

distrib > Momonga > development > i686 > media > os > by-pkgid > 672e2e55d91fef57db35d7374e69e230 > files > 6


Prior Release Notes

Noto Sans CJK 1.004 Release Notes

June 15, 2015

- Restore correct vertical Japanese Kana forms

The vertical kana glyphs that are made accessible via the 'vert' GSUB feature were
inadvertently reverted to their Version 1.000 forms (except for those that were added in
Version 1.002, meaning CIDs 65496 through 65505) in Version 1.002, which affected CIDs
65166 through 65251, 65256 through 65258, 65260 through 65352, 65354 through 65369, and
65471 through 65484. The correct forms, which were present in Version 1.001, are now

Noto Sans CJK 1.003 Release Notes

June 8, 2015

- Regularized the vertical metrics across all weights by setting the O/2.uWinAscent and
  O/2.uWinDescent values to 1160 and 320 respectively and using those sames values in the
  horizontal header (hhea) table.
- The ‘locl’ GSUB feature was reconfigured to be usable in a broader range of contexts.

Noto Sans CJK 1.002 Release Notes

April 20, 2015

This release includes a license change, the addition of several new font instances, and a
number of bug fixes.

License Change
The open source license is changed from Apache License, Version 2.0 to SIL Open Font
License, Version 1.1.

New Font Instances
In total eight (4 languages x 2 weights) monospaced half-width OTF fonts were added, in
regular and bold weights.

 - Noto Sans Mono CJK SC Regular and Bold
 - Noto Sans Mono CJK JP Regular and Bold
 - Noto Sans Mono CJK KR Regular and Bold
 - Noto Sans Mono CJK TC Regular and Bold

The monospace fonts differ from the existing ones only in that the default (encoded)
glyphs for ASCII (U+0020 to U+007E), U+00A0 ( ), U+00A5 (¥), U+2011 (‑), and U+20A9 (₩)
are half-width instead of proportional.

The new monospace fonts can be found in:
 - All-in-one CJK super OTC font (now includes 36 font instances)
 - CJK OTF fonts with different default language (two additional font instances for each
 - NotoSansCJK-Regular.ttc and NotoSansCJK-Bold.ttc (four additional font instances in

Although eight new font instances were added, the footprint of the super OTC only
increased by 1M or so, mainly due to the four additional 'cmap' tables. Two of the seven
OTC now contain eight font instances.

Bug Fixes
The Noto issues that have been fixed include:


In addition to the issues tracked at, there are also a
number of fixes to issues tracked at 
Please find the details in the release notes for Source Han Sans.

Noto Sans CJK 1.001 Release Notes

September 12, 2014

With this release there have been a number of bug fixes and some
reorganization of the packages.  The package reorganization carries with it
a small name change that affects the name of the file, menu name, and the
internal PostScript name of the original OTF format font.  This is a one
time name change only and names will be stable going forward.

Bug Fixes
There have been a number of fixes but the two most obvious ones are the fix
in the alignment of the traditional Chinese punctuation and adjustment of
the designs used for traditional Chinese to align better for usage in Hong

Package Reorganization
With this release there was an expansion in the number of file formats and
combinations in which the fonts are being made available.

There are now four major groups of font files by package in this release.
These are:

* Super OpenType Collection (Super OTC)
    - This is a new format this release that bundles all 7 weights for all 4
      languages into one large font resource.  It is smaller overall than
      the combination of the 28 fonts that would be used otherwise because
      of resource sharing and it is much easier to install.

* OpenType Collection (OTC)
    - Each OTC fully supports each of the four languages. There are 7 of these
      with one for each weight.

* Language Specific OTF
    - Each font file supports each of the four languages by using the OpenType
      ‘locl’ feature. However, by default, when the ‘locl’ feature is not
      used, each font file supports a specific language.  That means that
      there are 28 font files - 4 languages x 7 weights.
    - This format of 4 language specific variants is new with this release and
      replaces the previous single language variant that required the use of
      the ‘locl’ feature.  This is where the name change occurred as we now
      tag the various versions with the name of the default language.

* Region Specific OTF subsets
    - Each font file supports a region specific subset of the full fonts.
      These contain only the glyphs needed for the specific region.  There
      are 28 of these font files - 4 languages x 7 weights.