

distrib > Mandriva > mes5 > i586 > by-pkgid > 7a81fcb22f817777afba95ede9c5a7c7 > files > 3


%define	module		Catalyst-Runtime
%define	modprefix	Catalyst
%define	name		perl-%{module}

%define	version		5.7014
%define	realversion	%{version}

%define	release		%mkrel 2

Summary:	The Elegant MVC Web Application Framework
Name:		%{name}
Version:	%{version}
Release:	%{release}
License:	Artistic/GPL
Group:		Development/Perl
Patch0:		Catalyst-Runtime-noauto_instal.patch
%if %{mdkversion} < 1010
BuildRequires:	perl-devel >= 5.8.1
BuildRequires:	perl(Carp)
BuildRequires:	perl(CGI::Simple::Cookie)
BuildRequires:	perl(Class::Accessor::Fast)
BuildRequires:	perl(Class::Data::Inheritable)
BuildRequires:	perl(Class::Inspector) >= 1.06
BuildRequires:	perl(Data::Dump)
BuildRequires:	perl(File::Modified)
BuildRequires:	perl(HTML::Entities)
BuildRequires:	perl(HTTP::Body) >= 0.6
BuildRequires:	perl(HTTP::Headers) >= 1.64
BuildRequires:	perl(HTTP::Request)
BuildRequires:	perl(HTTP::Request::AsCGI) >= 0.5
BuildRequires:	perl(HTTP::Response)
BuildRequires:	perl(LWP::UserAgent)
BuildRequires:	perl(Module::Pluggable) >= 3.01
BuildRequires:	perl(NEXT)
BuildRequires:	perl(Path::Class) >= 0.09
BuildRequires:	perl(Scalar::Util)
BuildRequires:	perl(Text::Balanced)
BuildRequires:	perl(Text::SimpleTable) >= 0.03
BuildRequires:	perl(Time::HiRes)
BuildRequires:	perl(Tree::Simple) >= 1.15
BuildRequires:	perl(Tree::Simple::Visitor::FindByPath)
BuildRequires:	perl(URI) >= 1.35
BuildRequires:	perl(YAML) >= 0.55
Requires:	perl >= 5.8.1
# (misc) not auto-detected; as it's on a line with whitespace, it's not taken
# in account by perl.req
Requires:	perl-HTTP-Request-AsCGI >= 0.5
Provides:	perl-Catalyst = %{version}-%{release}
Obsoletes:	perl-Catalyst
BuildArch:	noarch
Buildroot:	%{_tmppath}/%{name}-buildroot
Catalyst is an elegant web application framework, extremely flexible yet
extremely simple. It's similar to Ruby on Rails, Spring (Java) and Maypole,
upon which it was originally based.

Catalyst follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern, allowing you
to easily separate concerns, like content, presentation, and flow control, into
separate modules. This separation allows you to modify code that handles one
concern without affecting code that handles the others. Catalyst promotes the
re-use of existing Perl modules that already handle common web application
concerns well.

%setup -q -n %{module}-%{realversion}
%patch0 -p0 -b .noauto_install

%{__perl} Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=vendor

%__make test

rm -rf %{buildroot}

%doc Changes

rm -rf %{buildroot}

* Fri Aug 08 2008 Thierry Vignaud <> 5.7014-2mdv2009.0
+ Revision: 268395
- rebuild early 2009.0 package (before pixel changes)

* Wed May 28 2008 Guillaume Rousse <> 5.7014-1mdv2009.0
+ Revision: 212200
- update to new version 5.7014

* Tue May 20 2008 Guillaume Rousse <> 5.7013-1mdv2009.0
+ Revision: 209319
- update to new version 5.7013

  + Olivier Blin <>
    - restore BuildRoot

* Tue Dec 18 2007 Guillaume Rousse <> 5.7012-1mdv2008.1
+ Revision: 132044
- update to new version 5.7012

  + Thierry Vignaud <>
    - kill re-definition of %%buildroot on Pixel's request

* Thu Nov 01 2007 Guillaume Rousse <> 5.7011-1mdv2008.1
+ Revision: 104515
- update to new version 5.7011

* Tue Aug 28 2007 Guillaume Rousse <> 5.7010-1mdv2008.0
+ Revision: 72791
- update to new version 5.7010

* Wed Aug 15 2007 Guillaume Rousse <> 5.7008-1mdv2008.0
+ Revision: 63922
- update to new version 5.7008

* Mon Apr 30 2007 Olivier Thauvin <> 5.7007-1mdv2008.0
+ Revision: 19703
- 5.7007

* Tue Jan 30 2007 Scott Karns <> 5.7006-1mdv2007.0
+ Revision: 115452
- Restored perl(YAML) build dependency
- Removed source for previous version
- Updated to CPAN version 5.7006
- Patched to disable Module::Install's auto_install method

  + Guillaume Rousse <>
    - Import perl-Catalyst-Runtime

* Wed Sep 27 2006 Scott Karns <> 5.7003-1mdv2007.0
- CPAN 5.7003 release

* Thu Aug 03 2006 Scott Karns <> 5.7001-1mdv2007.0
- CPAN 5.7001 release

* Sun Jul 09 2006 Scott Karns <> 5.7000-1mdv2007.0
- CPAN 5.7000 release

* Sat Jul 01 2006 Scott Karns <> 5.70.03-2mdv2007.0
- Added BuildRequires YAML

* Fri Jun 30 2006 Scott Karns <> 5.70.03-1mdv2007.0
- First Mandriva release: 5.70_03 CPAN developer release