

distrib > Mandriva > current > x86_64 > by-pkgid > a41b88cb5ddf9b0c7368687bb3535428 > files > 3


;; -*- emacs-lisp -*- 

;; Mandriva Linux Configuration for GNU/Emacs.

;; Chmouel Boudjnah <>
;; Pixel <>
;; Frederic Lepied <>
;; Lev Givon <

;; See for more information and configuration
;; examples.

;; Macro to detect if emacs was started in X11:
(defmacro Xlaunch (&rest x) (list 'if (eq window-system 'x)(cons 'progn x)))

; Bind delete-char to Ctrl-d in X11:
(Xlaunch (define-key global-map [(delete)] "\C-d"))

;; XEmacs compatibility keys:
(global-set-key [(control tab)] `other-window)
(global-set-key [(meta g)] `goto-line)
(defun switch-to-other-buffer () (interactive) (switch-to-buffer (other-buffer)))
(global-set-key [(meta control ?l)] `switch-to-other-buffer)
(global-set-key [(meta O) ?H] 'beginning-of-line)
(global-set-key [(meta O) ?F] 'end-of-line)

;; Don't add lines on the end of lines unless we want:
(setq next-line-add-newlines nil)

;; X selection manipulation:
(defun x-own-selection (s) (x-set-selection `PRIMARY s))
(global-set-key [(shift insert)] '(lambda () (interactive) (insert (x-get-selection))))
(global-set-key [(control insert)] '(lambda () (interactive) 
				      (x-own-selection (buffer-substring (point) (mark)))))

;; Show parenthesis mode:
(show-paren-mode t)

;; Start in text mode by default:
(setq default-major-mode (lambda () (text-mode) (font-lock-mode)))
;; One may want to disable auto-fill through (remove-hook 'text-mode-hook 'turn-on-auto-fill)
(add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'turn-on-auto-fill)

;; Don't ask to revert for TAGS:
(setq revert-without-query (cons "TAGS" revert-without-query))

;; Uncomment the following for i18n:
;(standard-display-european t)
;(set-language-environment "latin-1")

;; Enable color and fonts:
(require 'font-lock)
(setq font-lock-mode-maximum-decoration t)

;; Turn on colorization:
(if (fboundp 'global-font-lock-mode) (global-font-lock-mode t))

;; Turn on auto (de)compression:
(if (fboundp 'auto-compression-mode) (auto-compression-mode t))

;; Turn on selection and change the default color:
(setq transient-mark-mode 't highlight-nonselected-windows 't)

;; Save positions in files between sessions:
(require 'saveplace)
(setq-default save-place t)

;; Visualize long lines:
;(require 'auto-show)

;; Use aspell by default:
(setq-default ispell-program-name "aspell")

;; Load package or local system startup files:
(let* ((paths '("/etc/emacs/site-start.d"))
       ;; Get a list of all the files in all	 the specified
       ;; directories that match the pattern.
	(apply 'append 
		(lambda (dir) 
		  (directory-files dir t "^.*\\.el$" nil))
   (lambda (file)
     (if debug-on-error
	 (load-file file)
       (condition-case ()
	   (load file nil)
	 (error (message "Error while loading %s" file)))))

;; Enable the tool bar by default (#49289)
(Xlaunch (tool-bar-mode 1))