

distrib > Mandriva > current > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 6009aaa8e5ab2df861ebfa6faf6af1ce > files > 40


# an example of using the parsing module to be able to process a subset of the CORBA IDL grammar
# Copyright (c) 2003, Paul McGuire

from pyparsing import Literal, CaselessLiteral, Word, Upcase, OneOrMore, ZeroOrMore, \
        Forward, NotAny, delimitedList, oneOf, Group, Optional, Combine, alphas, nums, restOfLine, cStyleComment, \
        alphanums, printables, empty, quotedString, ParseException, ParseResults, Keyword
import pprint
#~ import tree2image

bnf = None
    global bnf
    if not bnf:

        # punctuation
        colon  = Literal(":")
        lbrace = Literal("{")
        rbrace = Literal("}")
        lbrack = Literal("[")
        rbrack = Literal("]")
        lparen = Literal("(")
        rparen = Literal(")")
        equals = Literal("=")
        comma  = Literal(",")
        dot    = Literal(".")
        slash  = Literal("/")
        bslash = Literal("\\")
        star   = Literal("*")
        semi   = Literal(";")
        langle = Literal("<")
        rangle = Literal(">")
        # keywords
        any_       = Keyword("any")
        attribute_ = Keyword("attribute")
        boolean_   = Keyword("boolean")
        case_      = Keyword("case")
        char_      = Keyword("char")
        const_     = Keyword("const")
        context_   = Keyword("context")
        default_   = Keyword("default")
        double_    = Keyword("double")
        enum_      = Keyword("enum")
        exception_ = Keyword("exception")
        false_     = Keyword("FALSE")
        fixed_     = Keyword("fixed")
        float_     = Keyword("float")
        inout_     = Keyword("inout")
        interface_ = Keyword("interface")
        in_        = Keyword("in")
        long_      = Keyword("long")
        module_    = Keyword("module")
        object_    = Keyword("Object")
        octet_     = Keyword("octet")
        oneway_    = Keyword("oneway")
        out_       = Keyword("out")
        raises_    = Keyword("raises")
        readonly_  = Keyword("readonly")
        sequence_  = Keyword("sequence")
        short_     = Keyword("short")
        string_    = Keyword("string")
        struct_    = Keyword("struct")
        switch_    = Keyword("switch")
        true_      = Keyword("TRUE")
        typedef_   = Keyword("typedef")
        unsigned_  = Keyword("unsigned")
        union_     = Keyword("union")
        void_      = Keyword("void")
        wchar_     = Keyword("wchar")
        wstring_   = Keyword("wstring")
        identifier = Word( alphas, alphanums + "_" ).setName("identifier")
        real = Combine( Word(nums+"+-", nums) + dot + Optional( Word(nums) ) 
                        + Optional( CaselessLiteral("E") + Word(nums+"+-",nums) ) )
        integer = ( Combine( CaselessLiteral("0x") + Word( nums+"abcdefABCDEF" ) ) |
                    Word( nums+"+-", nums ) ).setName("int")

        udTypeName = delimitedList( identifier, "::", combine=True ).setName("udType")
        # have to use longest match for type, in case a user-defined type name starts with a keyword type, like "stringSeq" or "longArray"
        typeName = ( any_ ^ boolean_ ^ char_ ^ double_ ^ fixed_ ^ 
                    float_ ^ long_ ^ octet_ ^ short_ ^ string_ ^ 
                    wchar_ ^ wstring_ ^ udTypeName ).setName("type")
        sequenceDef = Forward().setName("seq")
        sequenceDef << Group( sequence_ + langle + ( sequenceDef | typeName ) + rangle )
        typeDef = sequenceDef | ( typeName + Optional( lbrack + integer + rbrack ) )
        typedefDef = Group( typedef_ + typeDef + identifier + semi ).setName("typedef")

        moduleDef = Forward()
        constDef = Group( const_ + typeDef + identifier + equals + ( real | integer | quotedString ) + semi ) #| quotedString )
        exceptionItem = Group( typeDef + identifier + semi )
        exceptionDef = ( exception_ + identifier + lbrace + ZeroOrMore( exceptionItem ) + rbrace + semi )
        attributeDef = Optional( readonly_ ) + attribute_ + typeDef + identifier + semi
        paramlist = delimitedList( Group( ( inout_ | in_ | out_ ) + typeName + identifier ) ).setName( "paramlist" )
        operationDef = ( ( void_ ^ typeDef ) + identifier + lparen + Optional( paramlist ) + rparen + \
                        Optional( raises_ + lparen + Group( delimitedList( typeName ) ) + rparen ) + semi )
        interfaceItem = ( constDef | exceptionDef | attributeDef | operationDef )
        interfaceDef = Group( interface_ + identifier  + Optional( colon + delimitedList( typeName ) ) + lbrace + \
                        ZeroOrMore( interfaceItem ) + rbrace + semi ).setName("opnDef")
        moduleItem = ( interfaceDef | exceptionDef | constDef | typedefDef | moduleDef )
        moduleDef << module_ + identifier + lbrace + ZeroOrMore( moduleItem ) + rbrace + semi

        bnf = ( moduleDef | OneOrMore( moduleItem ) )
        singleLineComment = "//" + restOfLine
        bnf.ignore( singleLineComment )
        bnf.ignore( cStyleComment )
    return bnf

testnum = 1
def test( strng ):
    global testnum
    print strng
        bnf = CORBA_IDL_BNF()
        tokens = bnf.parseString( strng )
        print "tokens = "
        pprint.pprint( tokens.asList() )
        imgname = "idlParse%02d.bmp" % testnum
        testnum += 1
        #~ tree2image.str2image( str(tokens.asList()), imgname )
    except ParseException, err:
        print err.line
        print " "*(err.column-1) + "^"
        print err
if __name__ == "__main__":
         * a block comment *
        typedef string[10] tenStrings;
        typedef sequence<string> stringSeq;
        typedef sequence< sequence<string> > stringSeqSeq;
        interface QoSAdmin {
            stringSeq method1( in string arg1, inout long arg2 );
            stringSeqSeq method2( in string arg1, inout long arg2, inout long arg3);
            string method3();
         * a block comment *
        typedef string[10] tenStrings;
            /** ** *** **** *
             * a block comment *
            sequence<string> /*comment inside an And */ stringSeq;
        /* */  /**/ /***/ /****/
        typedef sequence< sequence<string> > stringSeqSeq;
        interface QoSAdmin {
            stringSeq method1( in string arg1, inout long arg2 );
            stringSeqSeq method2( in string arg1, inout long arg2, inout long arg3);
            string method3();
          const string test="Test String\n";
          const long  a = 0;
          const long  b = -100;
          const float c = 3.14159;
          const long  d = 0x007f7f7f;
          exception TestException
            string msg;
            sequence<string> dataStrings;
          interface TestInterface
            void method1( in string arg1, inout long arg2 );
        module Test1 
          exception TestException
            string msg;
          interface TestInterface
            void method1( in string arg1, inout long arg2 ) 
              raises ( TestException );
        module Test1 
          exception TestException
            string msg;