

distrib > Mandriva > current > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 58beb8dfa7ef40d596e427564ae9f0f8 > files > 1


diff -Naur smokeping-2.4.2/bin/smokeping.dist smokeping-2.4.2-fhs/bin/smokeping.dist
--- smokeping-2.4.2/bin/smokeping.dist	2008-07-24 19:37:05.000000000 +0200
+++ smokeping-2.4.2-fhs/bin/smokeping.dist	2008-10-05 00:11:37.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
 # -*-perl-*-
-use lib qw(/usr/pack/rrdtool-1.3.0-rp/lib/perl);
-use lib qw(lib);
+use lib qw(/usr/share/smokeping/lib);
 use strict;
 use warnings;
 use Smokeping 2.004002;
 =head1 NAME
diff -Naur smokeping-2.4.2/bin/smokeping.dist~ smokeping-2.4.2-fhs/bin/smokeping.dist~
--- smokeping-2.4.2/bin/smokeping.dist~	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ smokeping-2.4.2-fhs/bin/smokeping.dist~	2008-10-05 00:09:49.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# -*-perl-*-
+use lib qw(/usr/share/smokeping/lib);
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Smokeping 2.004002;
+=head1 NAME
+smokeping - Commandline tool for SmokePing
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<smokeping> [ B<--email> | B<--makepod> | B<--version> | B<--restart> ]
+ Options:
+ --man[=x]    Show the manpage for the program (or for probe x, if specified)
+ --help       Help :-)
+ --email      Send SmokePing Agents to all Targets marked DYNAMIC
+ --config=x   Use a config file different from the default
+ --check      Just check the config file syntax, don't start the daemon
+ --makepod[=x] Create POD documentation on Config file (or for probe x, if specified)
+ --version    Show SmokePing Version
+ --debug      Run Only once and do not Fork
+ --debug-daemon	Start the daemon with debugging enabled
+ --restart    Restart SmokePing
+ --reload     Reload configuration in the running process without interrupting 
+              any probes
+ --nodaemon    Do no daemonize the process (no fork)
+ --filter=x   Only measure entries which pass the filter x
+ --logfile=x    Append warnings to logfile x.
+ --static[=x] Generates a static website in directory x.  If x is left out,
+              pagedir from the config is used.
+ --nosleep    For debugging you may want to run SmokePing without sleep interval
+ --gen-examples Generate the smokeping_examples document and example config files
+                (to be used while building inside the smokeping distribution)
+		With --check : check the syntax of the generated examples.
+ --master-url=s Run smokeping in slave mode. Attach to master for config.
+ --slave-name=s By default the slave will use whatever it thinks its name
+                is, when talking to its master. In some cases you may
+                probably want to override this.
+ --shared-secret=s File containing the shared secret for talking to the server.
+ --cache-dir=s Directory for temporary data storage when running in slave mode.
+ --pid-dir=s Directory for the PID file when running in slave mode.
+             (optional, defaults to --cache-dir)
+The B<smokeping> tool is the commandline part of the SmokePing system. Its
+main function is to run as a daemon and send Pings to all the Targets you
+have specified in the Config file. When you call B<smokeping> without
+arguments it will start as a daemon and do its work.
+If called with an argument, then further functions can be activated, as seen
+in the Synopsis above. The B<--email> function is explained in the
+documentation on the config file.
+The B<--filter> option allows you to run the daemon on a big config file,
+but have the config file filtered and only measure the entries that pass the
+filter. This is useful for remote measurement. Run Smokeping with two
+exclusive filters in two locations and rsync the rrds back to the webserver
+host where you run the cgi. Filters act on the section names in the config
+file. Multiple section names are concatenated with B</> like path names:
+ *** targets ***
+ + A
+ ....
+ + B
+ ...
+ ++ C
+This gives
+ /A
+ /B, /B/C
+If I want to monitor /A my filter would look like this:
+ --filter=/A
+Filters follow regular expression syntax. The are always anchored at the tip of the string.
+by adding a B<!> to the front of the filter string you negate it. Matching entries will be excluded from monitoring.
+Multiple B<--filter> arguments can be used to assemble complex filters:
+  --filter=/A --filter=/B
+would include all the targets 
+  --filter=/A --filter=/B --filter=!/B/C
+would include all but /B/C.
+The B<--makepod> does get used internally to produce the 
+L<documentation on the SmokePing configuration file|smokeping_config>.
+Please refer to L<the installation document|smokeping_install> for detailed setup instructions.
+=head1 SETUP
+When installing SmokePing, this file has to be adjusted to fit your
+local system. Three paths have to be entered.
+One pointing to your B<rrdtool> installation
+ use lib qw(/usr/pack/rrdtool-1.0.33-to/lib/perl);
+One pointing to the place where you have installed the SmokePing libraries
+ use lib qw(/home/oetiker/public_html/smokeping/lib);
+The third path is the argument to the Smokeping::main command. It points to
+the SmokePing configuration file.
+ use Smokeping;
+ Smokeping::main("/home/oetiker/.smokeping/config");
+Copyright (c) 2002 by Tobias Oetiker. All right reserved.
+=head1 LICENSE
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it
+and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
+useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
+Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA
+02139, USA.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Tobias Oetiker E<lt>tobi@oetiker.chE<gt>
diff -Naur smokeping-2.4.2/bin/tSmoke.dist smokeping-2.4.2-fhs/bin/tSmoke.dist
--- smokeping-2.4.2/bin/tSmoke.dist	2008-07-24 19:37:05.000000000 +0200
+++ smokeping-2.4.2-fhs/bin/tSmoke.dist	2008-10-05 00:10:18.000000000 +0200
@@ -51,8 +51,7 @@
 # -- Getopt::Long
 # Point the lib variables to your implementation
-use lib qw(lib);
-use lib qw(/usr/local/rrdtool-1.0.39/lib/perl);
+use lib qw(/usr/share/smokeping/lib);
 use Smokeping 2.004002;
 use Net::SMTP;
@@ -61,7 +60,7 @@
 use RRDs;
 # Point to your Smokeping config file
-my $cfgfile = "etc/config.dist";
+my $cfgfile = "/etc/smokeping/config";
 # global variables
 my $cfg;
diff -Naur smokeping-2.4.2/bin/tSmoke.dist~ smokeping-2.4.2-fhs/bin/tSmoke.dist~
--- smokeping-2.4.2/bin/tSmoke.dist~	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ smokeping-2.4.2-fhs/bin/tSmoke.dist~	2008-10-05 00:08:04.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,543 @@
+# Dan McGinn-Combs, Sep 2003
+# tSmoke.v 0.4 2004/03 McGinn-Combs
+# Modified for Smokeping official distribution since 20050526
+# Original README follows
+# tSmoke.v04.README
+# - added downtime report (--downtime)
+# - a few tweaks to the calculations to ensure it's consistent
+# tSmoke.v03.README
+# - Initial Release
+# - The script, started through cron, will cull through a config file and 
+# determine which hosts are down at a point in time (Morning report) and 
+# send out an smtp message to a mobile phone (for example).
+# - It will also cull through the same config file and, using an included html
+# file (small change to General section of the config file), send an html 
+# message which shows the availability over the past day, week, month 
+# and quarter.
+# - It can also show detail data depending on the setting of 
+# command line option "detail".
+# tSmoke.v02.README
+# - Local testing version
+# 1) This program is run via CRON or the command line
+# 2) It extracts RRD information from a smokeping config file
+# 3) It pulls data from RRD files to determine if anything is offline, that is returning 0 PINGs
+# 4) tSmoke reports status via an SMTP alert
+# 5) tSmoke also generates an SMTP mail showing historical view of availability
+# Many thanks to the following people for their help and guidance:
+# Jim Horwath of Agere Systems Inc. for his examples and pointers to Spreadsheet::WriteExcel
+# Frank Harper the author of SLAMon, a tool for tracking Service Level Agreements
+# Tobias Oetiker, or course, the author of Smokeping, RRDTool and MRTG
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+# We need to use
+# -- Smokeping libraries
+# -- RRDTool
+# -- Getopt::Long
+# Point the lib variables to your implementation
+use lib qw(lib);
+use lib qw(/usr/local/rrdtool-1.0.39/lib/perl);
+use Smokeping 2.004002;
+use Net::SMTP;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Pod::Usage;
+use RRDs;
+# Point to your Smokeping config file
+my $cfgfile = "etc/config.dist";
+# global variables
+my $cfg;
+#this is designed to work on IPv4 only
+my $havegetaddrinfo = 0;
+# we want opts everywhere
+my %opt;
+#Hashes for the data
+my (%Daily,%Weekly,%Monthly,%Quarterly);        # the entries
+my (%DailyC,%WeeklyC,%MonthlyC,%QuarterlyC);	# a count of the entries
+### Moving Average ###
+# Just a reminder of how to do a moving average if you ever want to
+# PREV,UN,<DS>,UN,1,<DS>,IF,PREV,IF,<DS>,UN,1,<DS>,IF,-,<WEIGHT>,*,A,UN,1,A,IF,+
+# Change Log:
+# DMC - Added Quarterly Status
+# DMC - Added HTML mail reporting and consolidated functions
+# DMC = Added an external HTML mail template, tMail
+my $RCS_VERSION = '$id: tSmoke.v 0.4 2004/03 McGinn-Combs';
+sub test_mail($) {
+	my $cfg = shift;
+	my $mail = <<"EOF";
+Subject: tSmoke test
+To: $cfg->{Alerts}{to}
+This is a test mail with 'tSmoke --testmail'.
+	print "Sending a test mail to $cfg->{Alerts}{to} from $cfg->{Alerts}{from}...";
+	Smokeping::sendmail($cfg->{Alerts}{from}, $cfg->{Alerts}{to}, $mail);
+	print "done.\n";
+sub morning_update($) {
+	# Send out a morning summary of devices that are down
+	my $cfg = shift;
+	my $Body = "";
+	my $TmpBody = "";
+	my $To = "";
+	if ( $opt{to} ) { $To = $opt{to}; } else { $To = $cfg->{Alerts}{to}; }
+	# Get a list of the existing RRD Files
+	my @rrds = split ( /\n/,list_rrds($cfg->{Targets},"","") );
+	my $Count = $#rrds + 1;
+	my $Down = 0;
+	foreach my $target (@rrds) {
+		my $Loss = 0;
+		my ($start,$step,$names,$data) = RRDs::fetch "$target","AVERAGE","--start","-300";
+		my $ERR=RRDs::error;
+		die "ERROR while reading $_: $ERR\n" if $ERR;
+		foreach my $line (@$data) {
+			$Loss += $$line[3];
+		}
+		$Down += 1 if $Loss == 0;
+		$target =~ s/^([a-zA-Z0-9]*\/)*//;
+		$target =~ s/.rrd//;
+		$TmpBody .= "$target\n" if $Loss == 0;
+	}
+	$Body = <<MAIL_END;
+Subject: Of $Count Hosts, $Down Down
+To: $To
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-15
+Content-Transfer-encoding: 8bit
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Of $Count Hosts, $Down Down:
+	Smokeping::sendmail($cfg->{Alerts}{from},$To,$Body);
+sub weekly_update($) {
+	# Send out a formatted HTML Table of the
+	# Previous Day, Week, Month and Quarter Availability
+	# Get a list of the existing RRD Files
+	my @rrds = split ( /\n/,list_rrds($cfg->{Targets},"","") );
+        my $To = "";
+	if ( $opt{to} ) { $To = $opt{to}; } else { $To = $cfg->{Alerts}{to}; }
+        my $Body ='';
+# Calculations Based on the following:
+# RRDs::graph "fake.png",
+#       '--start','-86400',
+#       '-end','-300',
+#	"DEF:loss=${rrd}:loss:AVERAGE",
+#	"CDEF:avail=loss,0,100,IF", or more precisely "CDEF:avail=loss,2,GE,0,100,IF"
+#       and adding in the check for unknown for systems just coming on line 
+#       "CDEF:avail=loss,UN,0,loss,IF,$pings,GE,0,100,IF"
+	# Arbitrarily a loss of 10% of Pings means the system was down
+	my $pings = $cfg->{Database}{pings} * .1;
+	foreach my $target (@rrds) {
+		# Get an average Availability for each RRD file
+		my $ERR;
+		my ($DAverage,$Dxsize,$Dysize) = RRDs::graph "fake.png",
+                  "--start","-86400",
+                  "--end","-600",
+                  "--step","1008",
+                  "DEF:loss=$target:loss:AVERAGE",
+                  "CDEF:avail=loss,UN,0,loss,IF,$pings,GE,0,100,IF",
+                  "PRINT:avail:AVERAGE:%.2lf";
+                $ERR=RRDs::error;
+		die "ERROR while reading $_: $ERR\n" if $ERR;
+		my ($WAverage,$Wxsize,$Wysize) = RRDs::graph "fake.png",
+                  "--start","-604800",
+                  "--end","-600",
+                  "--step","4320",
+                  "DEF:loss=$target:loss:AVERAGE",
+                  "CDEF:avail=loss,UN,0,loss,IF,$pings,GE,0,100,IF",
+                  "PRINT:avail:AVERAGE:%.2lf";
+                $ERR=RRDs::error;
+		die "ERROR while reading $_: $ERR\n" if $ERR;
+		my ($MAverage,$Mxsize,$Mysize) = RRDs::graph "fake.png",
+                  "--start","-2592000",
+                  "--end","-600",
+                  "--step","4320",
+                  "DEF:loss=$target:loss:AVERAGE",
+                  "CDEF:avail=loss,UN,0,loss,IF,$pings,GE,0,100,IF",
+                  "PRINT:avail:AVERAGE:%.2lf";
+                $ERR=RRDs::error;
+		die "ERROR while reading $_: $ERR\n" if $ERR;
+		my ($QAverage,$Qxsize,$Qysize) = RRDs::graph "fake.png",
+                  "--start","-7776000",
+                  "--end","-600",
+                  "--step","4320",
+                  "DEF:loss=$target:loss:AVERAGE",
+                  "CDEF:avail=loss,UN,0,loss,IF,$pings,GE,0,100,IF",
+                  "PRINT:avail:AVERAGE:%.2lf";
+                $ERR=RRDs::error;
+		die "ERROR while reading $_: $ERR\n" if $ERR;
+		$target =~ s/$cfg->{General}{datadir}\///;
+		$target =~ s/.rrd//;
+		my @Path;
+		push @Path,split/\//,$target;
+		update_stats ( \@Path, @$DAverage[0], @$WAverage[0], @$MAverage[0], @$QAverage[0]);
+	}
+        # Prepare the e-mail message
+	$Body = <<MAIL_END;
+Subject: IT System Availability
+To: $To
+Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-15
+Content-Transfer-encoding: 8bit
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+	    open tSMOKE, $cfg->{General}{tmail} or die "ERROR: can't read $cfg->{General}{tmail}\n";
+	    while (<tSMOKE>){
+                my $Summary = Summary_Sheet();
+                s/<##SUMMARY##>/$Summary/ig;
+                my $Daily = DetailSheet(86400);
+		s/<##DAYDETAIL##>/$Daily/ig;
+                my $Weekly = DetailSheet(604800);
+		s/<##WEEKDETAIL##>/$Weekly/ig;
+                my $Monthly = DetailSheet(2592000);
+                s/<##MONTHDETAIL##>/$Monthly/ig;                
+                my $Quarterly = DetailSheet(7776000);
+                s/<##QUARTERDETAIL##>/$Quarterly/ig;
+		$Body .= $_;
+	    }
+	    close tSMOKE;
+        Smokeping::sendmail($cfg->{Alerts}{from}, $To, $Body);
+sub update_stats($$$$$);
+sub update_stats($$$$$) {
+	# Update the uptime percentages in the Hash Arrays
+	my $Path = shift;
+	my $DAverage = shift;
+        my $WAverage = shift;
+        my $MAverage = shift;
+        my $QAverage = shift;
+	#Enter everything once as it exists
+	#Trim off the rightmost component (hostname) and reenter the code
+	#If there is only one component, this is the final level
+	#This is an average of averages
+	my $Ticket = join ( ".",@$Path);
+	$Daily { $Ticket } += $DAverage;
+        $Weekly { $Ticket } += $WAverage;
+        $Monthly { $Ticket } += $MAverage;
+        $Quarterly {$Ticket } += $QAverage;
+	$DailyC { $Ticket }++;
+        $WeeklyC { $Ticket }++;
+        $MonthlyC { $Ticket }++;
+        $QuarterlyC { $Ticket }++;
+	my $Length = @$Path;
+	@$Path = @$Path [ 0 .. $Length - 2 ];
+	update_stats(\@$Path,$DAverage,$WAverage,$MAverage,$QAverage) if $Length > 1;
+sub Summary_Sheet() {
+  my $Body = '';
+  $Body .= "<table border='1' bordercolor=#111111>\n";
+  $Body .= "<tr>\n";
+  $Body .= "<td class ='appHeader' colspan='5'>IT Network Systems Availability Summary</td></tr>\n";
+  $Body .= "<tr>\n";
+  $Body .= "<td class ='appHeader' colspan='5'>Compiled: ". scalar(localtime) . "</td></tr>\n";
+  $Body .= "<tr>\n";
+  $Body .= "<td class = 'subhead' width='20%'>Service</td>
+            <td class = 'subhead' witdh='20%'>Past Quarter</td>
+            <td class = 'subhead' width='20%'>Past Month</td>
+            <td class = 'subhead' width='20%'>Past Week</td>
+            <td class = 'subhead' width='20%'>Past Day</td></tr>\n";
+  foreach (sort { $a cmp $b } keys %Monthly) {
+    next if ( $_ =~ /\./ );
+    # this is a major section heading
+    $Body .= "<tr>\n";
+    $Body .= "<td class = 'SubHead'>$_</td>";
+    $Body .= "<td class = 'Up99'>" . sprintf('%.2f',$Quarterly{$_}/$QuarterlyC{$_}) . "%</td>"
+      if $Quarterly{$_}/$QuarterlyC{$_} >= 99 ;
+    $Body .= "<td class = 'Up95'>" . sprintf('%.2f',$Quarterly{$_}/$QuarterlyC{$_}) . "%</td>"
+      if $Quarterly{$_}/$QuarterlyC{$_} > 95 and $Quarterly{$_}/$QuarterlyC{$_} < 99 ;
+    $Body .= "<td class = 'Up90'>" . sprintf('%.2f',$Quarterly{$_}/$QuarterlyC{$_}) . "%</td>"
+      if $Quarterly{$_}/$QuarterlyC{$_} > 90 and $Quarterly{$_}/$QuarterlyC{$_} < 95 ;
+    $Body .= "<td class = 'UpNo'>" . sprintf('%.2f',$Quarterly{$_}/$QuarterlyC{$_}) . "%</td>"
+      if $Quarterly{$_}/$QuarterlyC{$_} < 90 ;
+    $Body .= "<td class = 'Up99'>" . sprintf('%.2f',$Monthly{$_}/$MonthlyC{$_}) . "%</td>"
+      if $Monthly{$_}/$MonthlyC{$_} >= 99 ;
+    $Body .= "<td class = 'Up95'>" . sprintf('%.2f',$Monthly{$_}/$MonthlyC{$_}) . "%</td>"
+      if $Monthly{$_}/$MonthlyC{$_} > 95 and $Monthly{$_}/$MonthlyC{$_} < 99 ;
+    $Body .= "<td class = 'Up90'>" . sprintf('%.2f',$Monthly{$_}/$MonthlyC{$_}) . "%</td>"
+      if $Monthly{$_}/$MonthlyC{$_} > 90 and $Monthly{$_}/$MonthlyC{$_} < 95 ;
+    $Body .= "<td class = 'UpNo'>" . sprintf('%.2f',$Monthly{$_}/$MonthlyC{$_}) . "%</td>"
+      if $Monthly{$_}/$MonthlyC{$_} < 90 ;
+    $Body .= "<td class = 'Up99'>" . sprintf('%.2f',$Weekly{$_}/$WeeklyC{$_}) . "%</td>"
+      if $Weekly{$_}/$WeeklyC{$_} >= 99;
+    $Body .= "<td class = 'Up95'>" . sprintf('%.2f',$Weekly{$_}/$WeeklyC{$_}) . "%</td>"
+      if $Weekly{$_}/$WeeklyC{$_} > 95 and $Weekly{$_}/$WeeklyC{$_} < 99 ;
+    $Body .= "<td class = 'Up90'>" . sprintf('%.2f',$Weekly{$_}/$WeeklyC{$_}) . "%</td>"
+      if $Weekly{$_}/$WeeklyC{$_} > 90 and $Weekly{$_}/$WeeklyC{$_} < 95 ;
+    $Body .= "<td class = 'UpNo'>" . sprintf('%.2f',$Weekly{$_}/$WeeklyC{$_}) . "%</td>"
+      if $Weekly{$_}/$WeeklyC{$_} < 90 ;
+    $Body .= "<td class = 'Up99'>" . sprintf('%.2f',$Daily{$_}/$DailyC{$_}) . "%</td>"
+      if $Daily{$_}/$DailyC{$_} >= 99;
+    $Body .= "<td class = 'Up95'>" . sprintf('%.2f',$Daily{$_}/$DailyC{$_}) . "%</td>"
+      if $Daily{$_}/$DailyC{$_} > 95 and $Daily{$_}/$DailyC{$_} < 99 ;
+    $Body .= "<td class = 'Up90'>" . sprintf('%.2f',$Daily{$_}/$DailyC{$_}) . "%</td>"
+      if $Daily{$_}/$DailyC{$_} > 90 and $Daily{$_}/$DailyC{$_} < 95 ;
+    $Body .= "<td class = 'UpNo'>" . sprintf('%.2f',$Daily{$_}/$DailyC{$_}) . "%</td>"
+      if $Daily{$_}/$DailyC{$_} < 90 ;
+    $Body .= "</tr>\n";
+  }
+  $Body .= "</table>";
+  $Body .= "<P><P><P>\n";
+  $Body .= "<table border='1' bordercolor=#111111><tr><td class ='appHeader'>Legend:</td>\n";
+  $Body .= "<tr><td class = 'Up99'>if uptime > 99% then GREEN</td></tr>\n";
+  $Body .= "<tr><td class = 'Up95'>if uptime > 95% but < 99% then BLUE</td></tr>\n";
+  $Body .= "<tr><td class = 'Up90'>if uptime > 90% but < 95% then YELLOW</td></tr>\n";
+  $Body .= "<tr><td class = 'UpNo'>if uptime < 90% then RED</td></tr>\n";
+  $Body .= "</table>\n";
+  return $Body;
+sub NumDots($) {
+  # Count the number of dots in a string
+  # There's probably a better way to do this
+  my $DNA = shift;
+  my $a = 0;
+  while($DNA =~ /\./ig){$a++}
+  return $a
+sub DetailSheet($) {
+  # Populate the table with details depending on the value of %opts{detail}
+  my $Seconds = shift;
+  my $Body = '';
+  return '' unless $opt{detail};
+  # Monthly/Weekly/Daily
+  $Body .= "<table border='1' bordercolor=#111111>\n";
+  $Body .= "<tr>\n";
+  $Body .= "<td class ='appHeader' colspan='3'>IT Network Systems Availability Previous " . $Seconds/86400 . " Day(s)</td></tr>\n";
+  $Body .= "<tr>\n";
+  $Body .= "<td class ='appHeader' colspan='3'>Compiled: ". scalar(localtime) . "</td></tr>\n";
+  $Body .= "<tr>\n";
+  $Body .= "<td class = 'SubHead' width='40%'>Service</td>
+            <td class = 'SubHead' width='30%'>Seconds</td>
+            <td class = 'SubHead' width='30%'>Percent</td></tr>\n";
+  my %CornBeef;
+  my %CornBeefC;
+  CASE: {
+    %CornBeef = %Daily, %CornBeefC = %DailyC, print "Doing Daily\n", last CASE if $Seconds == 86400;
+    %CornBeef = %Weekly, %CornBeefC = %WeeklyC, print "Doing Weekly\n", last CASE if $Seconds == 604800;
+    %CornBeef = %Monthly, %CornBeefC = %MonthlyC, print "Doing Monthly\n", last CASE if $Seconds == 2592000;
+    %CornBeef = %Quarterly, %CornBeefC = %QuarterlyC, print "Doing Quarterly\n", last CASE if $Seconds == 7776000;
+  } # end of CASE block
+  foreach (sort { $a cmp $b } keys %CornBeef ) {
+    next if NumDots ($_) > $opt{detail};
+    if ( $_ =~ /\./ ) {
+      #this is a sub section
+      $Body .= "<tr>\n";
+      $Body .= "<td class = 'SubSubHead'>$_</td>\n";
+      $Body .= "<td class = 'SubDetail'>" . sprintf('%.0f',(100 - $CornBeef{$_} / $CornBeefC{$_}) * ($Seconds/100)) . "</td>\n";
+      $Body .= "<td class = 'SubDetail'>" . sprintf('%.2f',$CornBeef{$_} / $CornBeefC{$_}) . "%</td>\n";
+      $Body .= "</tr>\n";
+    } else {
+      # this is a non-sub section
+      $Body .= "<tr>\n";
+      $Body .= "<td class = 'SubHead'>" . $_ . "</td>\n";
+      $Body .= "<td class = 'SubDetail'>" . sprintf('%.0f',(100 - $CornBeef{$_} / $CornBeefC{$_}) * ($Seconds/100)) . "</td>\n";
+      $Body .= "<td class = 'SubDetail'>" . sprintf('%.2f',$CornBeef{$_} / $CornBeefC{$_}) . "%</td>\n";
+      $Body .= "</tr>";
+      }
+    }
+  $Body .= "</table>\n";
+  return $Body;
+  }
+sub list_rrds($$$);
+sub list_rrds($$$) {
+	# List the RRD's used by this configuration
+    my $tree = shift;
+    my $path = shift;
+    my $print = shift;
+    my $prline;
+    foreach my $rrds (keys %{$tree}) {
+        if (ref $tree->{$rrds} eq 'HASH'){
+			$prline .= list_rrds( $tree->{$rrds}, $path."/$rrds", $print );
+        } 
+        if ($rrds eq 'host' and $tree->{$rrds} !~ m|/| ) {
+            $prline .= "$cfg->{General}{datadir}$path".".rrd\n";
+		}
+	}
+	return $prline;
+sub load_cfg ($) { 
+    my $cfgfile = shift;
+#    my $parser = get_parser;
+    my $parser = Smokeping::get_parser;
+	$cfg = Smokeping::get_config $parser, $cfgfile;
+# The Main Program 
+sub main($);
+sub main ($) {
+    umask 022;
+    my $cfgfile = shift;
+    my $sendto;
+    GetOptions(\%opt, 'quiet','version','testmail','listrrds','to=s','detail=n','morning','weekly','help','man') or pod2usage(2);
+    if($opt{version})  { print "$RCS_VERSION\n"; exit(0) };
+    if($opt{help})     {  pod2usage(-verbose => 1); exit 0 };
+    if($opt{man})      {  pod2usage(-verbose => 2); exit 0 };
+    load_cfg $cfgfile;
+    print "tSmoke for network managed by $cfg->{General}{owner}\nat $cfg->{General}{contact}\n(c) 2003 Dan McGinn-Combs\n" unless $opt{quiet};
+    if($opt{testmail}) { test_mail($cfg) };
+    if($opt{listrrds}) { 	print "List of Round Robin Databases used by this implementation\n";
+							my @rrds = split ( /\n/,list_rrds($cfg->{Targets},"","") );
+							foreach (@rrds) {
+								print "RRD: $_\n"; };
+							}
+    if($opt{morning})  { morning_update($cfg) };
+    if($opt{weekly})   { weekly_update($cfg) };
+    exit 0;
+=head1 NAME
+tSmoke - Commandline tool for sending SmokePing information
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<tSmoke> [ B<--testmail> | B<--morning> | B<--weekly> | B<--version> | B<--help> | B<--man>]
+ Options:
+ --man      Show the manpage
+ --help     Help :-)
+ --version  Show SmokePing Version
+ --testmail Send a test message
+ --listrrds List the RRDs used by this Smokeping
+ --morning  Send a morning synopsis
+ --weekly   Send a weekly status report
+ --to       E-mail address to send message (i.e. ''
+ --detail   How much detail to send in weekly report (i.e. '--detail=1')
+ --quiet    Do not print welcome
+The B<tSmoke> tool is a commandline tool which interfaces with the SmokePing system.
+Its main function is to send a message indicating the current status of the systems
+being monitored by Smokeping or an HTML mail file containing the status over the past day,
+past week and past month including an overview.
+Typical crontab used to invoke this are
+ # Quick morning alert to see what's down
+ 0 6 * * * /usr/local/smokeping/bin/ --q --morning
+ # Weekly report on the percent availability of network systems with no detail
+ 0 8 * * * /usr/local/smokeping/bin/ --q --weekly --detail=0
+=head1 SETUP
+When installing tSmoke, some variables must be adjusted to fit your local system.
+We need to use the following B<libraries>:
+=item Smokeping
+=item RRDTool Perl bindings
+=item Getopt::Long
+Set up your libraries:
+ use lib "/usr/local/smokeping/lib";
+ use lib "/usr/local/rrdtool-1.0.39/lib/perl";
+Point to your Smokeping B<config> file
+ my $cfgfile = "/usr/local/smokeping/etc/config";
+Modify the Smokeping config file to include a path for tmail in the
+General section:
+ tmail = /usr/local/smokeping/etc/tmail
+Copyright (c) 2003 by Dan McGinn-Combs. All right reserved.
+=head1 LICENSE
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it
+and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
+useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
+Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA
+02139, USA.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Dan McGinn-Combs E<lt>d.mcginn-combs@mindspring.comE<gt>
+Modified for Smokeping official distribution by Niko Tyni E<lt>ntyni@iki.fiE<gt>
diff -Naur smokeping-2.4.2/etc/config.dist smokeping-2.4.2-fhs/etc/config.dist
--- smokeping-2.4.2/etc/config.dist	2008-07-24 19:36:57.000000000 +0200
+++ smokeping-2.4.2-fhs/etc/config.dist	2008-10-05 17:48:53.000000000 +0200
@@ -7,13 +7,13 @@
 # NOTE: do not put the Image Cache below cgi-bin
 # since all files under cgi-bin will be executed ... this is not
 # good for images.
-imgcache = /home/oetiker/public_html/smokeping-ms/cache
+imgcache = /var/cache/smokeping
 imgurl   = cache
-datadir  = /tmp/smokeping-ms/data
-piddir  = /tmp/smokeping-ms/var
+datadir  = /var/lib/smokeping
+piddir  = /var/run
 cgiurl   = http://some.url/smokeping.cgi
-smokemail = /home/oetiker/checkouts/smokeping/trunk/software/etc/smokemail.dist
-tmail = /home/oetiker/checkouts/smokeping/trunk/software/etc/tmail.dist
+smokemail = /etc/smokeping/smokemail
+tmail = /etc/smokeping/tmail
 # specify this to get syslog logging
 syslogfacility = local0
 # each probe is now run in its own process
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
 *** Presentation ***
-template = /home/oetiker/checkouts/smokeping/trunk/software/etc/basepage.html.dist
+template = /etc/smokeping/basepage.html
 + charts
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
 binary = /usr/sbin/fping
 *** Slaves ***
diff -Naur smokeping-2.4.2/etc/config.dist~ smokeping-2.4.2-fhs/etc/config.dist~
--- smokeping-2.4.2/etc/config.dist~	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ smokeping-2.4.2-fhs/etc/config.dist~	2008-10-05 17:48:37.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+*** General ***
+owner    = Peter Random
+contact  = some@address.nowhere
+mailhost =
+sendmail = /usr/lib/sendmail
+# NOTE: do not put the Image Cache below cgi-bin
+# since all files under cgi-bin will be executed ... this is not
+# good for images.
+imgcache = /var/cache/smokeping
+imgurl   = cache
+datadir  = /var/lib/smokeping
+piddir  = /var/run
+cgiurl   = http://some.url/smokeping.cgi
+smokemail = /etc/smokeping/smokemail
+tmail = /etc/smokeping/tmail
+# specify this to get syslog logging
+syslogfacility = local0
+# each probe is now run in its own process
+# disable this to revert to the old behaviour
+# concurrentprobes = no
+*** Alerts ***
+to = alertee@address.somewhere
+from = smokealert@company.xy
+type = loss
+# in percent
+pattern = >0%,*12*,>0%,*12*,>0%
+comment = loss 3 times  in a row
+*** Database ***
+step     = 300
+pings    = 20
+# consfn mrhb steps total
+AVERAGE  0.5   1  1008
+AVERAGE  0.5  12  4320
+    MIN  0.5  12  4320
+    MAX  0.5  12  4320
+AVERAGE  0.5 144   720
+    MAX  0.5 144   720
+    MIN  0.5 144   720
+*** Presentation ***
+template = /etc/smokeping/basepage.html
++ charts
+menu = Charts
+title = The most interesting destinations
+++ stddev
+sorter = StdDev(entries=>4)
+title = Top Standard Deviation
+menu = Std Deviation
+format = Standard Deviation %f
+++ max
+sorter = Max(entries=>5)
+title = Top Max Roundtrip Time
+menu = by Max
+format = Max Roundtrip Time %f seconds
+++ loss
+sorter = Loss(entries=>5)
+title = Top Packet Loss
+menu = Loss
+format = Packets Lost %f
+++ median
+sorter = Median(entries=>5)
+title = Top Median Roundtrip Time
+menu = by Median
+format = Median RTT %f seconds
++ overview 
+width = 600
+height = 50
+range = 10h
++ detail
+width = 600
+height = 200
+unison_tolerance = 2
+"Last 3 Hours"    3h
+"Last 30 Hours"   30h
+"Last 10 Days"    10d
+"Last 400 Days"   400d
+#+ hierarchies
+#++ owner
+#title = Host Owner
+#++ location
+#title = Location
+*** Probes ***
++ FPing
+binary = /usr/sbin/fping
+*** Slaves ***
+*** Targets ***
+probe = FPing
+menu = Top
+title = Network Latency Grapher
+remark = Welcome to the SmokePing website of xxx Company. \
+         Here you will learn all about the latency of our network.
++ Test
+menu= Targets
+#parents = owner:/Test/James location:/
+++ James
+menu = James
+title =James
+alerts = someloss
+slaves = boomer slave2
+host = james.address
+++ MultiHost
+menu = Multihost
+title = James and James as seen from Boomer
+host = /Test/James /Test/James~boomer
diff -Naur smokeping-2.4.2/htdocs/smokeping.cgi.dist smokeping-2.4.2-fhs/htdocs/smokeping.cgi.dist
--- smokeping-2.4.2/htdocs/smokeping.cgi.dist	2008-07-24 19:37:05.000000000 +0200
+++ smokeping-2.4.2-fhs/htdocs/smokeping.cgi.dist	2008-10-05 00:11:35.000000000 +0200
@@ -4,14 +4,13 @@
 use strict;
 use warnings;
-use lib qw(/usr/pack/rrdtool-1.3.0-rp/lib/perl);
-use lib qw(/home/oetiker/checkouts/smokeping/trunk/software/lib);
+use lib qw(/usr/share/smokeping/lib);
 use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
 use Smokeping 2.004002;
 =head1 NAME
@@ -36,26 +35,6 @@
 Please refer to the installation document for detailed setup instructions.
-=head1 SETUP
-When installing SmokePing, this file has to be adjusted to fit your
-local system. Three paths have to be entered.
- use lib qw(/usr/pack/rrdtool-1.0.33-to/lib/perl);
-One pointing to your B<rrdtool> installation
- use lib qw(/home/oetiker/public_html/smokeping/lib);
-One pointing to the place where you have installed the SmokePing libraries
- use Smokeping;
- Smokeping::cgi("/home/oetiker/.smokeping/config");
-The third path is the argument to the Smokeping::cgi command. It points to
-the SmokePing configuration file.
 Copyright (c) 2001 by Tobias Oetiker. All right reserved.
diff -Naur smokeping-2.4.2/htdocs/smokeping.cgi.dist~ smokeping-2.4.2-fhs/htdocs/smokeping.cgi.dist~
--- smokeping-2.4.2/htdocs/smokeping.cgi.dist~	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ smokeping-2.4.2-fhs/htdocs/smokeping.cgi.dist~	2008-10-05 00:10:50.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# -*-perl-*-
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use lib qw(/usr/share/smokeping/lib);
+use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
+use Smokeping 2.004002;
+=head1 NAME
+smokeping.cgi - SmokePing webfrontend
+=head1 OVERVIEW
+This script acts as a 'website' for your SmokePing monitoring operation. It
+presents the targets you are looking at in a tree structure and draws graphs
+as they are required by people looking at the pages.
+To get B<smokeping.cgi> going, you need a webserver which allows you to run
+cgi scripts. The system must be setup so that the B<smokeping.cgi> is
+allowed to write to the image caching area as defined in the config file.
+This script runs with normal perl. B<BUT> it will appear to be very slow,
+because it does a lot of things when starting up. So if the script has to be
+started a fresh on every click, this is both slow and a tough thing for your
+webserver. I therefore strongly recomment using SpeedyCGI.
+Please refer to the installation document for detailed setup instructions.
+=head1 SETUP
+When installing SmokePing, this file has to be adjusted to fit your
+local system. Three paths have to be entered.
+ use lib qw(/usr/pack/rrdtool-1.0.33-to/lib/perl);
+One pointing to your B<rrdtool> installation
+ use lib qw(/home/oetiker/public_html/smokeping/lib);
+One pointing to the place where you have installed the SmokePing libraries
+ use Smokeping;
+ Smokeping::cgi("/home/oetiker/.smokeping/config");
+The third path is the argument to the Smokeping::cgi command. It points to
+the SmokePing configuration file.
+Copyright (c) 2001 by Tobias Oetiker. All right reserved.
+=head1 LICENSE
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it
+and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
+useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
+Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA
+02139, USA.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Tobias Oetiker E<lt>tobi@oetiker.chE<gt>
diff -Naur smokeping-2.4.2/htdocs/tr.cgi.dist smokeping-2.4.2-fhs/htdocs/tr.cgi.dist
--- smokeping-2.4.2/htdocs/tr.cgi.dist	2008-07-24 20:25:28.000000000 +0200
+++ smokeping-2.4.2-fhs/htdocs/tr.cgi.dist	2008-10-05 00:11:19.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
-#!/usr/sepp/bin/speedy-5.8.8 -w
+#!/usr/bin/speedy -w
 use strict;
-use lib qw(/home/oposs/smokeping/software/lib);
-use lib qw(perl);
+use lib qw(/usr/share/smokeping/lib);
 use CGI;
 use CGI::Util qw(expires);
diff -Naur smokeping-2.4.2/htdocs/tr.cgi.dist~ smokeping-2.4.2-fhs/htdocs/tr.cgi.dist~
--- smokeping-2.4.2/htdocs/tr.cgi.dist~	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ smokeping-2.4.2-fhs/htdocs/tr.cgi.dist~	2008-10-05 00:08:04.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+#!/usr/sepp/bin/speedy-5.8.8 -w
+use strict;
+use lib qw(/home/oposs/smokeping/software/lib);
+use lib qw(perl);
+use CGI;
+use CGI::Util qw(expires);
+use CGI::Session;
+use Qooxdoo::JSONRPC;
+# Change this space-separated list of directories to include
+# and co-located Services
+# If this module can't be found, the previous line is incorrect
+# Instantiating the CGI module which parses the HTTP request
+my $cgi     = new CGI;
+my $session = new CGI::Session;
+# You can customise this harness here to handle cases before treating
+# the request as being JSON-RPC
+Qooxdoo::JSONRPC::handle_request ($cgi, $session);