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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- $Id: range.xml 225913 2001-06-01 11:15:37Z dims $ -->
 * BEGINNING OF LEVEL TWO RANGE                                           *
<div1 id="Range"> 
  <head>Document Object Model Range</head> 
  <orglist role="editors"> 
		<name>Peter Sharpe</name> 
		<affiliation>SoftQuad Software Inc.</affiliation> 
		<name>Vidur Apparao</name> 
		<affiliation>Netscape Communications Corp.</affiliation> 
		<name>Lauren Wood</name> 
		<affiliation>SoftQuad Software Inc.</affiliation> 
  </orglist> <?GENERATE-MINI-TOC?>
  | INTRODUCTION                                       |
  <div2 id="Level-2-Range-introduction"> 
	 <p> A Range identifies a range of content in a Document, DocumentFragment
		or Attr. It is contiguous in the sense that it can be characterized as
		selecting all of the content between a pair of boundary-points. </p> 
		<p> In a text editor or a word processor, a user can make a selection by
		  pressing down the mouse at one point in a document, moving the mouse to another
		  point, and releasing the mouse. The resulting selection is contiguous and
		  consists of the content between the two points. </p> 
	 <p> The term 'selecting' does not mean that every Range corresponds to a
		selection made by a GUI user; however, such a selection can be returned to a
		DOM user as a Range. </p> 
		<p> In bidirectional writing (Arabic, Hebrew), a range may correspond to
		  a logical selection that is not necessarily contiguous when displayed. A
		  visually contiguous selection, also used in some cases, may not correspond to a
		  single logical selection, and may therefore have to be represented by more than
		  one range. </p> 
	 <p> The Range interface provides methods for accessing and manipulating the
		document tree at a higher level than similar methods in the Node interface. The
		expectation is that each of the methods provided by the Range interface for the
		insertion, deletion and copying of content can be directly mapped to a series
		of Node editing operations enabled by DOM Core. In this sense, the Range
		operations can be viewed as convenience methods that also enable the
		implementation to optimize common editing patterns. </p> 
	 <p> This chapter describes the Range interface, including methods for
		creating and moving a Range and methods for manipulating content with Ranges.</p>
      The interfaces found within this section are not mandatory. A DOM
      application may use the <code>hasFeature(feature, version)</code> method
      of the <code>DOMImplementation</code> interface with parameter values
      "Range" and "2.0" (respectively) to determine whether or not this module
      is supported by the implementation. In order to fully support this
      module, an implementation must also support the "Core" feature defined
      defined in the DOM Level 2 Core specification <bibref
      ref="DOMCore"/>. Please refer to additional information about <xspecref
      in the DOM Level 2 Core specification <bibref ref="DOMCore"/>.
  <div2 id="Level-2-Range-Definitions"> 
	 <head>Definitions and Notation</head> 
	 <div3 id="Level-2-Range-Position"> 
		<p> This chapter refers to two different representations of a document:
		  the text or source form that includes the document markup and the tree
		  representation similar to the one described in the
	          introduction section of the DOM Level 2 Core <bibref ref="DOMCore"/>. </p> 
		<p>A Range consists of two <term>boundary-points</term> corresponding to
		  the start and the end of the Range.
		  <termdef id="td-boundarypoint" term="boundary-point">A boundary-point's
		  position in a Document or DocumentFragment tree can be characterized by a node
		  and an offset.</termdef> <termdef id="td-container" term="container">The node
		  is called the <term>container</term> of the boundary-point and of its
		  position.</termdef> <termdef id="td-ancestor-container" term="ancestor
	        container">The container and its ancestors are the <term>ancestor
		  container</term>s of the boundary-point and of its position.</termdef>
		  <termdef id="td-offset" term="offset">The offset within the node is called the
		  <term>offset</term> of the boundary-point and its position.</termdef> If the
		  container is an Attr, Document, DocumentFragment, Element or EntityReference
	node, the offset is between its <termref def="dt-child">child</termref> nodes. If the container is a
		  CharacterData, Comment or ProcessingInstruction node, the offset is between the
	<termref def="dt-16-bit-unit">16-bit units</termref> of the UTF-16 encoded string contained by it.</p> 
		<p>The <termref def="td-boundarypoint">boundary-points</termref> of a
		  Range must have a common <termref def="td-ancestor-container">ancestor
		  container</termref> which is either a Document, DocumentFragment or Attr node.
		  That is, the content of a Range must be entirely within the subtree rooted by a
		  single Document, DocumentFragment or Attr Node.
		  <termdef id="td-root-container" term="root container">This common
		  <termref def="td-ancestor-container">ancestor container</termref> is known as
		  the <term>root container</term> of the Range.</termdef>
		  <termdef id="td-context-tree" term="context tree">The tree rooted by the
		  <termref def="td-root-container">root container</termref> is known as the
		  Range's <term>context tree</term>.</termdef> </p> 
		<p> The <termref def="td-container">container</termref> of a 
		  <termref def="td-boundarypoint">boundary-point</termref> of a Range must be an 
		  Element, Comment, ProcessingInstruction, EntityReference, CDATASection,
		  Document, DocumentFragment, Attr, or Text node. None of the 
		  <termref def="td-ancestor-container">ancestor container</termref>s of the 
		  <termref def="td-boundarypoint">boundary-point</termref> of a Range can be a
		  DocumentType, Entity or Notation node.</p> 
		<p>In terms of the text representation of a document, the 
		  <termref def="td-boundarypoint">boundary-points</termref> of a Range can only
		  be on token boundaries. That is, the <termref
		  def="td-boundarypoint">boundary-point</termref> of the text range cannot be in
		  the middle of a start- or end-tag of an element or within the name of an entity
		  or character reference. A Range locates a contiguous portion of the content of
		  the structure model.</p> 
		<p>The relationship between locations in a text representation of the
		  document and in the Node tree interface of the DOM is illustrated in the
		  following diagram:</p>
		<graphic source="images/RangeExample.gif" alt="Range Example"/> 
		<p> In this diagram, four different Ranges are illustrated. The
		  <termref def="td-boundarypoint">boundary-points</termref> of each Range are
		  labelled with <i>s#</i> (the start of the Range) and <i>e#</i> (the end of the
		  Range), where # is the number of the Range. For Range 2, the start is in the
		  BODY element and is immediately after the H1 element and immediately before the
		  P element, so its position is between the H1 and P children of BODY. The
		  <termref def="td-offset">offset</termref> of a <termref
		  def="td-boundarypoint">boundary-point</termref> whose
		  <termref def="td-container">container</termref> is not a CharacterData node is
		  0 if it is before the first child, 1 if between the first and second child, and
		  so on. So, for the start of the Range 2, the <termref
		  def="td-container">container</termref> is BODY and the <termref
		  def="td-offset">offset</termref> is 1. The <termref
		  def="td-offset">offset</termref> of a <termref
		  def="td-boundarypoint">boundary-point</termref> whose
		  <termref def="td-container">container</termref> is a CharacterData node is
	obtained similarly but using <termref def="dt-16-bit-unit">16-bit unit</termref> positions instead. For example, the
		  <termref def="td-boundarypoint">boundary-point</termref> labelled s1 of the
		  Range 1 has a Text node (the one containing "Title") as its
		  <termref def="td-container">container</termref> and an <termref
		  def="td-offset">offset</termref> of 2 since it is between the second and third
	<termref def="dt-16-bit-unit">16-bit unit</termref>.</p> 
		<p>Notice that the <termref
		  def="td-boundarypoint">boundary-point</termref>s of Ranges 3 and 4 correspond
		  to the same location in the text representation. An important feature of the
		  Range is that a <termref def="td-boundarypoint">boundary-point</termref> of a
		  Range can unambiguously represent every position within the document tree.</p> 
		<p>The <termref def="td-container">container</termref>s and
		  <termref def="td-offset">offset</termref>s of the
		  <termref def="td-boundarypoint">boundary-point</termref>s can be obtained
		  through the following read-only Range attributes: 
		  <eg>  readonly attribute Node startContainer; 
  readonly attribute long startOffset;
  readonly attribute Node endContainer; 
  readonly attribute long endOffset;
</eg> </p> 
	 <p><termdef id="td-collapsed" term="collapsed">If the
		<termref def="td-boundarypoint">boundary-point</termref>s of a Range have the
		same <termref def="td-container">container</termref>s and
		<termref def="td-offset">offset</termref>s, the Range is said to be a
		<term>collapsed</term> Range.</termdef> (This is often referred to as an
		insertion point in a user agent.)</p> 
  <div3 id="Level-2-Range-Containment"> 
	 <head>Selection and Partial Selection</head> 
	 <p><termdef id="td-selected" term="selected">A node or <termref def="dt-16-bit-unit">16-bit unit</termref> unit is said
		to be <term>selected</term> by a Range if it is between the two
		<termref def="td-boundarypoint">boundary-point</termref>s of the
		Range,</termdef> that is, if the position immediately before the node or 16-bit
		unit is before the end of the Range and the position immediately after the node
		or 16-bit unit is after the start of the range. For example, in terms of a text
		representation of the document, an element would be <termref
		def="td-selected">selected</termref> by a Range if its corresponding start-tag
		was located after the start of the Range and its end-tag was located before the
		end of the Range. In the examples in the above diagram, the Range 2
		<termref def="td-selected">selects</termref> the P node and the Range 3
		<termref def="td-selected">selects</termref> the text node containing the text
		"Blah xyz."</p> 
	 <p><termdef id="td-partially-selected" term="partially
                selected">A node is said to be <term>partially selected</term>
		by a Range if it is an <termref def="td-ancestor-container">ancestor
		container</termref> of exactly one <termref
		def="td-boundarypoint">boundary-point</termref> of the Range</termdef>. For
		example, consider Range 1 in the above diagram. The element H1 is
		<termref def="td-partially-selected">partially selected</termref> by that Range
		since the start of the Range is within one of its children.</p> 
  <div3 id="Level-2-Range-Notation"> 
	 <p>Many of the examples in this chapter are illustrated using a text
		representation of a document. The <termref
		def="td-boundarypoint">boundary-point</termref>s of a Range are indicated by
		displaying the characters (be they markup or data characters) between the two
		<termref def="td-boundarypoint">boundary-point</termref>s in bold, as in 
		<eg>    &lt;FOO&gt;A<b>BC&lt;BAR&gt;DE</b>F&lt;/BAR&gt;&lt;/FOO&gt;
                  </eg> </p> 
  <p>When both <termref def="td-boundarypoint">boundary-point</termref>s are at
	 the same position, they are indicated with a bold caret ('<b>^</b>'), as in 
	 <eg>    &lt;FOO&gt;A<b>^</b>BC&lt;BAR&gt;DEF&lt;/BAR&gt;&lt;/FOO&gt;
</eg> </p> 
<p>And when referring to a single <termref
  def="td-boundarypoint">boundary-point</termref>, it will be shown as a bold
  asterisk ('<b>*</b>') as in 
  <eg>    &lt;FOO&gt;A<b>*</b>BC&lt;BAR&gt;DEF&lt;/BAR&gt;&lt;/FOO&gt;
</eg> </p> 
<div2 id="Level-2-Range-Creating"> 
<head>Creating a Range </head> 
<p>A Range is created by calling the <code>createRange()</code> method on
the <code>DocumentRange</code> interface. This interface can be obtained from
the object implementing the <code>Document</code> interface using
binding-specific casting methods.
<eg>  interface DocumentRange {
    Range createRange();
  }</eg> </p> 
<p>The initial state of the Range returned from this method is such that both
of its <termref def="td-boundarypoint">boundary-point</termref>s are positioned
at the beginning of the corresponding Document, before any content. In other
words, the <termref def="td-container">container</termref> of each <termref
def="td-boundarypoint">boundary-point</termref> is the Document node and the
offset within that node is 0.</p> 
<p>Like some objects created using methods in the Document interface (such as
Nodes and DocumentFragments), Ranges created via a particular document instance
can select only content associated with that Document, or with
DocumentFragments and Attrs for which that Document is
the <code>ownerDocument</code>. Such Ranges, then, can not be used with other
Document instances.</p> 
<div2 id="Level-2-Range-Changing"> 
<head>Changing a Range's Position</head> 
<p>A Range's position can be specified by setting the <termref
def="td-container">container</termref> and <termref
def="td-offset">offset</termref> of each boundary-point with
the <code>setStart</code> and <code>setEnd</code> methods.
<eg>  void setStart(in Node parent, in long offset)
  void setEnd(in Node parent, in long offset)
</eg> </p> 
<p>If one boundary-point of a Range is set to have a <termref
def="td-root-container">root container</termref> other than the current one for
the Range, the Range is <termref def="td-collapsed">collapsed</termref> to the
new position. This enforces the restriction that both boundary-points of a
Range must have the same <termref def="td-root-container">root
<p>The start position of a Range is guaranteed to never be after the end
position. To enforce this restriction, if the start is set to be at a position
after the end, the Range is <termref def="td-collapsed">collapsed</termref> to
that position. Similarly, if the end is set to be at a position before the
start, the Range is <termref def="td-collapsed">collapsed</termref> to that
position. </p> 
<p>It is also possible to set a Range's position relative to nodes in the tree:
<eg>  void setStartBefore(in Node node);
  void setStartAfter(in Node node);
  void setEndBefore(in Node node);
  void setEndAfter(in Node node);
</eg> </p> 
    <p>The <termref def="dt-parent">parent</termref> of the node becomes the <termref
def="td-container">container</termref> of the <termref
def="td-boundarypoint">boundary-point</termref> and the Range is subject to the
same restrictions as given above in the description
of <code>setStart()</code>and <code>setEnd()</code>.</p> 
<p>A Range can be <termref def="td-collapsed">collapsed</termref> to either
<eg>  void collapse(in boolean toStart);</eg> </p> 
<p>Passing <code>TRUE</code> as the parameter <code>toStart</code> will <termref
def="td-collapsed">collapse</termref> the Range to its start, <code>FALSE</code>
to its end.</p> 
<p>Testing whether a Range is <termref
def="td-collapsed">collapsed</termref> can be done by examining the
<code>collapsed</code> attribute: 
<eg>  readonly attribute boolean collapsed;</eg> </p> 
<p>The following methods can be used to make a Range select the contents of a
node or the node itself. 
<eg>  void selectNode(in Node n);
  void selectNodeContents(in Node n);</eg> </p> 
<p>The following examples demonstrate the operation of the
methods <code>selectNode</code> and <code>selectNodeContents</code>: 
After Range.selectNodeContents(FOO):
(In this case, FOO is the parent of both boundary-points)
After Range.selectNode(FOO):

<div2 id="Level-2-Range-Comparing"> 
<head>Comparing Range Boundary-Points</head> 
<p>It is possible to compare two Ranges by comparing their boundary-points: 
<eg>  short compareBoundaryPoints(in CompareHow how, in Range sourceRange) raises(RangeException);</eg> </p> 
<p>where <code>CompareHow</code> is one of four
values: <code>START_TO_START</code>, <code> START_TO_END</code>, <code>
END_TO_END</code> and <code>END_TO_START</code>. The return value is -1, 0 or 1
depending on whether the corresponding boundary-point of the Range is before,
equal to, or after the corresponding boundary-point of
<code>sourceRange</code>. An exception is thrown if the two Ranges have
different <termref def="td-root-container">root container</termref>s.</p> 
<p>The result of comparing two boundary-points (or positions) is specified
below. An informal but not always correct specification is that an
boundary-point is before, equal to, or after another if it corresponds to a
location in a text representation before, equal to, or after the other's
corresponding location.</p> 
<p><termdef id="td-comparison" term="before/after/equal
                to">Let A and B be two boundary-points or positions. Then one
of the following holds: A is <term>before</term> B, A is <term>equal
to</term> B, or A is <term>after</term> B. Which one holds is specified in the
following by examining four cases:</termdef></p> 
<p>In the first case the boundary-points have the same <termref
def="td-container">container</termref>. A is <term>before</term> B if its
<termref def="td-offset">offset</termref> is less than the <termref
def="td-offset">offset</termref> of B, A is <term>equal to</term> B if its
<termref def="td-offset">offset</termref> is equal to the <termref
def="td-offset">offset</termref> of B, and A is <term>after</term> B if its
<termref def="td-offset">offset</termref> is greater than the <termref
def="td-offset">offset</termref> of B.</p> 
<p>In the second case a child node C of the <termref
def="td-container">container</termref> of A is an <termref
def="td-ancestor-container">ancestor container</termref> of B. In this case, A
is <term>before</term> B if the <termref def="td-offset">offset</termref> of A
is less than or equal to the index of the child node C and A is <term>after</term> B
<p>In the third case a child node C of the <termref
def="td-container">container</termref> of B is an <termref
def="td-ancestor-container">ancestor container</termref> of A. In this case, A
is <term>before</term> B if the index of the child node C is less than the <termref
def="td-offset">offset</termref> of B and A is <term>after</term> B
<p>In the fourth case, none of three other cases hold: the containers of A and
      B are <termref def="dt-sibling">siblings</termref> or <termref
								     def="dt-descendant">descendants</termref> of sibling nodes. In this case, A
is <term>before</term> B if the <termref def="td-container">container</termref>
of A is before the <termref def="td-container">container</termref> of B in a
pre-order traversal of the Ranges' <termref def="td-context-tree">context
tree</termref> and A is <term>after</term> B otherwise.</p> 
<p>Note that because the same location in a text representation of the document
can correspond to two different positions in the DOM tree, it is possible for
two boundary-points to not compare equal even though they would be equal in the
text representation. For this reason, the informal definition above can
sometimes be incorrect.</p> 
<div2 id="Level-2-Range-Deleting-Content"> 
<head>Deleting Content with a Range</head> 
<p>One can delete the contents selected by a Range with: 
<eg>  void deleteContents();</eg> </p> 
<p><code>deleteContents()</code> deletes all nodes and characters selected by
the Range. All other nodes and characters remain in the <termref
def="td-context-tree">context tree</termref> of the Range. Some examples of
this deletion operation are: 
<eg>(1) &lt;FOO&gt;A<b>B&lt;MOO&gt;CD&lt;/MOO&gt;</b>CD&lt;/FOO&gt;  --&gt;
<eg>(2) &lt;FOO&gt;A&lt;MOO&gt;B<b>C&lt;/MOO&gt;D</b>E&lt;/FOO&gt;  --&gt;
<eg>(3) &lt;FOO&gt;X<b>Y&lt;BAR&gt;Z</b>W&lt;/BAR&gt;Q&lt;/FOO&gt;  --&gt;
<eg>(4) &lt;FOO&gt;&lt;BAR1&gt;A<b>B&lt;/BAR1&gt;&lt;BAR2/&gt;&lt;BAR3&gt;C</b>D&lt;/BAR3&gt;&lt;/FOO&gt;
--&gt;  &lt;FOO&gt;&lt;BAR1&gt;A&lt;/BAR1&gt;<b>^</b>&lt;BAR3&gt;D&lt;/BAR3&gt;</eg> </p> 
<p>After <code>deleteContents()</code> is invoked on a Range, the Range
is <termref def="td-collapsed">collapsed</termref>. If no node was <termref
def="td-partially-selected">partially selected</termref> by the Range, then it
is <termref def="td-collapsed">collapsed</termref> to its original start point,
as in example (1). If a node was <termref def="td-partially-selected">partially
selected</termref> by the Range and was an <termref
def="td-ancestor-container">ancestor container</termref> of the start of the
      Range and no <termref def="dt-ancestor">ancestor</termref> of the node satisfies these two conditions, then the
Range is collapsed to the position immediately after the node, as in examples
(2) and (4). If a node was <termref def="td-partially-selected">partially
selected</termref> by the Range and was an <termref
def="td-ancestor-container">ancestor container</termref> of the end of the
Range and no ancestor of the node satisfies these two conditions, then the
Range is collapsed to the position immediately before the node, as in examples
(3) and (4). </p>
<p>Note that if deletion of a Range leaves adjacent Text nodes, they are not
automatically merged, and empty Text nodes are not automatically removed. Two
Text nodes should be joined only if each is the container of one of the
boundary-points of a Range whose contents are deleted. To merge adjacent Text
nodes, or remove empty text nodes, the <code>normalize()</code> method on
the <code>Node</code> interface should be used. </p> 
<div2 id="Level-2-Range-Extracting"> 
<head>Extracting Content</head> 
<p>If the contents of a Range need to be extracted rather than deleted, the
following method may be used: 
<eg>  DocumentFragment extractContents();</eg> </p> 
<p>The <code>extractContents()</code> method removes nodes from the
Range's <termref def="td-context-tree">context tree</termref> similarly to the
<code>deleteContents()</code> method. In addition, it places the deleted
contents in a new <code>DocumentFragment</code>. The following examples
illustrate the contents of the returned DocumentFragment: 
<eg>(1) &lt;FOO&gt;A<b>B&lt;MOO&gt;CD&lt;/MOO&gt;</b>CD&lt;/FOO&gt;  --&gt;
<eg>(2) &lt;FOO&gt;A&lt;MOO&gt;B<b>C&lt;/MOO&gt;D</b>E&lt;/FOO&gt;  --&gt;
<eg>(3) &lt;FOO&gt;X<b>Y&lt;BAR&gt;Z</b>W&lt;/BAR&gt;Q&lt;/FOO&gt;  --&gt;
&lt;FOO&gt;&lt;BAR1&gt;A<b>B&lt;/BAR1&gt;&lt;BAR2/&gt;&lt;BAR3&gt;C</b>D&lt;/BAR3&gt;&lt;/FOO&gt; --&gt;
&lt;BAR1&gt;B&lt;/BAR1&gt;&lt;BAR2/&gt;&lt;BAR3&gt;C&lt;/BAR3&gt;</eg> </p> 
<p>It is important to note that nodes that are <termref
def="td-partially-selected">partially selected</termref> by the Range are
cloned. Since part of such a node's contents must remain in the Range's <termref
def="td-context-tree">context tree</termref> and part of the contents must be
moved to the new DocumentFragment, a clone of the <termref
def="td-partially-selected">partially selected</termref> node is included in
the new DocumentFragment. Note that cloning does not take place for <termref def="td-selected">selected</termref>
elements; these nodes are moved to the new DocumentFragment.</p> 
<div2 id="Level-2-Range-Cloning"> 
<head>Cloning Content</head> 
<p>The contents of a Range may be duplicated using the following method: 
<eg>  DocumentFragment cloneContents();</eg> </p> 
<p>This method returns a <code>DocumentFragment</code> that is similar to the
one returned by the method <code>extractContents()</code>. However, in this
case, the original nodes and character data in the Range are not removed from
the Range's <termref def="td-context-tree"> context tree</termref>. Instead, all
of the nodes and text content within the returned
<code>DocumentFragment</code> are cloned.</p>
<div2 id="Level-2-Range-Inserting"> 
<head>Inserting Content</head> 
<p>A node may be inserted into a Range using the following method: 
<eg>  void insertNode(in Node n) raises(RangeException);</eg> </p> 
<p>The <code>insertNode()</code> method inserts the specified node into the
Range's <termref def="td-context-tree">context tree</termref>. The node is
inserted at the start <termref
def="td-boundarypoint">boundary-point</termref> of the Range, without modifying
<p>If the start boundary point of the Range is in a <code>Text</code> node, the
<code>insertNode</code> operation splits the <code>Text</code> node at the 
boundary point. If the node to be inserted is also a <code>Text</code> node, 
the resulting adjacent <code>Text</code> nodes are not normalized automatically;
this operation is left to the application.</p>
<p>The Node passed into this method can be a <code>DocumentFragment</code>. In
that case, the contents of the <code>DocumentFragment</code> are inserted at
the start <termref def="td-boundarypoint">boundary-point</termref> of the
Range, but the <code>DocumentFragment</code> itself is not. Note that if the
Node represents the root of a sub-tree, the entire sub-tree is inserted.</p> 
<p>The same rules that apply to the <code>insertBefore()</code> method on the
Node interface apply here. Specifically, the Node passed in, if it already has
a parent, will be removed from its existing position.</p>
<div2 id="Level-2-Range-Surrounding"> 
<head>Surrounding Content</head> 
<p>The insertion of a single node to subsume the content selected by a Range
can be performed with: 
<eg>  void surroundContents(in Node newParent);</eg> </p> 
<p>The <code>surroundContents()</code> method causes all of the content
selected by the Range to be rooted by the specified node. The nodes may not be
Attr, Entity, DocumentType, Notation, Document, or DocumentFragment nodes.
Calling <code>surroundContents()</code> with the Element node FOO in the following
examples yields: 
<eg>     Before:

     After surroundContents(FOO):

&lt;BAR&gt;A<b>&lt;FOO&gt;B&lt;MOO&gt;C&lt;/MOO&gt;D&lt;/FOO&gt;</b>E&lt;/BAR&gt;</eg> </p> 
<p>Another way of describing the effect of this method on the Range's <termref
def="td-context-tree">context tree</termref> is to decompose it in terms of
other operations: </p> 
<p>Remove the contents selected by the Range with a call
to <code>extractContents()</code>.</p> 
<p>Insert the node <code>newParent</code> where the Range is collapsed (after the
extraction) with <code>insertNode().</code></p> 
<p>Insert the entire contents of the extracted DocumentFragment
into <code>newParent</code>. Specifically, invoke the <code>appendChild()</code>
on <code>newParent</code> passing in the DocumentFragment returned as a result of the
call to <code>extractContents()</code> </p> 
<p>Select <code>newParent</code> and all of its contents with
<p>The <code>surroundContents()</code> method raises an exception if the
Range <termref def="td-partially-selected">partially selects</termref> a
non-Text node. An example of a Range for
which <code>surroundContents()</code>raises an exception is: 
<eg>     &lt;FOO&gt;A<b>B&lt;BAR&gt;C</b>D&lt;/BAR&gt;E&lt;/FOO&gt;</eg> </p> 
<p>If the node <code>newParent</code> has any children, those children are removed before its
insertion. Also, if the node <code>newParent</code> already has a parent, it is removed from
the original parent's <code>childNodes</code> list.</p> 
<div2 id="Level-2-Range-Misc"> 
<head>Miscellaneous Members</head> 
<p>One can clone a Range: 
<eg>  Range cloneRange();</eg> </p> 
<p>This creates a new Range which selects exactly the same content as that
selected by the Range on which the method <code>cloneRange</code> was invoked.
No content is affected by this operation.</p> 
<p>Because the boundary-points of a Range do not necessarily have the
same <termref def="td-container">container</termref>s, use: 
<eg>  readonly attribute Node commonAncestorContainer;</eg> </p> 
<p>to get the <termref def="td-ancestor-container">ancestor
container</termref> of both boundary-points that is furthest down from the
Range's <termref def="td-root-container"> root container</termref></p> 
<p>One can get a copy of all the character data selected or partially selected
by a Range with: 
<eg>  DOMString toString();</eg> </p> 
<p>This does nothing more than simply concatenate all the character data
selected by the Range. This includes character data in both
<code>Text</code> and <code>CDATASection</code> nodes.</p> 
<div2 id="Level-2-Range-Mutation"> 
<head>Range modification under document mutation</head> 
<p>As a document is modified, the Ranges within the document need to be
updated. For example, if one boundary-point of a Range is within a node and
that node is removed from the document, then the Range would be invalid unless
it is fixed up in some way. This section describes how Ranges are modified
under document mutations so that they remain valid.</p> 
<p>There are two general principles which apply to Ranges under document
mutation: The first is that all Ranges in a document will remain valid after
any mutation operation and the second is that, as much as possible, all Ranges
will select the same portion of the document after any mutation operation.</p> 
<p>Any mutation of the document tree which affect Ranges can be considered to
be a combination of basic deletion and insertion operations. In fact, it can be
convenient to think of those operations as being accomplished using the
<code>deleteContents()</code> and <code>insertNode()</code> Range methods and,
in the case of Text mutations, the <code>splitText()</code> and
<code>normalize()</code> methods.</p> 
<div3 id="Level-2-Range-Insertions"> 
<head>Insertions </head> 
<p>An insertion occurs at a single point, the insertion point, in the document.
For any Range in the document tree, consider each boundary-point. The only case
in which the boundary-point will be changed after the insertion is when the
boundary-point and the insertion point have the same <termref
def="td-container">container</termref> and the <termref
def="td-offset">offset</termref> of the insertion point is strictly less than
the <termref def="td-offset">offset</termref> of the Range's boundary-point. In
that case the <termref def="td-offset">offset</termref> of the Range's
boundary-point will be increased so that it is between the same nodes or
characters as it was before the insertion.</p> 
<p>Note that when content is inserted at a boundary-point, it is ambiguous as
to where the boundary-point should be repositioned if its relative position is
to be maintained. There are two possibilities: at the start or at the end of
the newly inserted content. We have chosen that in this case neither
the <termref def="td-container"> container</termref> nor <termref
def="td-offset">offset</termref> of the boundary-point is changed. As a result,
the boundary-point will be positioned at the start of the newly inserted
<p>Suppose the Range selects the following: 
<eg>&lt;P&gt;Abcd efgh X<b>Y blah i</b>jkl&lt;/P&gt;</eg> </p> 
<p>Consider the insertion of the text "<i>inserted text</i>" at the following
<eg>1. Before the 'X':

&lt;P&gt;Abcd efgh <i>inserted text</i>X<b>Y blah i</b>jkl&lt;/P&gt;

2. After the 'X':

&lt;P&gt;Abcd efgh X<b><i>inserted text</i>Y blah i</b>jkl&lt;/P&gt;

3. After the 'Y':

&lt;P&gt;Abcd efgh X<b>Y<i>inserted text</i> blah i</b>jkl&lt;/P&gt;

4. After the 'h' in "Y blah":

&lt;P&gt;Abcd efgh X<b>Y blah<i>inserted text</i> i</b>jkl&lt;/P&gt;

</eg> </p> 
<div3 id="Level-2-Range-Deletions"> 
<p>Any deletion from the document tree can be considered as a sequence
of <code>deleteContents()</code> operations applied to a minimal set of disjoint
Ranges. To specify how a Range is modified under deletions we need only
consider what happens to a Range under a single
<code>deleteContents()</code>operation of another Range. And, in fact, we need
only consider what happens to a single boundary-point of the Range since both
boundary-points are modified using the same algorithm.</p> 
<p>If a boundary-point of the original Range is within the content being
deleted, then after the deletion it will be at the same position as the
resulting boundary-point of the (now <termref
def="td-collapsed">collapsed</termref>) Range used to delete the contents.</p> 
<p>If a boundary-point is after the content being deleted then it is not
affected by the deletion unless its <termref
def="td-container">container</termref> is also the <termref
def="td-container">container</termref> of one of the boundary-points of the
Range being deleted. If there is such a common <termref
def="td-container">container</termref>, then the index of the boundary-point is
modified so that the boundary-point maintains its position relative to the
content of the <termref def="td-container">container</termref>.</p> 
<p>If a boundary-point is before the content being deleted then it is not
affected by the deletion at all.</p> 
<p>In these examples, the Range on which <code>deleteContents()</code>is
invoked is indicated by the underline. </p> 
<p><emph>Example 1. </emph></p> 
<p>Before: </p>
<eg>&lt;P&gt;Abcd <u>efgh T</u><b><u>he </u>Range i</b>jkl&lt;/P&gt;</eg> 
<eg>&lt;P&gt;Abcd <b>Range i</b>jkl&lt;/P&gt;</eg> 
<p><emph>Example 2. </emph></p> 
<eg>&lt;p&gt;Abcd <u>efgh T<b>he Range i</b>j</u>kl&lt;/p&gt;</eg> 
<eg>&lt;p&gt;Abcd <b>^</b>kl&lt;/p&gt;</eg> 
<p><emph>Example 3. </emph></p> 
<eg>&lt;P&gt;ABCD <u>efgh T</u><b><u>he &lt;EM&gt;R</u>ange</b>&lt;/EM&gt; ijkl&lt;/P&gt;</eg> 
<eg>&lt;P&gt;ABCD &lt;EM&gt;<b>ange</b>&lt;/EM&gt; ijkl&lt;/P&gt;</eg> 
<p>In this example, the container of the start boundary-point after the
deletion is the Text node holding the string "ange".</p> 
<p><emph>Example 4. </emph></p> 
<eg>&lt;P&gt;Abcd <u>efgh T</u><b>he Range i</b>jkl&lt;/P&gt;</eg> 
<eg>&lt;P&gt;Abcd <b>he Range i</b>jkl&lt;/P&gt;</eg> 
<p><emph>Example 5. </emph></p> 
<eg>&lt;P&gt;Abcd <u>&lt;EM&gt;efgh T<b>he Range i</b>j&lt;/EM&gt;</u>kl&lt;/P&gt;</eg> 
<eg>&lt;P&gt;Abcd <b>^</b>kl&lt;/P&gt;</eg> 
<div2 id="Level-2-Range-Interface"> 
<head>Formal Description of the Range Interface</head>
<p>To summarize, the complete, formal description of the <code>Range</code>
interface is given below:</p> 
<interface name="Range" id="Level-2-Range-idl" since="DOM Level 2"> 
<attribute name="startContainer" type="Node" readonly="yes"
<p>Node within which the Range begins </p> 
<exception name="DOMException"> 
<p>INVALID_STATE_ERR: Raised if <code>detach()</code> has already been invoked
on this object.</p> 
<attribute name="startOffset" type="long" readonly="yes"
<p>Offset within the starting node of the Range. </p> 
<exception name="DOMException"> 
<p>INVALID_STATE_ERR: Raised if <code>detach()</code> has already been invoked
on this object.</p> 
<attribute name="endContainer" type="Node" readonly="yes"
<p>Node within which the Range ends </p> 
<exception name="DOMException"> 
<p>INVALID_STATE_ERR: Raised if <code>detach()</code> has already been invoked
on this object.</p> 
<attribute name="endOffset" type="long" readonly="yes"
<p>Offset within the ending node of the Range. </p> 
<exception name="DOMException"> 
<p>INVALID_STATE_ERR: Raised if <code>detach()</code> has already been invoked
on this object.</p> 
<attribute name="collapsed" type="boolean" readonly="yes"
<p>TRUE if the Range is collapsed </p> 
<exception name="DOMException"> 
<p>INVALID_STATE_ERR: Raised if <code>detach()</code> has already been invoked
on this object.</p> 
<attribute name="commonAncestorContainer" type="Node" readonly="yes"
<p>The <termref def="dt-deepest">deepest</termref> common <termref
def="td-ancestor-container">ancestor container</termref> of the Range's two
<exception name="DOMException"> 
<p>INVALID_STATE_ERR: Raised if <code>detach()</code> has already been invoked
on this object.</p> 
<method name="setStart" id="Level2-Range-method-setStart"> 
<p>Sets the attributes describing the start of the Range. </p> 
<param name="refNode" type="Node" attr="in"> 
<p>The <code>refNode</code> value. This parameter must be different from
<param name="offset" type="long" attr="in"> 
<p>The <code>startOffset</code> value.</p> 
<returns type="void"> 
<p> </p> 
<exception name="RangeException"> 
<p>INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR: Raised if <code>refNode</code> or an ancestor of
<code>refNode</code> is an Entity, Notation, or DocumentType node.</p> 
<exception name="DOMException"> 
<p>INDEX_SIZE_ERR: Raised if <code>offset</code> is negative or greater than
the number of child units in <code>refNode</code>. Child units are <termref def="dt-16-bit-unit">16-bit units</termref>
if <code>refNode</code> is a type of CharacterData node (e.g., a Text or Comment node) or a ProcessingInstruction
node. Child units are Nodes in all other cases.</p> 
<p>INVALID_STATE_ERR: Raised if <code>detach()</code> has already been invoked
on this object.</p> 
<method name="setEnd" id="Level2-Range-method-setEnd"> 
<p>Sets the attributes describing the end of a Range.</p> 
<param name="refNode" type="Node" attr="in"> 
<p>The <code>refNode</code> value. This parameter must be different from
<param name="offset" type="long" attr="in"> 
<p>The <code>endOffset</code> value.</p> 
<returns type="void"> 
<p> </p> 
<exception name="RangeException"> 
<p>INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR: Raised if <code>refNode</code> or an ancestor of
<code>refNode</code> is an Entity, Notation, or DocumentType node.</p> 
<exception name="DOMException"> 
<p>INDEX_SIZE_ERR: Raised if <code>offset</code> is negative or greater than
the number of child units in <code>refNode</code>. Child units are <termref def="dt-16-bit-unit">16-bit units</termref>
if <code>refNode</code> is a type of CharacterData node (e.g., a Text or Comment node) or a ProcessingInstruction
node. Child units are Nodes in all other cases.</p> 
<p>INVALID_STATE_ERR: Raised if <code>detach()</code> has already been invoked
on this object.</p> 
<method name="setStartBefore" id="Level2-Range-setStartBefore"> 
<p>Sets the start position to be before a node</p> 
<param name="refNode" type="Node" attr="in"> 
<p>Range starts before <code>refNode</code></p> 
<returns type="void"> 
<p> </p> 
<exception name="RangeException"> 
<p>INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR: Raised if the root container of
<code>refNode</code> is not an Attr, Document, or DocumentFragment node or if
<code>refNode</code> is a Document, DocumentFragment, Attr, Entity, or Notation
<exception name="DOMException"> 
<p>INVALID_STATE_ERR: Raised if <code>detach()</code> has already been invoked
on this object.</p> 
<method name="setStartAfter" id="Level2-Range-method-setStartAfter"> 
<p>Sets the start position to be after a node</p> 
<param name="refNode" type="Node" attr="in"> 
<p>Range starts after <code>refNode</code></p> 
<returns type="void"> 
<p> </p> 
<exception name="RangeException"> 
<p>INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR: Raised if the root container of <code>refNode</code> is
not an Attr, Document, or DocumentFragment node or if <code>refNode</code> is a
Document, DocumentFragment, Attr, Entity, or Notation node.</p> 
<exception name="DOMException"> 
<p>INVALID_STATE_ERR: Raised if <code>detach()</code> has already been invoked
on this object.</p> 
<method name="setEndBefore" id="Level2-Range-method-setEndBefore"> 
<p>Sets the end position to be before a node. </p> 
<param name="refNode" type="Node" attr="in"> 
<p>Range ends before <code>refNode</code></p> 
<returns type="void"> 
<p> </p> 
<exception name="RangeException"> 
<p>INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR: Raised if the root container of <code>refNode</code> is
not an Attr, Document, or DocumentFragment node or if <code>refNode</code> is a
Document, DocumentFragment, Attr, Entity, or Notation node.</p> 
<exception name="DOMException"> 
<p>INVALID_STATE_ERR: Raised if <code>detach()</code> has already been invoked
on this object.</p> 
<method name="setEndAfter" id="Level2-Range-method-setEndAfter"> 
<p>Sets the end of a Range to be after a node </p> 
<param name="refNode" type="Node" attr="in"> 
<p>Range ends after <code>refNode</code>.</p> 
<returns type="void"> 
<p> </p> 
<exception name="RangeException"> 
<p>INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR: Raised if the root container of
<code>refNode</code> is not an Attr, Document or DocumentFragment node or if
<code>refNode</code> is a Document, DocumentFragment, Attr, Entity, or Notation
<exception name="DOMException"> 
<p>INVALID_STATE_ERR: Raised if <code>detach()</code> has already been invoked
on this object.</p> 
<method name="collapse" id="Level2-Range-method-collapse"> 
<p>Collapse a Range onto one of its boundary-points </p> 
<param name="toStart" type="boolean" attr="in"> 
<p>If TRUE, collapses the Range onto its start; if FALSE, collapses it onto its
<returns type="void"> 
<p> </p> 
<exception name="DOMException"> 
<p>INVALID_STATE_ERR: Raised if <code>detach()</code> has already been invoked
on this object.</p> 
<method name="selectNode" id="Level2-Range-method-selectNode"> 
<p>Select a node and its contents </p> 
<param name="refNode" type="Node" attr="in"> 
<p>The node to select.</p> 
<returns type="void"> 
<p> </p> 
<exception name="RangeException"> 
<p>INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR: Raised if an ancestor of <code>refNode</code> is an
Entity, Notation or DocumentType node or if <code>refNode</code> is a Document,
DocumentFragment, Attr, Entity, or Notation node.</p> 
<exception name="DOMException"> 
<p>INVALID_STATE_ERR: Raised if <code>detach()</code> has already been invoked
on this object.</p> 
<method name="selectNodeContents" id="Level2-Range-method-selectNodeContents"> 
<p>Select the contents within a node </p> 
<param name="refNode" type="Node" attr="in"> 
<p>Node to select from</p> 
<returns type="void"> 
<p> </p> 
<exception name="RangeException"> 
<p>INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR: Raised if <code>refNode</code> or an ancestor of
<code>refNode</code> is an Entity, Notation or DocumentType node.</p> 
<exception name="DOMException"> 
<p>INVALID_STATE_ERR: Raised if <code>detach()</code> has already been invoked
on this object.</p> 
<group id="Level2-Range-compareHow" name="CompareHow"> 
<p>Passed as a parameter to the <code>compareBoundaryPoints</code> method.</p> 
<constant name="START_TO_START" type="unsigned short" value="0"> 
<p>Compare start boundary-point of <code>sourceRange</code> to start
boundary-point of Range on which <code>compareBoundaryPoints</code> is
<constant name="START_TO_END" type="unsigned short" value="1"> 
<p>Compare start boundary-point of <code>sourceRange</code> to end
boundary-point of Range on which <code>compareBoundaryPoints</code> is
<constant name="END_TO_END" type="unsigned short" value="2"> 
<p>Compare end boundary-point of <code>sourceRange</code> to end boundary-point
of Range on which <code>compareBoundaryPoints</code> is invoked.</p> 
<constant name="END_TO_START" type="unsigned short" value="3"> 
<p>Compare end boundary-point of <code>sourceRange</code> to start
boundary-point of Range on which <code>compareBoundaryPoints</code> is
<method name="compareBoundaryPoints"
<p>Compare the boundary-points of two Ranges in a document.</p> 
<param name="how" type="unsigned short" attr="in"> 
<p>A code representing the type of comparison, as defined above.</p> 
<param name="sourceRange" type="Range" attr="in"> 
<p>The <code>Range</code> on which this current <code>Range</code> is compared to.</p> 
<returns type="short"> 
<p> -1, 0 or 1 depending on whether the corresponding boundary-point of the
Range is respectively before, equal to, or after the corresponding boundary-point
of <code>sourceRange</code>. </p> 
<exception name="DOMException"> 
<p>WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR: Raised if the two Ranges are not in the same Document or
<p>INVALID_STATE_ERR: Raised if <code>detach()</code> has already been invoked
on this object.</p> 
<method name="deleteContents" id="Level2-Range-method-deleteContents"> 
<p>Removes the contents of a Range from the containing document or document
fragment without returning a reference to the removed content. </p> 
<returns type="void"> 
<p> </p> 
<exception name="DOMException"> 
<p>NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if any portion of the content of the
Range is read-only or any of the nodes that contain any of the content of the
Range are read-only.</p> 
<p>INVALID_STATE_ERR: Raised if <code>detach()</code> has already been invoked
on this object.</p> 
<method name="extractContents" id="Level2-Range-method-extractContents"> 
<p>Moves the contents of a Range from the containing document or document
fragment to a new DocumentFragment. </p> 
<returns type="DocumentFragment"> 
<p>A DocumentFragment containing the extracted contents. </p> 
<exception name="DOMException"> 
<p>NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if any portion of the content of the
Range is read-only or any of the nodes which contain any of the content of the
Range are read-only.</p> 
<p>HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: Raised if a DocumentType node would be extracted into
the new DocumentFragment.</p> 
<p>INVALID_STATE_ERR: Raised if <code>detach()</code> has already been invoked
on this object.</p> 
<method name="cloneContents" id="Level2-Range-method-cloneContents"> 
<p>Duplicates the contents of a Range </p> 
<returns type="DocumentFragment"> 
<p>A DocumentFragment that contains content equivalent to this Range.</p>
<exception name="DOMException"> 
<p>HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: Raised if a DocumentType node would be extracted into
the new DocumentFragment.</p> 
<p>INVALID_STATE_ERR: Raised if <code>detach()</code> has already been invoked
on this object.</p> 
<method name="insertNode" id="Level2-Range-method-insertNode"> 
<p>Inserts a node into the Document or DocumentFragment at the start of the
Range. If the container is a Text node, this will be split at the start of the
Range (as if the Text node's splitText method was performed at the insertion
point) and the insertion will occur between the two resulting Text nodes.
Adjacent Text nodes will not be automatically merged. If the node to be inserted is a 
DocumentFragment node, the children will be inserted rather than the DocumentFragment node
<param name="newNode" type="Node" attr="in"> 
<p>The node to insert at the start of the Range</p> 
<returns type="void"> 
<p> </p> 
<exception name="DOMException"> 
<p>NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if an <termref
def="td-ancestor-container">ancestor container</termref> of the start of the
Range is read-only.</p> 
<p>WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR: Raised if <code>newNode</code> and the <termref
def="td-container">container</termref> of the start of the Range were not
created from the same document.</p> 
<p>HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: Raised if the <termref
def="td-container">container</termref> of the start of the Range is of a type
that does not allow children of the type of <code>newNode</code> or
if <code>newNode</code> is an ancestor of the <termref
<p>INVALID_STATE_ERR: Raised if <code>detach()</code> has already been invoked
on this object.</p> 
<exception name="RangeException"> 
<p>INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR: Raised if <code>newNode</code> is an Attr, Entity,
Notation, or Document node.</p> 
<method name="surroundContents" id="Level2-Range-method-surroundContents"> 
<p>Reparents the contents of the Range to the given node and inserts the node
at the position of the start of the Range. </p> 
<param name="newParent" type="Node" attr="in"> 
<p>The node to surround the contents with.</p> 
<returns type="void"> 
<p> </p> 
<exception name="DOMException"> 
<p>NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if an <termref
def="td-ancestor-container">ancestor container</termref> of either
boundary-point of the Range is read-only.</p> 
<p>WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR: Raised if <code> newParent</code> and the <termref
def="td-container">container</termref> of the start of the Range were not
created from the same document.</p> 
<p>HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: Raised if the <termref
def="td-container">container</termref> of the start of the Range is of a type
that does not allow children of the type of <code>newParent</code> or
if <code>newParent</code> is an ancestor of the <termref
def="td-container">container</termref> or if <code>node</code> would end up with
a child node of a type not allowed by the type of <code>node</code>.</p> 
<p>INVALID_STATE_ERR: Raised if <code>detach()</code> has already been invoked
on this object.</p> 
<exception name="RangeException"> 
<p>BAD_BOUNDARYPOINTS_ERR: Raised if the Range <termref
def="td-partially-selected">partially selects</termref> a non-text node.</p> 
<p>INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR: Raised if <code> node</code> is an Attr, Entity,
DocumentType, Notation, Document, or DocumentFragment node.</p> 
<method name="cloneRange" id="Level2-Range-method-clone"> 
<p>Produces a new Range whose boundary-points are equal to the boundary-points
of the Range. </p> 
<returns type="Range"> 
<p>The duplicated Range. </p> 
<exception name="DOMException"> 
<p>INVALID_STATE_ERR: Raised if <code>detach()</code> has already been invoked
on this object.</p> 
<method name="toString" id="Level2-Range-method-toString"> 
<p>Returns the contents of a Range as a string. This string contains only the
data characters, not any markup. </p> 
<returns type="DOMString"> 
<p>The contents of the Range.</p> 
<exception name="DOMException"> 
<p>INVALID_STATE_ERR: Raised if <code>detach()</code> has already been invoked
on this object.</p> 
<method name="detach" id="Level2-Range-method-detach"> 
<p>Called to indicate that the Range is no longer in use and that the
implementation may relinquish any resources associated with this Range.
Subsequent calls to any methods or attribute getters on this Range will result
in a <code>DOMException</code> being thrown with an error code of
<returns type="void"> 
<exception name="DOMException"> 
<p>INVALID_STATE_ERR: Raised if <code>detach()</code> has already been invoked
on this object.</p> 
<interface name="DocumentRange" id="Level-2-DocumentRange-idl"
 since="DOM Level 2"> 
<method name="createRange" id="Level2-DocumentRange-method-createRange"> 
<p>This interface can be obtained from the object implementing
the <code>Document</code> interface using binding-specific casting methods.</p> 
<returns type="Range"> 
<p>The initial state of the Range returned from this method is such that both
of its boundary-points are positioned at the beginning of the corresponding
Document, before any content. The Range returned can only be used to select
content associated with this Document, or with DocumentFragments and Attrs for
which this Document is the <code>ownerDocument</code>.</p> 
<exception name="RangeException" id="RangeException" since="DOM Level 2"> 
<p>Range operations may throw a <code>RangeException</code> as specified in
their method descriptions.</p> 
<component id="RangeExceptionComponent" name="code"> 
<typename>unsigned short</typename> 
<group id="RangeExceptionCode" name="RangeExceptionCode"> 
<p>An integer indicating the type of error generated.</p> 
<constant name="BAD_BOUNDARYPOINTS_ERR" type="unsigned short" value="1"> 
<p>If the boundary-points of a Range do not meet specific requirements.</p> 
<constant name="INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR" type="unsigned short" value="2"> 
<p>If the <termref def="td-container">container</termref> of an boundary-point
of a Range is being set to either a node of an invalid type or a node with an
ancestor of an invalid type.</p> 
</div1>      <!--
      * END OF LEVEL TWO RANGE                                                 *