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<H1><A NAME="SECTION008200000000000000000">&nbsp;</A>
6.2 CGI Handler

<a name='l2h-157'>&nbsp;</a>
CGI handler is a handler that emulates the CGI environment under mod_python. 

Note that this is not a "true" CGI environment in that it is emulated
at the Python level. <code>stdin</code> and <code>stdout</code> are provided by
substituting <code>sys.stdin</code> and <code>sys.stdout</code>, and the environment
is replaced by a dictionary. The implication is that any outside programs
called from within this environment via <code>os.system</code>, etc. will
not see the environment available to the Python program, nor will they
be able to read/write from standard input/output with the results expected
in a "true" CGI environment.

The handler is provided as a stepping stone for the migration of legacy
code away from CGI. It is not recommended that you settle on using
this handler as the preferred way to use mod_python for the long term.

To use it, simply add this to your <span class="file">.htaccess</span> file: 

<dl><dd><pre class="verbatim">
SetHandler python-program
PythonHandler mod_python.cgihandler

As of version 2.7, the cgihandler will properly reload even indirectly
imported modules. This is done by saving a list of loaded modules
(sys.modules) prior to executing a CGI script, and then comparing it
with a list of imported modules after the CGI script is done.  Modules
(except for whose whose __file__ attribute points to the standard
Python library location) will be deleted from sys.modules thereby
forcing Python to load them again next time the CGI script imports

If you do not want the above behavior, edit the <span class="file"></span>
file and comment out the code delimited by ###.

Tests show the cgihandler leaking some memory when processing a lot of
file uploads. It is still not clear what causes this. The way to work
around this is to set the Apache <code>MaxRequestsPerChild</code> to a non-zero


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<span class="release-info">Release 2.7.8, documentation updated on April 19, 2002.</span>
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