print "<li>Schema \"" . htmlspecialchars( $curschema ) . "\" exists and is owned by \"" . 
+						htmlspecialchars( $wgDBuser ) . "\". Excellent.</li>\n";
+				}
+			}
+			// Always return GMT time to accomodate the existing integer-based timestamp assumption
+			print "<li>Setting the timezone to GMT for user \"" . htmlspecialchars( $wgDBuser ) . "\" ...";
+			$SQL = "ALTER USER $safeuser SET timezone = 'GMT'";
+			$result = pg_query($this->conn, $SQL);
+			if (!$result) {
+				die("<b>FAILED</b>.</li>\n");
+			}
+			print "OK</li>\n";
+			// Set for the rest of this session
+			$SQL = "SET timezone = 'GMT'";
+			$result = pg_query($this->conn, $SQL);
+			if (!$result) {
+				die("<li>Failed to set timezone</li>\n");
+			}
+			print "<li>Setting the datestyle to ISO, YMD for user \"" . htmlspecialchars( $wgDBuser ) . "\" ...";
+			$SQL = "ALTER USER $safeuser SET datestyle = 'ISO, YMD'";
+			$result = pg_query($this->conn, $SQL);
+			if (!$result) {
+				die("<b>FAILED</b>.</li>\n");
+			}
+			print "OK</li>\n";
+			// Set for the rest of this session
+			$SQL = "SET datestyle = 'ISO, YMD'";
+			$result = pg_query($this->conn, $SQL);
+			if (!$result) {
+				die("<li>Failed to set datestyle</li>\n");
+			}
+			// Fix up the search paths if needed
+			print "<li>Setting the search path for user \"" . htmlspecialchars( $wgDBuser ) . "\" ...";
+			$path = "";
+			for(reset($schemas); current($schemas); next($schemas)) {
+				if($path) $path .= ", ";
+				$path .= $this->quote_ident(current($schemas));
+			}
+			$SQL = "ALTER USER $safeuser SET search_path = $path";
+			$result = pg_query($this->conn, $SQL);
+			if (!$result) {
+				die("<b>FAILED</b>.</li>\n");
+			}
+			print "OK</li>\n";
+			// Set for the rest of this session
+			$SQL = "SET search_path = $path";
+			$result = pg_query($this->conn, $SQL);
+			if (!$result) {
+				die("<li>Failed to set search_path</li>\n");
+			}
+			define( "POSTGRES_SEARCHPATH", $path );
+		}
+	}
+	function addQuotes( $s ) {
+		if ( is_null( $s ) ) {
+			return 'NULL';
+		} else if ( is_bool( $s ) ) {
+			return intval( $s );
+		}
+		return "'" . pg_escape_string($s) . "'";
+	}
+	function quote_ident( $s ) {
+		return '"' . preg_replace( '/"/', '""', $s) . '"';
+	}
+	function schemaExists( $schema ) {
+		$owner = false;
+		$eschema = preg_replace("/'/", "''", $schema);
+		$SQL = "SELECT rolname FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace n, pg_catalog.pg_roles r "
+			."WHERE n.nspowner=r.oid AND n.nspname = '$eschema'";
+		$res = $this->single( $SQL );
+		if( $res && array_key_exists("rolname", $res) )
+			$owner = $res["rolname"];
+		return $owner;
+	}
+	function setup_plpgsql() {
+		print "<li>Checking for Pl/Pgsql ...";
+		$SQL = "SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_language WHERE lanname = 'plpgsql'";
+		$rows = pg_num_rows($this->query($SQL));
+		if ($rows < 1) {
+			// plpgsql is not installed, but if we have a pg_pltemplate table, we should be able to create it
+			print "not installed. Attempting to install Pl/Pgsql ...";
+			$SQL = "SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON (n.oid = c.relnamespace) ".
+				"WHERE relname = 'pg_pltemplate' AND nspname='pg_catalog'";
+			$rows = pg_num_rows($this->query($SQL));
+			if ($rows >= 1) {
+				$olde = error_reporting(0);
+				error_reporting($olde - E_WARNING);
+				$result = $this->query("CREATE LANGUAGE plpgsql");
+				error_reporting($olde);
+				if (!$result) {
+					die("<b>FAILED</b>. You need to install the language plpgsql in the database <tt>" . 
+						htmlspecialchars( $wgDBname ) . "</tt></li>");
+				}
+			}
+			else {
+				die("<b>FAILED</b>. You need to install the language plpgsql in the database <tt>" . 
+					htmlspecialchars( $wgDBname ) . "</tt></li>");
+			}
+		}
+		print "OK</li>\n";
+	}
+	function setup_database($user, $schemas) {
+		// Make sure that we can write to the correct schema
+		// If not, Postgres will happily and silently go to the next search_path item
+		for(reset($schemas); current($schemas); next($schemas)) {
+			$curschema = current($schemas);
+			$ctest = "docmgr_test_table";
+			$safeschema = $this->quote_ident($curschema);
+			if ($this->tableExists($ctest, $curschema)) {
+				$this->query("DROP TABLE $safeschema.$ctest");
+			}
+			$SQL = "CREATE TABLE $safeschema.$ctest(a int)";
+			$olde = error_reporting( 0 );
+			$res = $this->query($SQL);
+			error_reporting( $olde );
+			if (!$res) {
+				die("<b>FAILED</b>. Make sure that the user \"" . htmlspecialchars( $user ) . 
+					"\" can write to the schema \"" . htmlspecialchars( $curschema ) . "\"</li>\n");
+			}
+			$this->query("DROP TABLE $safeschema.$ctest");
+		}
+		$this->query("BEGIN");
+		$res = $this->sourceFile("install/docmgr.pgsql");
+		$this->query("COMMIT");
+	}
+	function relationExists( $table, $types, $schema ) {
+		if ( !is_array( $types ) )
+			$types = array( $types );
+		$etable = $this->addQuotes( $table );
+		$eschema = $this->addQuotes( $schema );
+		$SQL = "SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c, pg_catalog.pg_namespace n "
+			. "WHERE c.relnamespace = n.oid AND c.relname = $etable AND n.nspname = $eschema "
+			. "AND c.relkind IN ('" . implode("','", $types) . "')";
+		$res = $this->query( $SQL );
+		$count = $res ? pg_num_rows($res) : 0;
+		if ($res)
+			pg_free_result( $res );
+		return $count ? true : false;
+	}
+	function tableExists( $table, $schema ) {
+		return $this->relationExists( $table, array( 'r', 'v' ), $schema );
+	}
+	function sourceFile( $filename, $lineCallback = false, $resultCallback = false ) {
+		$fp = fopen( $filename, 'r' );
+		$cmd = "";
+		$done = false;
+		$dollarquote = false;
+		$copystdin = false;
+		while ( ! feof( $fp ) ) {
+			if ( $lineCallback ) {
+				call_user_func( $lineCallback );
+			}
+			## Strip away all the regular characters except for tabs which are used as delimiter needed for copystdin
+			$line = trim( fgets( $fp, 1024 ), "\x20\x0A\x0D\x00\x0B");
+			$sl = strlen( $line ) - 1;
+			if ( $sl < 0 ) { continue; }
+			if ( '-' == $line{0} && '-' == $line{1} ) { continue; }
+				## Allow dollar quoting for function declarations
+				if (substr($line,0,4) == '$dm$') {
+					if ($dollarquote) {
+						$dollarquote = false;
+						$done = true;
+					}
+					else {
+						$dollarquote = true;
+					}
+				}
+				else if (preg_match("/^COPY.* FROM stdin/i", $line)) {
+					$copystdin = true;
+				}
+				else if (!$dollarquote && !$copystdin) {
+					if ( ';' == $line{$sl} && ($sl < 2 || ';' != $line{$sl - 1})) {
+						$done = true;
+						$line = substr( $line, 0, $sl );
+					}
+				}
+			if ( '' != $cmd && !$copystdin ) { $cmd .= ' '; }
+				$cmd .= "$line\n";
+			if ($copystdin && substr($line,0,2) == '\.') {
+				$copystdin = false;
+				$done = true;
+			}
+			if ( $done ) {
+				$cmd = str_replace(';;', ";", $cmd);
+				$res = $this->query( $cmd, __METHOD__ );
+				if ( $resultCallback ) {
+					call_user_func( $resultCallback, $res, $this );
+				}
+				if ( false === $res ) {
+					$err = pg_last_error();
+					fclose($fp);
+					return "Query \"{$cmd}\" failed with error code \"$err\".\n";
+				}
+				$cmd = '';
+				$done = false;
+			}
+		}
+		fclose($fp);
+		return true;
+	}		