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<h1>On Intentions And History<a class="headerlink" href="#on-intentions-and-history" title="Permalink to this headline">ΒΆ</a></h1>
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<tr class="field"><th class="field-name">author:</th><td class="field-body">Ian Bicking</td>
<p>I&#8217;m the author of <a class="reference external" href="">FunFormKit</a>, a form generation and validation
package for <a class="reference external" href="">Webware</a>.  I considered FunFormKit (FFK) to be a very
powerful and complete package, with features that few other form
validation packages for Python had (as to other languages, I haven&#8217;t
researched enough to know).  It supported repeating and compound
fields (which most packages do not), and had a very expressive
validation system.</p>
<p>However, this is not FFK.  In fact, it is a deprecation of FFK and
does not provide backward compatibility.  Why?</p>
<p>Probably the biggest problem was that FFK didn&#8217;t support compound
and repeating fields.  Adding them made everything <em>much</em> more
difficult &#8211; it was a sort of clever hack (maybe not even clever), and
the result was very hard for anyone else to understand.  Ultimately
hard for me to understand.</p>
<p>Ontop of this was a structure that had too much coupling.  Testing was
difficult.  I only came to like unit testing after FFK had gone
through several revisions.  FFK was not made with testability in mind.
It can be hard to add later.</p>
<p>Also, I wanted to use pieces of FFK without the entire framework.
Validation without the form generation was the biggest one.  Alternate
kinds of forms also interested me &#8211; making it easier to do highly
granual templating, or non-HTML/HTTP forms.  Alternate data sources,
like SQL or XMLRPC, also seemed important.  All of these were not easy
within the interfaces that FFK used.</p>
<p>So... FormEncode!  FormEncode takes a lot of ideas from FFK, and a lot
of the code is just modified FFK code.  All of it is reviewed and
actively inserted into FormEncode, I&#8217;m not transferring anything

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