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<H3><A NAME="SECTION006411000000000000000">&nbsp;</A>
<BR> Field class

<dl><dt><b>class <a name='l2h-123'><tt class='class'>Field</tt></a></b>()
This class is used internally by <tt class="class">FieldStorage</tt> and is not
meant to be instantiated by the user. Each instance of a <tt class="class">Field</tt>
class represents an HTML Form input.

<tt class="class">Field</tt> instances have the following attributes:

<dl><dt><b><a name='l2h-124'><tt class='member'>name</tt></a></b>
The input name.

<dl><dt><b><a name='l2h-125'><tt class='member'>value</tt></a></b>
The input value. This attribute can be used to read data from a file
upload as well, but one has to excercise caution when dealing with
large files since when accessed via <tt class="member">value</tt>, the whole file is
read into memory.

<dl><dt><b><a name='l2h-126'><tt class='member'>file</tt></a></b>
This is a file object. For file uploads it points to a temporary file.
For simple values, it is a <tt class="class">StringIO</tt> object, so you can read
simple string values via this attribute instead of using the <tt class="member">value</tt>
attribute as well.

<dl><dt><b><a name='l2h-127'><tt class='member'>filename</tt></a></b>
The name of the file as provided by the client.

<dl><dt><b><a name='l2h-128'><tt class='member'>type</tt></a></b>
The content-type for this input as provided by the client.

<dl><dt><b><a name='l2h-129'><tt class='member'>type_opyions</tt></a></b>
This is what follows the actual content type in the <code>content-type</code>
header provided by the client, if anything. This is a dictionary.

<dl><dt><b><a name='l2h-130'><tt class='member'>disposition</tt></a></b>
The value of the first part of the <code>content-disposition</code> header.

<dl><dt><b><a name='l2h-131'><tt class='member'>disposition_options</tt></a></b>
The second part (if any) of the <code>content-disposition</code> header in
the form of a dictionary.

<div class='seealso'>
  <p class='heading'><b>See Also:</b></p>

<dl compact class="seerfc">
    <dt><a href=""
        title="Form-based File Upload in HTML"
        >RFC 1867, <em>Form-based File Upload in HTML</em></a>
    <dd>for a description of 
form-based file uploads


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<span class="release-info">Release 2.7.8, documentation updated on April 19, 2002.</span>
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