

distrib > Mandriva > mes5 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > a78dd643125bb672621ab7ec2ac86ef5 > files > 1


    <IfModule !mod_log_sql.c>
	LoadModule log_sql_module	extramodules/

    <IfModule !mod_log_sql_mysql.c>
	LoadModule log_sql_mysql_module	extramodules/

<IfModule mod_log_sql_mysql.c>

    # Whether to announce that mod_log_sql is loaded in the server header
    LogSQLAnnounce On

    # The database connection URI in the form "driver://user:password@hostname:port/database"
    #LogSQLLoginInfo mysql://mysql_user_name:mysql_password@hostname:mysql_port/mysql_database_name

    # First argument is the DB parameter, second is the value to assign
    #LogSQLDBParam socketfile /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
    #LogSQLDBParam port 3306

    # Forces logging to preserve file and bypasses database

    # Completely disables use of the preserve file

    # Name of the file to use for data preservation during database downtime

    # Turn on module's capability to create its SQL tables on the fly
    LogSQLCreateTables On

    # Activates option(s) useful for ISPs performing mass virutal hosting
    LogSQLMassVirtualHosting Off

    # The database table that holds the transfer log

    # The database table that holds the notes

    # The database table that holds the outbound headers

    # The database table that holds the inbound headers

    # The database table that holds the cookie info

    # Instruct the module what information to log to the database transfer log
    LogSQLTransferLogFormat AbHhmRSsTUuv

    # Machine ID that the module will log, useful in web clusters to differentiate machines

    # List of URIs to accept for logging. Accesses that don't match will not be logged
    LogSQLRequestAccept *.php *.html *.gif *.jpg *.png

    # List of URIs to ignore. Accesses that match will not be logged to database
    LogSQLRequestIgnore root.exe cmd.exe default.ida

    # List of remote hosts to ignore. Accesses that match will not be logged to database

    # The single cookie that you want logged in the access_log when using the 'c' config directive

    # Notes that you would like to log in a separate table

    # Outbound headers that you would like to log in a separate table

    # Inbound headers that you would like to log in a separate table

    # The cookie(s) that you would like to log in a separate table
