

distrib > Mandriva > current > x86_64 > by-pkgid > b0d5bbe0872706b63466bf8a2810868d > files > 10


# This file is used various system settings.  It removes the need for
# some config.h files.  Format is:
# variable<space>value which can have spaces
# Lines starting with # are comments.
# Some fields may be numeric, other string.  The program will skip over
# spaces after the setting.

# metaserver values.  
# notification on/off controls the notification to the metaserver.
# server and port is the metaserver host and port to connect to.
# comment is sent to the metaserver.  It can be specific settings to on
# the server, play behaviour, etc.
# host is the name of this host as we should report it to the metaserver

metaserver_notification off
metaserver_port 13326
metaserver_comment Put a comment here.

# values for the new big worldmap, and weather. Only use if you are using the
# new bigmap.

worldmapstartx 100
worldmapstarty 100
worldmaptilesx 30
worldmaptilesy 30
worldmaptilesizex 50
worldmaptilesizey 50

# dynamiclevel sets the level of change on the worldmaps, this should be 0 
# unless you are using bigworld maps (or set up the above values properly for your maps)
# and want to run weather.  Differnet values increase the amount of dynamism from 
# weather to growth to erosion.  (see documents for more info).
# If dynamiclevel is not 0, first run of the server will generate the weather maps
# which could be a lengthy process.

dynamiclevel 0
fastclock 0

# item_power_factor is the relation of how the players equipped item_power
# total relates to there overall level.  If 1.0, then sum of the characters
# equipped item's item_power can not be greater than their overall level.
# if 2.0, then that sum can not exceed twice the character overall level.
# by setting this to a high enough value, you can effectively disable
# the item_power code.

item_power_factor 1.0

# Sets the output format for the who command. This is what a player will see
# about all the other players on the server when they type 'who' The string
# has escapes that are filled with the relevant values for each character.
# Currently the following escapes are supported:
# %N	Name of character
# %t	title of character
# %T    the optional "the " sequence value (appended only if player has no own_title)
# %c	count of the player (for dumping/patching)
# %n	newline
# %h	[Hostile] if character is hostile, nothing otherwise
# %d	[WIZ] if character is a dm, nothing otherwise
# %a	[AFK] if character is afk, nothing otherwise
# %b	[BOT] if character is a bot, nothing otherwise
# %l	the level of the character
# %m	the map path the character is currently on
# %M	the map name of the map the character is currently on
# %r	the short region name (as shown by mapinfo)
# %R	the formal region title.(as shown by whereami)
# %i	player's ip address
# %%	a literal %
# %_	a literal underscore
# an underscore that is not escaped gives a space (or you can use a real space 
# if you prefer)
# who_wiz_format is the same but for those with dm powers

who_format %N %T%t%h%d%b%n<%m>
who_wiz_format %N %T%t%h%d%b%nLevel %l <%m>(@%i)(%c)

# See notes for most of these in include/config.h

# dm_mail

# Makes death non permanent.  If enabled and you die, you lose a bunch of
# exp, a random stat, and go back to starting town.
# If not defined, if you die, you are dead.  If an a multiplayer server,
# resurrection may be possible
# This option changes the game significantly one way or the other - it makes
# adventuring right at the edge of death something more reasonable to do
# (death still hurts here).  On the other hand, it certainly makes the
# game a bit safer and easier.
# not_permadeth true

# define resurrection if you want to let players bring other players
# back to life via some spells.  If resurrection is undefined, then a
# death is permanent.  NOTE: resurrection (either defined or undefined)
# has no meaning if not_permadeth is true.

resurrection false

# set the following if you wish to allow players to set their title
# and to save it on the disk.  There really isn't much reason not
# allow players to set this.

set_title true

# Enables the 'search-item command; a method to find equipment
# in shops.  Like set_title, probably no reason to ever disable this.

search_items true

# SPELL_ENCUMBRANCE -- If you're carrying a weapon or wearing heavy armour,
# you have a chance of fumbling your spellcasting with this on.  More
# armors/weapons, higher chance of failure.  If this is false, then
# you can basically always cast a spell, no matter what you are wearing.

spell_encumbrance true

# spell_failure_effects only has meaning if spell_encumbrance is true.
# What it does, is that when the player fails a spell, various effects
# will happen (player is paralyzed, confused, wonder spell is cast, etc.)
# I disabled it because I think it would make life much too hazardous
# for low level casters.  They either need to wear light armor (which
# means that they will get pounded on by monsters), or will get
# confused/paralyzed/other effects often.  High level casters would
# be mostly unaffected, since they would be casting spells that are
# below their level.
# Note-  it seems that you still get some failure effects even with this
# not defined - most notably when reading scrolls and fail to read
# them properly.

spell_failure_effects false

# casting times for spells, if you have this defined then it takes a
# specific amount of time for a spell to go off. You may attack or
# be hit during this time, and this will cause you to lose the spell.
# I commented this out on my copy - I don't like the 'double clutch'
# needed to cast it (first direction key starts casting, the
# next actually puts the spell into effect.)  It could perhaps
# be changed so that the initial direction is where it goes, and it
# is cast automatically in that direction (so only 1 key is needed.)
# But this could be undesirable as various things move while you cast it.
# this also slows down the rate you can cast spells considerably.

casting_time false

# Name of the motd file - really no reason to change this.
motd motd

# Calling this real_Wiz is probably not really good.  Something like
# mud_wiz might be a better name.
# Basically, if real_wiz is set then the WIZ/WAS_WIZ flags for objects
# are not set - instead, wizard created/manipulated objects appear as
# normal objects.  This makes the wizard a little more mudlike, since
# manipulated items will be usable by normal players.

real_wiz true

# Set this if you want the temporary maps to be saved and reused across
# crossfire runs.  This can be especially useful for single player
# servers, but even holds use for multiplayer servers - you can
# restart a public server, and not have all the maps reset
# The file temp_maps  is updated each time a temp map is updated.
# Note that the file used to store this information is stored in
# the LIB directory.  Running multiple crossfires with the same LIB
# directory will cause serious problems, simply because in order for
# this to really work, the filename must be constant so the next run
# knows where to find the information.

recycle_tmp_maps false

# spellpoint_level_depend  --  Causes the spellpoint cost
# of spells to vary with their power.  Spells that become very
# powerful at high level cost more.  The damage/time of
# characters increases though.

spellpoint_level_depend true

# This should only be set on private single player servers - basically,
# it lets you wander around with no penalty if you die, but otherwise
# doesn't give any extra powers, like the wiz has.  If in explore
# mode, your characters score is not recorded.  However, to prevent
# abuses, if in explore mode, no other players can join (as they
# would not be in explore mode, so they could be abused by a player
# in explore mode.

explore_mode false

# Set this to false if you don't want characters to loose a random stat when
# they die - instead, they just get depleted.
# Setting it to true keeps the old behaviour.  This can be
# changed at run time via -stat_loss_on_death or +stat_loss_on_death.

stat_loss_on_death false

# This makes repeated stat loss at lower levels more merciful. Basically,
# the more stats you have lost, the less likely that
# you will lose more. Additionally, lower level characters are shown
# a lot more mercy (there are caps on how much of a stat you can lose too).
# On the nasty side, if you are higher level, you can lose multiple stats
# _at_once_ and are shown less mercy when you die. But when you're higher
# level, it is much easier to buy back your stats with potions.
# Turn this on if you want death-based stat loss to be more merciful
# at low levels and more cruel at high levels.
# Only works when stats are depleted rather than lost. This option has
# no effect if you are using genuine stat loss.

balanced_stat_loss false

# This defines how much of a player's experience should be 'permanent' and
# not able to be lost on death. A high value makes multiple frequent deaths
# less devastating, and also ensures that any character will make some 
# gradual progress even if they die all of the time. This value is the minimum
# amount of a player's exp that can ever be 'permanent' so setting this to 0
# would allow all exp to be lost, and setting it to 100 would stop exp loss
# entirely (the same effect would be achieved by setting the two 
# death_penalty settings below to 0).

permanent_experience_percentage 25

# When a player dies, they lose a proportion of their experience, which is 
# defined by the following two values. They will lose either 
# death_penalty_percentage% of their experience, or no more than 
# death_penalty_levels levels, or half of their non-permenent experience, 
# whichever is the least of these. Note that this is calculated per-skill,
# so which method is used could vary for different skills.

death_penalty_percentage 20
death_penalty_levels 3

# This is the penalty to luck that is given to a player who kills another
# player (PK's). The value here is deducted from their luck value, so set this
# high to discourage PK-ing and zero (or negative) to encourage it.
# Range is limited to -100 to 100, since this is the value range that the luck 
# stat can be within. 

pk_luck_penalty 1

# This allows reduced damage against other players when in 
# peaceful mode.  The value is the percent of damage done
# compared to normal.  This does not change damage done
# by not targeted things like walls, explosions, cone spells, disease, poison...

set_friendly_fire 5

# This deals with armor enchantment.
# armor_max_enchant: maximum enchantments an armor will take.
# default: 5
# armor_weight_reduction (in percent) and armor_weight_linear control how weight is reduced:
#  * when armor_weight_linear is TRUE, armor weight is
#   'base weight - armor enchantment * armor_weight_reduction'
#  * when armor_weight_linear is FALSE, armor weight is reduced by armor_weight_reduction %
#   per enchantment.
#   example:
#    * with 10 and TRUE, if armor base weight is 100, it'll become:
#      100 -> 90 -> 80 -> 70 -> 60 -> ...
#    * with 10 and FALSE, it'll be:
#      100 -> 90 -> 81 -> 73 -> 66 -> ...
# Note that the code will enforce a minimum weight of 1, else players can't pick up armor.
# default values: 10 and TRUE.
# armor_speed_improvement and armor_speed_linear do the same for speed increase.
# default values: 10 and TRUE

#armor_max_enchant       5
#armor_weight_reduction  10
#armor_weight_linear     TRUE
#armor_speed_improvement 10
#armor_speed_linear      TRUE

# disable stealing from other players, if you wish to enable stealing from other players
# then replace the below with: no_player_stealing FALSE
no_player_stealing       TRUE

# disable creation of town portals inside of unique maps (apartments). To enable, replace
# the below with: create_home_portals TRUE
create_home_portals      FALSE

# If set to TRUE or ON, converters will work even if the price of generated item is higher
# than the price of converted items
allow_broken_converters TRUE

# If set, log will comport a timestamp, in the specified format.
log_timestamp TRUE
log_timestamp_format %y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S

# port is the port the server listens to.  If using metaserver2, you can pretty
# much change this to anything and clients will figure it out.  If using
# metaserver1, changing from default (13327) may cause problems as the port
# number isn't publicized.  Unless there is a specific reason (firewall/nat,
# running multiple servers on same host), probably best not to change
# this
port 13327