

distrib > PLD > ra > i686 > by-pkgid > 9efa128774acee76ab3a279abb2826e0 > files > 2


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- -*-xml-*- -->


This is the BINS configuration file. See for
more information about BINS.

You can edit these parameters to personalize all the generated HTML
albums. You can also put these parameters (when it makes sense) in the
album (album.xml) or image (image_name.jpg.xml for example)
description files, in the <bins> section of these files, to
personalize only some album, sub-album or images pages.

Note that you may have to touch the original image (or erase the
destination one) in order to regenerate scaled or thumbnail pictures
if you modify some parameters like previewMaxHeight, previewMaxWidth
or jpegQuality.



  <!--####################### single parameters ########################-->

  <!-- Set this to your home page. This is used for the leave button
   in some templates. -->
  <parameter name="homeURL">

  <!-- Put here the mailaddress of the album-maintainer.  If this is
  set, you will get a mail-icon in your views that links to this
  address. -->
  <parameter name="feedbackMail">

  <!-- name of the color style to use -->
  <parameter name="colorStyle">

  <!-- If set to 1, preview-thumbnails will be showed in the
  album-tree-page. -->
  <parameter name="treePreview">

  <!-- Set this to the image that should be displayed as the
  background of the album-pages.  The Image will be copied to the
  static-files directory. -->
  <parameter name="backgroundImage">

  <!-- If set to 1, the image with the name given in backgroundImage
  will be excluded from the current directory. -->
  <parameter name="excludeBackgroundImage">

  <!-- If set to 1, write exif data found in the image file to the
  image desc file.  -->
  <parameter name="addExifToDescFile">

  <!-- If set to 1, add empty description fields in the <description>
  section when the image description file is created to ease later
  edition with an text editor -->
  <parameter name="createEmptyDescFields">

  <!-- Put here a comma separated list of keywords. If one on this
  keyword is found in the "ignore" field in the <description> section
  of an sub-album.xml, then this album will be hidden, i.e. it
  will be generated but not linked anywhere. You can also use the -n
  command line option.  -->
  <parameter name="hidden">

  <!-- Put here a comma separated list of keywords. If one on this
  keyword is found in the "ignore" field in the <description> section
  of an album.xml, then this sub-album will be ignored, i.e. it
  will not be processed. You can also use the -i command line option.
  <parameter name="ignore">

  <!-- Quality of scaled jpegs (lower number = more compression,
  lower quality) in 1-100 range.  -->
  <parameter name="jpegQuality">

  <!-- Should the title be displayed on top on the thumbnail in the
  thumbnails page ? (1 = yes, 0 = no)-->
  <parameter name="titleOnThumbnail">

  <!-- Are we reversing sorting order for pictures or directories ? 
  0=none, 1=dirs, 2=pix, 3=both
  (see also -r command line option -->
  <parameter name="reverseOrder">

   <!-- Size to use when user clicks directly on the thumbnail in the
   thumbnails page instead of one of the size name. 0 is the first
   size (Small in the default config), 1 the second (Medium), and so
   on. The different sizes are parametred in the <sizes> section
   below. Set this value to -1 if you don't want the thumbnail to
   be clickable. -->
  <parameter name="defaultSize">

  <!-- Display thumbnails on the Image List page ? -->
  <parameter name="thumbnailInImageList">

   <!-- If set to 1, display the current album thumbnail in sub-albums
   page if it has pictures, with links to the thumbnails page. -->
  <parameter name="albumThumbInSubAlbumPage">
  <!-- If set to 1, generate a page with all thumbnails in the album
  and sub-albums. This is deactivated because it is an alpha feature
  which seems to doesn't work properly. -->
  <parameter name="allThumbnailsPage">

  <!-- If 1, add a background color to the thumbnail's cell in the
  thumbnails page so that if the top and bottom borders are wider than
  the image (for example, if it is in portrait mode), instead of
  spilling over, there is a border around the whole picture. -->
  <parameter name="thumbnailBackground">

  <!-- Number of thumbnails displayed in each page in an album. -->
  <parameter name="numThumbsPerPage">

  <!-- Number of thumbnails displayed in each row in an album. -->
  <parameter name="thumbsPerRow">

  <!-- Max Thumbnail width -->
  <parameter name="previewMaxWidth">

  <!-- Max thumbnail height -->
  <parameter name="previewMaxHeight">

  <!-- If set to 1, display thumbnails close to the previous and next
  link at the bottom of the image page -->
  <parameter name="thumbPrevNext">
  <!-- Do we rotate images if the Orientation Exif tag is found ? If
  set to 'orginal', the orginal image is rotated the first time, and
  then it is left untouched (unless the Orientation field in its desc
  file is modified manually). If set to 'destination', this is all the
  scaled images and thumnails that are rotated. This is less
  efficient, but the original images are preserved. If set to 'none',
  no rotation is performed. -->
  <parameter name="rotateImages">

  <!-- If set to 1, bins try to use the jpegtran program to rotate
  JPEG images if it is available. jpegtran is faster and lossless,
  but some versions fail to perform rotation correctly, so it is
  deactivated in default config. If set to 0 or if jpegtran is not
  found, mogrify (from ImageMagick) is used. -->
  <parameter name="rotateWithJpegtran">

   <!-- What method should be used to create scaled pictures and
   thumbnails ? Can be either scale or sample. sample is faster, scale
   is better. -->
  <parameter name="scaleMethod">

  <!-- If set to 1, we scale the picture even if destination size is
  the same as the original picture, if set to 0, the original image is
  just copied if the size is correct. -->
  <parameter name="scaleIfSameSize">

  <!-- If set to 1, we link the picture instead of copying it if
  possible (i.e. scaleIfSameSize is set to 0 and destination image
  doesn't have to be rotated : rotateImages is set to original or
  none, or orientation is already correct). -->
  <parameter name="linkInsteadOfCopy">

  <!-- If set to 1, small images are enlarged in the med and large
  series. -->
  <parameter name="enlarge">

  <!-- If the number of sub albums is greater, generate a short sub
  album page instead of the long one. -->
  <parameter name="maxAlbumsForLongSubAlbum">

  <!-- If set to 1, numbers preceding the album title, followed by an
  underscore, are stripped. If this parameter is set, then prefix
  ordering numbers on directories are removed.  For example, if one
  has directories may, june, and august, they can be renamed 0_may,
  1_june, and 2_august and they will appear in the album in the
  correct order. This can be overridden by the -p command line
  <parameter name="stripDirPrefix">

  <!-- Don't perform rotation on files matching this regexp -->
  <parameter name="noRotation">

  <!-- exclude directories that match this regexp (if set). -->
  <parameter name="excludeDirs">

  <!-- exclude image files that match this regexp (if set). -->
  <parameter name="excludeFiles">

   <!-- If set to 1, generated HTML code is cleaned up to reduce the
   size of pages and thus, speed up browsing. This reduces the size of
   HTML BINS files by about 30%. See HTML::Clean(3) to know how
   optimizations are performed. -->
  <parameter name="compactHTML">

   <!-- If set to 1, add some javascript code in image pages to
   preload the next image of the same size when current one is loaded,
   to speed up the album browsing. -->
  <parameter name="javaScriptPreloadImage">

   <!-- If set to 1, add some javascript code in thumbnails pages to
   preload thumbnails of the next page when current one is loaded, to
   speed up the album browsing. -->
  <parameter name="javaScriptPreloadThumbs">

  <!-- If 1, create an Apache .htaccess file in the root dir of the
  album with the encoding charset bound to html and htm files -->
  <parameter name="createHtaccess">

  <!--######################## Sizes parameters #########################-->

  <!-- you can change here the number of scaled images that will be
  generated for each image in the albums, as well as their names and
  sizes. The size can be a percentage of the original picture (a
  number followed by % caracter, with no space) or a absolute size in
  pixel. You can set any number of <size> tag (well, at least
  one...). -->
    <size name="Small" shortname="Sm" height="40%" width="40%"/>
    <size name="Medium" shortname="Med" height="60%" width="60%"/>
    <size name="Large" shortname="Lg" height="100%" width="100%"/>
  <!--####################### Colors parameters ########################-->

  <!-- these are the colors to use for HTML generation. You can also
  use these tags in the <bins> section of album or image description
  files, even just some of the <color> tags (in this case, this will
  just change the correspondind items color for that album/picture).
  <colors style="blue">
    <color name="PAGE_BACK">
    <color name="PAGE_TITLE">
    <color name="MAINBAR_BACK">
    <color name="MAINBAR_TITLE">
    <color name="MAINBAR_LINK">
    <color name="MAINBAR_CURRENTPAGE">
    <color name="SUBBAR_BACK">
    <color name="SUBBAR_LINK">
    <color name="SUBBAR_CURRENTPAGE">
    <color name="SUBBAR_TITLE">
  <colors style="green">
    <color name="PAGE_BACK">
    <color name="PAGE_TITLE">
    <color name="MAINBAR_BACK">
    <color name="MAINBAR_TITLE">
    <color name="MAINBAR_LINK">
    <color name="MAINBAR_CURRENTPAGE">
    <color name="SUBBAR_BACK">
    <color name="SUBBAR_LINK">
    <color name="SUBBAR_CURRENTPAGE">
    <color name="SUBBAR_TITLE">
  <colors style="ivory">
    <color name="PAGE_BACK">
    <color name="PAGE_TITLE">
    <color name="MAINBAR_BACK">
    <color name="MAINBAR_TITLE">
    <color name="MAINBAR_LINK">
    <color name="MAINBAR_CURRENTPAGE">
    <color name="SUBBAR_BACK">
    <color name="SUBBAR_LINK">
    <color name="SUBBAR_CURRENTPAGE">
    <color name="SUBBAR_TITLE">
  <colors style="pink">
    <color name="PAGE_BACK">
    <color name="MAINBAR_BACK">
    <color name="MAINBAR_TITLE">
    <color name="MAINBAR_LINK">
    <color name="MAINBAR_CURRENTPAGE">
    <color name="SUBBAR_BACK">
    <color name="SUBBAR_LINK">
    <color name="SUBBAR_CURRENTPAGE">
    <color name="SUBBAR_TITLE">