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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
    <title>W3C Link Checker Documentation</title>
    <link rev="made" href="" />
    <style type="text/css" media="all">@import "linkchecker.css";</style>
    <meta name="revision" content="$Id: checklink.html,v 1.32 2005/05/15 13:45:03 ville Exp $" />

    <div id="banner">
    <h1 id="title"><a href=""><img height="48" width="72"
        alt="W3C" id="logo" src="w3c_home.png" /></a>
	<a href=""><img src="qa-small.png" height="48" width="72" alt="QA" /></a>
      Link Checker</h1>

    <ul class="navbar" id="menu">
        <li><span class="hideme"><a href="#main" accesskey="2" title="Skip past navigation to main part of page">Skip Navigation</a> |</span>
            <a href="" accesskey="1" title="The Link Checker Service at W3C">Link Checker</a></li>
        <li><a href="" title="Download the source / Install this service">Download</a></li>
	<li><a href="#csb" title="feedback: comments, suggestions and bugs" accesskey="4">Feedback</a></li>
        <li><a href="" title="Validate your markup with the W3C Markup Validation Service">Validator</a></li>

    <div id="main">
      <li><a href="#about">About this service</a></li>
      <li><a href="#what">What it does</a></li>
      <li><a href="#online">Use it online</a></li>
      <li><a href="#install">Install it locally</a></li>
      <li><a href="#bot">Robots exclusion</a></li>
      <li><a href="#csb">Comments, suggestions and bugs</a></li>

    <h2><a name="about" id="about">About this service</a></h2>

      In order to check the validity of the technical reports that W3C
      publishes, the Systems Team has developed a link checker.

      A first version was developed in August 1998 by
      <a href="">Renaud Bruyeron</a>.
      Since it was lacking some functionalities,
      <a href="">Hugo Haas</a>
      rewrote it more or less from scratch in November 1999.
      It has been improved by Ville Skyttä and many other volunteers since.

      The source code is available publicly under the
      <a href="">W3C IPR
      software notice</a> from
      <a href=""><abbr
      title="Comprehensive Perl Archive Network">CPAN</abbr></a> (released
      versions) and
      <a href=""><abbr
      title="Concurrent Versions System">CVS</abbr></a>
      (development and archived release versions).

    <h2><a name="what" id="what">What it does</a></h2>

      The link checker reads an HTML or XHTML document and extracts a list
      of anchors and links.

      It checks that no anchor is defined twice.

      It then checks that all the links are dereferenceable, including
      the fragments. It warns about HTTP redirects, including directory

      It can check recursively a part of a Web site.

      There is a command line version and a
      <abbr title="Common Gateway Interface">CGI</abbr> version. They both
      support <a href="">HTTP basic
      authentication</a>. This is achieved in the CGI version
      by passing through the authorization information from the user browser
      to the site tested.

    <h2><a name="online" id="online">Use it online</a></h2>

      There is an
      <a href="">online version</a>
      of the link checker.

      In the online version (and in general, when run as a CGI script),
      the number of documents that can be checked recursively is limited.
    <p id="wait">
      Both the command line version and the online one sleep at least one
      second between requests to each server to avoid abuses and target
      server congestion.

    <h3>Access keys</h3>
      The following access keys are implemented throughout the
      site in an attempt to help users using screen readers.
      <li>Home: access key "1" leads back to the service's home page.</li>
      <li>Skip Navigation: access key "2"...
          <li>... in results pages, leads you to the beginning of the actual
          <li>... in documentation pages, leads you to the table of
          <li>... in other pages (home page, advanced interface pages),
            leads you to the first form.</li>
      <li>Documentation: access key "3" leads to the documentation index for
         the service.</li>
      <li>Feedback: access key "4" leads to the feedback instructions.</li>

    <h2><a name="install" id="install">Install it locally</a></h2>

      The link checker is written in Perl. It is packaged as a standard
      <a href="">CPAN</a> distribution, and depends on
      a few other modules which are also available from CPAN.

    <p>In order to install it:</p>

	Install <a href="">Perl</a>.
	You will need the following <a href="">CPAN</a>
	distributions, as well as the distributions they possibly depend on.
	Depending on your Perl version, you might already have some of
	these installed.  Also, the latest versions of these may require a
        recent version of Perl.  As long as the minimum version requirement(s)
        below are satisfied, everything should be fine.  The latest version
        should not be needed, just get an older version that works with your
        Perl.  For an introduction to installing Perl modules,
	see <a href="">The CPAN FAQ</a>.
          <li><a href="">W3C-LinkChecker</a> (the link checker itself)</li>
	  <li><a href=""></a> (required for CGI mode only)</li>
          <li><a href="">Config-General</a> (optional, version 2.06 or newer; required only for reading the (optional) configuration file)</li>
	  <li><a href="">HTML-Parser</a> (version 3.00 or newer)</li>
	  <li><a href="">libwww-perl</a> (version 5.66 or newer; version 5.70 or newer recommended, except for 5.76 which has a bug that may cause the link checker follow redirects to <code>file:</code> URLs)</li>
          <li><a href="">Net-IP</a> (optional but recommended; required for restricting access to <a href="">private IP addresses</a>)</li>
          <li><a href="">TermReadKey</a> (optional but recommended; required only in command line mode for password input)</li>
	  <li><a href="">Time-HiRes</a></li>
	  <li><a href="">URI</a></li>
        Optionally install the link checker configuration file,
        <code>etc/checklink.conf</code> contained in the link checker
        distribution package into <code>/etc/w3c/checklink.conf</code>
        or set the <code>W3C_CHECKLINK_CFG</code> environment variable to the
        location where you installed it.
        Optionally, install the <code>checklink</code> script into a location
        in your web server which allows execution of CGI scripts (typically a
        directory named <code>cgi-bin</code> somewhere below your web server's
        root directory).
        See also the <code>README</code> and <code>INSTALL</code> file(s)
        included in the above distributions.

      Running <kbd>checklink --help</kbd> shows how to
      use the command line version.  The distribution package also includes
      more extensive <abbr title="Plain Old Documentation">POD</abbr>
      documentation, use
      <kbd><a href="">perldoc</a> checklink</kbd> (or <kbd>man checklink</kbd> on Unixish systems)
      to view it.

      If you want to enable the authentication capabilities with Apache,
      have a look at
      <a href="">Steven Drake's hack</a>.

      The link checker honors proxy settings from the
      <code><em>scheme</em>_proxy</code> environment variables.  See
      <a href="">LWP(3)</a>
      for more information.

      Some environment variables affect the way how the link checker uses
      <a href=""><abbr title="File Transfer Protocol">FTP</abbr></a>.
      In particular, passive mode is the default.  See
      <a href="">Net::FTP(3)</a>
      for more information.

      There are multiple alternatives for configuring the default
      <a href=""><abbr title="Network News Transfer Protocol">NNTP</abbr></a>
      server for use with <code>news:</code> URIs without explicit hostnames,
      <a href="">Net::NNTP(3)</a>
      for more information.

    <h2><a name="bot" id="bot">Robots exclusion</a></h2>

      As of version 4.0, the link checker honors
      <a href="">robots exclusion rules</a>.  To place rules specific to the W3C Link Checker in
      <code>/robots.txt</code> files, sites can use the
      <code>W3C-checklink</code> user agent string.  For example, to allow
      the link checker to access all documents on a server and to disallow
      all other robots, one could use the following:

User-Agent: *
Disallow: /

User-Agent: W3C-checklink

      Robots exlusion support in the link checker is based on the
      <a href="">LWP::RobotUA</a>
      Perl module.  It currently supports the
      "<a href="">original 1994 version</a>"
      of the standard.  The robots META tag, ie.
      <code>&lt;meta name="robots" content="..."&gt;</code>, is not supported.
      Other than that, the link checker's implementation goes all the way
      in trying to honor robots exclusion rules; if a
      <code>/robots.txt</code> disallows it, not even the first document
      submitted as the root for a link checker run is fetched.

      Note that <code>/robots.txt</code> rules affect only user agents
      that honor it; it is not a generic method for access control.

    <h2><a name="csb" id="csb">Comments, suggestions and bugs</a></h2>

      The current version has proven to be stable. It could however be
      improved, see the <a href=";bug_status=NEW&amp;bug_status=ASSIGNED&amp;bug_status=REOPENED">list of open enhancement ideas and bugs</a> for details.

      Please send comments, suggestions and bug reports about the link checker
      to the <a href="">www-validator mailing list</a>
      (<a href="">archives</a>),
      with 'checklink' in the subject.

    <h3><a name="issues" id="issues">Known issues</a></h3>

      If a link checker run in "summary only" mode takes a long time, some
      user agents may stop loading the results page due to a timeout.  We
      have placed workarounds hoping to avoid this in the code, but have not
      yet found one that would work reliably for all browsers.  If you
      experience these timeouts, try avoiding "summary only" mode, or try
      using the link checker with another browser.

      <a href=""><img
        src="valid-xhtml10.png" height="31" width="88"
        alt="Valid XHTML 1.0!" /></a>
      <a title="Send Feedback for the W3C Link Checker"
        href="">The W3C Validator Team</a><br />
      $Date: 2005/05/15 13:45:03 $
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      <a href=""><acronym title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</acronym></a>&reg;
      (<a href=""><acronym title="Massachusetts Institute of Technology">MIT</acronym></a>,
      <a href=""><acronym title="European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics">ERCIM</acronym></a>,
      <a href="">Keio</a>),
      All Rights Reserved.
      W3C <a href="">liability</a>,
      <a href="">trademark</a>,
      <a rel="Copyright" href="">document use</a>
      and <a rel="Copyright" href="">software licensing</a>
      rules apply. Your interactions with this site are in accordance
      with our <a href="">public</a> and
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